Get started with Layers

Learn how to create, manage, and work with layers in Photoshop on the web.

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Layers are the core of editing in Photoshop. Images, fonts, effects, objects, and more constitute a layered file. You can use layers to perform tasks such as compositing multiple images, adding text to an image, and applying filters and adjustments.

Work with layers in Photoshop on the web

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Layer basics

Layers are the most important element of your image composite. When you import an image into Photoshop on the web, you begin with a single layer, which you can find within the Layers panel on the taskbar, but you're not limited to just one. Layers are arranged in a stack and can be viewed by selecting the detailed layer view from the taskbar in the workspace. Layers can also be quickly added and rearranged by dragging them up or down within your Layers panel. At any point, you can choose to hide or even delete, if necessary. 

With Photoshop on the web, it is easy to confirm which layer you're actively working on with Photoshop on the web. 

Layer basics in Photoshop on the web

When you first open an image, you start off with a single layer. Select the Show layers panel icon   from the taskbar to open the Layers panel on the right. Here you can see layer names, visibility, and thumbnails of the layer and applied mask, if one has been applied to the layer.

In the Layers panel you can work with different options to set different layer attributes.

  • Add new layer: Click the Add new layer icon in the Layers panel to add a new layer. The new layer is inserted above the currently selected layer. 
  • Adjustment layer: Create an Adjustment layer or enable Clip adjustment layer to the current layer for available adjustments — Brightness/ContrastBlack and whiteColor balance, CurvesExposureHue/SaturationLevels, and Vibrance.
  • Layer effects: Apply different effects, such as shadows, glows, and bevels, in Photoshop to change the appearance of a layer's contents in a non-destructive manner.
  • Disable layer mask: You can add a mask to a layer to show parts of the layer and hide others. Click the mask visibility icon to temporarily make the mask invisible, so that you can see the entire layer without the mask applied.
  • Arrange layers: Select from the various positions available for your active layer. You can choose to Bring to front, Bring forward, Send backward, and Sent to back.
  • Delete: Click the Delete icon to delete an active layer from your composite.
  • Layer actions: Click the three-dots icon to bring up more layer operations menu.
  • Blend: A layer’s blending mode determines how its pixels blend with underlying pixels in the image. You can choose from a list of special effects using blending modes available in the drop-down list.
  • Opacity: Use the Opacity slider to adjust the overall opacity level of a layer. Opacity determines to what degree the selected layer is obscured or revealed. A layer with 1% opacity appears nearly transparent, whereas one with 100% opacity appears opaque. 
  • Thumbnail: Displays the layer thumbnail and name. Double-click the layer name to rename the layer.
  • Layer visibility: You can choose to show or hide the contents of a particular layer with the layer visibility option. Click the eye icon beside a layer thumbnail to hide the contents of the selected layer. Click again to view the contents of that layer.
  • Layer properties: Use this option to further set the layer properties.

   See how to use layers in your creative work while working with Photoshop on the web in this quick tutorial.

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