Generate image with descriptive text prompts

Create stunning visuals from text prompts with Generate Image found in the Contextual Task Bar, the Edit menu, or the Tools panel. 

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Generate an image in a few simple steps.

Generate dozens of ideas in minutes and jumpstart asset creation with the Generate Image  .

Type a descriptive prompt, including desired colors, mood, lighting, and style, and apply additional creative controls to help produce more relevant results that match your vision.

Generate Image is powered by the latest Adobe Firefly Image Model, which yields greatly improved photorealistic qualities. Use generated assets to create custom composites without leaving Photoshop or combine multiple generated images on a canvas to brainstorm and refine concepts more efficiently.

Additionally, a curated inspiration gallery of Firefly-powered user-generated images and their corresponding prompts also appears within the Generate Image window. Use it to spark new ideas, remix the examples, or as a starting point for your own artwork so you never get stuck when creating.

  1. Select Generate Image in the Contextual Task Bar that appears on a blank canvas or navigate to Edit > Generate Image or the Tools panel.

  2. Enter a descriptive text prompt in the prompt box that appears in the Generate Image feature window and select Generate  .


    You can also upload a reference image to control the style of your results.

  3. A new generative layer is created, and three variations appear in the Properties panel, which you can also view on canvas from the Contextual Task Bar.

  4. Navigate to Content type in the Contextual Task Bar or the Properties panel to adjust the style and effects, if necessary.

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