Get to know the workspace

Explore where all your favorite tools are in Photoshop on the iPad

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Try the mobile app
Try out the latest features and enhancements in the Photoshop app on the iPad for general availability.

As you launch Photoshop on the iPad, you can view the home screen of the app. From the home screen, you can start creating your composites or documents and proceed to the editing workspace. In the workspace, you can find your favorite Photoshop tools, panels, and other options that will equip you to create composites and retouch your creative work. More Photoshop tools and features are coming to your iPad in future releases.

Home screen

Photoshop iPad Home screen

  • Home: the Home icon () represents the home screen of the app.
  • Learn: Access an interactive app tour and hands-on tutorials to help you explore what's different when you use Photoshop on the iPad and understand common workflows.
  • Discover: View a curated selection of artwork, projects, and live streams from other Photoshop users to get inspired and fuel your own creativity.
  • Files: Find all your documents in Photoshop on the iPad under the Files section.
    • Your files: View a list of all saved cloud documents in Photoshop, whether created in Photoshop on your iPad or desktop. To learn more about cloud documents, see Photoshop cloud documents | Common questions.
    • Shared with you: View a list of the cloud documents that have been shared with you in Photoshop.
  • Deleted: Accidentally deleted a file? No worries! Find a complete list of cloud documents that you have deleted here. You can choose to restore the documents or permanently delete them.
  • Create new: Easily create a new document with the option to name the document, set the canvas dimension, change orientation, select resolution and choose black, white or transparent background color. You can also explore common preset canvas options in the Print, Screen, Film, or Video categories.
  • Import and open: Quickly import and open your document from the Camera Roll, Files, or take a new photo with your iPad's Camera. Your imported file converts to a Photoshop cloud document and opens on the canvas.
  • New and upcoming features: View a summary of new features releasing with a new version and what's coming in future releases of Photoshop on the iPad. Adobe is building Photoshop with valuable inputs from its large community of users like you. 
  • Recent: Use the Recent section to access all the documents you worked on recently. 
  • Account Settings: Tap the profile icon to set your preferences while working with Photoshop on the iPad. To learn more, see Manage app settings.
  • Cloud docs help: Tap the cloud icon to check whether you're online or offline, and the save status of your cloud documents.

Bulk delete from the Files tab

With the January release of Photoshop on iPad version 4.3, you can delete more than one file from the Files tab of your app.  

Navigate to the Files tab > Your files. Use the checkbox to select ( ) one or more files and hit Delete

Access new Learn tutorials

Browse through our new Learn tutorials - Adjustment layers and Retouch images - to access interactive app tours on your iPad.

After going through the Adjustment layers tutorial, you will learn how to change the color of objects in an image by creating a layer mask from a selection and by clipping an adjustment to a layer.

After going through the Retouch images tutorial, you will learn how to use the Spot Healing brush, Healing brush, and the Clone Stamp tool to remove blemishes and imperfections from your photos. 

Edit workspace

As soon as you open a document, you will enter into the editing workspace and your creative work can begin. The canvas displays the area where you interact with your open document. Photoshop on the iPad offers you a context-aware user interface. Core tools and tool options are contextual and surface only when you need them.

Tool options

You can control the settings of your selected tools using the tool options. Tap a tool icon to bring up the tool options. 

Hold and drag the grabber at the top of the tool options to move it around the canvas. You can also dock tool options by dragging them to the bottom of the toolbar and releasing them.

Note: All tools do not have tool options.

Get to know the Photoshop workspace on your iPad
A. Header bar, B. Toolbar, C. Tool options, D. Touch shortcut, E. Taskbar, F. Panel options

Labels added to tool icons

You can now see labels added to tool icons in the Workspace when working on your images in Photoshop on the iPad. Just hover over the icons and you will be able to see what the icons mean!

Visualize colors with the improved color picker and swatches

Introduced in Photoshop on the iPad 5.0 (September 2023 release)

Use the color picker to create color palettes and swatches, and think of new and creative ways to use color in your creative work. 

