Auto adjustment commands in Photoshop for iPad

Use Auto tone, Auto contrast, and Auto color one-tap actions on your iPad to make quick adjustments to your image.

Why do I need Auto adjustment commands on the iPad?

The Auto adjustment commands are three one-tap adjustments to improve the tones, color, and contrast imbalance in your images: 

  • Auto tone
  • Auto contrast
  • Auto color

Use the Auto commands with the Content-aware fill quick action to restore color and tone balance and remove unwanted objects, all in a matter of seconds! 

You can learn more about the Content-aware fill quick action here.


Edits made using the Auto adjustment commands are destructive in nature. 

Where can I find the Auto adjustment commands on the iPad?

You can access Auto tone, Auto contrast, and Auto color by navigating to the Taskbar in the workspace. 

From the Taskbar, tap the Filters and adjustments flyout menu and you will see these quick and easy-to-use commands. 

To explore more about your favorite tools in Photoshop on the iPad, go to Workspace on the iPad

Keyboard shortcut for Auto commands on the iPad

You can also use these keyboard shortcuts to use Auto adjustment commands on the iPad: 

Desired action iOS
Auto tune shift + cmd + L
Auto contrast option + shift + cmd + L
Auto color shift + cmd + B

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