Print 3D objects

  As of July 2024, Photoshop’s legacy 3D features have been removed. However, now in the Photoshop (beta) app you can seamlessly add 3D objects to your 2D Photoshop design using the Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (beta) app. Click here for more details.

With Photoshop, you can print any compatible 3D model without worrying about 3D printer limitations. In preparation for printing, Photoshop automatically makes 3D models watertight. Photoshop also generates the necessary support structures—scaffolding and rafts—to ensure that your 3D prints are successful.

Preparing to print 3D objects

  1. Select Window > Workspace > 3D to switch to the 3D workspace.
  2. Open the 3D model in Photoshop. If necessary, customize the size of the 3D model while opening it.
  3. Select 3D > 3D Print Settings.
Photoshop 3D Print Settings in Properties panel
3D Print Settings

  1. In the 3D Print Settings panel, choose whether you want to print to a printer connected to your computer through a USB port (local printer) or use an online 3D printing service, such as or Sculpteo.

You can now print 3D models as 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) files. While specifying the 3D Print Settings, select Print To: Local and Printer: 3MF File. When you print the 3D object, Photoshop generates the 3MF file. On computers running Windows, Photoshop also launches Microsoft 3D Builder for you to work further on the 3MF file.


To refresh the list of supported printers or online profiles, select Get Latest Printers from the Print To pop-up menu.

  1. Select a local printer or a printer profile.

To view estimated prices for printing the 3D model using available profiles, select Printer > Estimate Price.

  1. Select a unit for the printer volume—inch, centimeter, millimeter, or pixel. The unit is reflected in the Printer Volume dimensions as well as the print plate measurements.
Photoshop 3D model of a rocket

A. 3D model B. Print plate C. Printer volume overlay 

  1. Select a Detail LevelLow, Medium, or High—for the 3D print. The time required to print the 3D object depends on the detail level that you choose.
  2. If you don't want to see the 3D printer volume overlaid on the 3D model, deselect Show Printer Volume Overlay.
  1. Adjust the Scene Volume dimensions to specify the desired size of the printed 3D object. When you change a value (X, Y, or Z), the other two values are scaled proportionately. As you modify the Scene Volume dimensions, notice that the print plate under the 3D model scales in proportion.

You can scrub the value of a Scene Volume dimension by clicking the dimension label (X, Y, or Z) and then dragging the mouse left or right. Hold down the Shift key to make the value scrub faster.

Photoshop Scene volume dimensions

  1. Choose Scale To Print Volume if you want Photoshop to auto-scale your 3D model, such that it fills up the available print volume of the selected printer.
  2. If the 3D model has normal maps, bump maps, or opacity maps; you can choose to ignore one of more types of these maps while printing the model. You'll notice that the 3D model updates in real time when you change these Surface Detail settings.
  3. You may choose to not print the support structures (scaffolds or rafts) required for the 3D object. Use this option with caution, since the printing of the 3D model may fail if you don't print a necessary support structure.
  4. If your printer supports multiple materials, choose the material that you want to use for printing the 3D object.

(Experimental) Enable multitone printing for MakerBot Replicator 2x

You can enable an experimental feature that lets you print continuous tones using your MakerBot Replicator 2x 3D printer.

Prerequisite: Enable experimental features

As a prerequisite to multitone printing, you must enable experimental features in Photoshop:

  1. Select Preferences > Experimental Features.
  2. Select Enable Multitone Printing.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart Photoshop.

Experimental features are not yet production-ready. Use these features with discretion.

Select the multitone surface material

  1. Select the MakerBot Replicator 2x printer in the 3D Print Settings panel.
  2. Under Material, select Multitone Surface. If this option is not available for selection, ensure that the Multitone 3D Printing experimental feature is already enabled.
Photoshop Multitone Surface setting

  1. Select other options relevant to the 3D object that you're printing.
  2. Select 3D > 3D Print to preview and print the 3D object.

Previewing and printing the 3D object

Once you're done specifying the 3D print settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start Print icon () or select 3D > 3D Print. Photoshop unifies the 3D scene and prepares it for the printing process.
  2. If you chose to print using a profile, Photoshop prompts you that the actual cost of printing may differ from the displayed estimates. Click OK.
  3. In the preview window that appears, use the 3D camera tools to rotate, zoom, or move the 3D object.

       Rotate the 3D camera

       Roll the 3D camera

       Pan the 3D camera

       Slide the 3D camera

       Reset the 3D camera to its original location
Photoshop 3D print preview
3D print preview; notice the support structures

  1. If necessary, select Show Repair. Photoshop displays the Original Mesh, Wall Thickness, and Closed Hole repairs using appropriate color coding:
Photoshop Repair Key

Preview with the Show Repair option enabled

  1. Optionally, enable Raytrace Preview. Raytrace previews represent the printed output more accurately.
Photoshop Raytrace preview
A raytrace preview

  1. If you want to export the 3D print settings to an STL file, click Export and save the file to an appropriate location on your computer. You can upload the STL file to an online service or put it on an SD card for local printing.
  2. Review the 3D print summary and click Print.

You can cancel an in-progress 3D print by selecting 3D > Cancel 3D Print.

3D print utilities

Photoshop provides interactive wizard-based utilities that you can use for configuring, calibrating, and maintaining your 3D printer. You can use these utilities only when the 3D printer is powered on and connected to your computer.

  1. Select 3D > 3D Printer Utilities.
  2. Select the utility that you want to launch.

Calibrate Print Plate

Helps level the print plate. This utility performs the following broad steps:

  • Prompts you to remove any leftover printing material from the 3D printer
  • Initializes the print head
  • Lets you adjust/finetune the gap between the print plate and the print head for nine nozzle positions

You can use this utility in the wizard mode or in the manual mode.

Load Filament

Helps load a filament into a fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printer. Photoshop initiates the head-heating process and the filament-loading mechanism for easy filament loading.

Remove Filament

Helps remove a filament from an FDM 3D printer. Photoshop initiates the head-heating process and the filament-loading mechanism for easy filament removal.

Change Filament

Helps replace the filament of an FDM 3D printer with a new filament. Photoshop initiates the head-heating process and the filament-loading mechanism for easy filament changing.

  1. Follow the onscreen instructions.

Pack objects on the ground plane

At times, you may want to print multiple instances of the same object on the same build plate. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the required objects in the 3D Panel.
  2. Select 3D > Pack Objects On Ground Plane.
  3. Proceed with printing the objects.


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