Tap the color chip to open the Color panel, and you'll find the color picker.

From there, you can adjust your colors by using the sliders for the HSB, RGB, CMYK, or Lab color models to set the Background color and Foreground color.

Get color variants using the updated color picker and swatches
A. Color dropper, B. Color chips for Background color and Foreground color, C. Slider options, D. Swatches section

Header bar

Photoshop header bar on the iPad
A. Home, B. File name, C. Current zoom level, D. Undo, E. Redo, F. Cloud docs help, G. Share, H. Send to, I. Help, J. App settings

A. Home: Use the back icon to switch back to the home screen from the editing workspace at any time.
B. Filename: Displays the name of the document currently open.
C. Current zoom level: Displays the current zoom level of the open document.
D. Undo: Reverts the last action performed.
E. Redo: Restore the last action undone.
F. Cloud docs help: Check whether you're online or offline, and the save status of your cloud documents.
G. Share document: Tap the icon to share your document for collaboration and comments.
H. Send to
Use the Send to icon to publish, export, and livestream your work.
I. Help: Find all your help resources in one place under the Help menu. You can browse through tutorials, take a tour, view gestures and shortcuts, post to community, and share feedback.
J. App settings
: Access settings of Photoshop on the iPad here


Toolbar in Photoshop on the iPad

A. Move: Move selections and layers.

B. Crop and rotate: Crop your selection, and choose to rotate and recenter.

C. Transform: Apply various transform operations to the selected layer or object.

D. Selection tools: Make a selection with the selection tools—Lasso, Object selectionQuick selection, Marquee rectangleMarquee ellipse, and Magic wand. You can also use the Select subject and Remove background actions to make a selection. 

E. Brush: Apply brush strokes and control brush settings.

F. Erase: Remove portions in your photo where you apply the eraser brush strokes.

G. Clone: Retouch and fix imperfections with Spot healing brush, Healing brush, and Clone stamp.

Toolbar in Photoshop on the iPad

H. Fill: Fill the active selection with the foreground color using Paint bucket and Gradient tools.

I. Type: Create a type layer to add text.

J. Adjustment tools: Use the Dodge, Burn, Sponge, and Smudge tools to set the right exposure by brightening (dodging) or darkening (burning) specific areas in your image.

K. Place photos: Add photos from Photos, Files, Libraries, and Camera

L. Eyedropper: Easily change foreground color by sampling from any layer.

M. Color chip: View the selected foreground and background colors in the color chip. Swipe vertically to switch between the two colors. Tap the color chip to choose a new color from the color picker that appears.

N. Switch: Tap to switch between the two colors in the color chip. 


Taskbar in Photoshop on the iPad

A. Compact layer view: See all the layer thumbnails in a simplified view. 

B. Detail layer view: See an expanded layer stack with masks, layer names, visibility, and group contents.

C. Layer properties: View blending options, adjustments, and dimensions for the type of layer selected (type, pixel, adjustment, and so on).

D. Comments: Expands/collapses on tap. Add and view notes or comments from fellow collaborators.

E. File info: Provides basic information about the file you're currently working with.

Taskbar in Photoshop on the iPad

F. Add layer: Insert a new layer. Long press for more options — add a new layer, adjustment layer, or empty group.

G. Layer visibility: Control layer visibility.

H. Add layer mask: Add layer masks to hide or reveal portions of a layer.

I. Add clipping mask: Add clipping masks to hide or reveal portions of a layer based on the following layer.

J. Filters and adjustments: Apply various filters and adjustments to the selected layer.

K. Layer actions: Reveal more actions you can perform with layers.

Touch shortcut

Use the touch shortcut to quickly access alternate actions of a selected tool in Photoshop on the iPad.

To learn how to use primary and secondary touch shortcuts, see Touch shortcuts and gestures.

Touch shortcuts for Brush tool
Left: Primary touch shortcut. Right: Secondary touch shortcut.

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