Connect accounts for creative attribution

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Beta features are now available for development, testing, and feedback in Photoshop (Beta) desktop app. 

To install Photoshop (Beta), visit the Beta apps tab of your Creative Cloud desktop app and select Install next to Photoshop (Beta)

For more help, please visit the Adobe Photoshop beta community.

Social media and Content Credentials (Beta)

Creators can include their social media handles in Content Credentials (Beta) to connect their identity to their work, and further establish trust with their audience.

To connect a social media account, creators need to be able to log into whichever accounts they want associated with their work. Their audience can then use that handle to explore the creator’s social media pages with confidence that the creator is genuinely connected to the account.

How to add a social media account

Enable Content Credentials (Beta) and visit the accounts page

  1. Make sure Content Credentials (Beta) is enabled in Photoshop. You can learn how to enable it here.

  2. Go to Window > Content Credentials (Beta) to open the Content Credentials (Beta) panel. Select Connect accounts or use the menu to select Manage connected accounts to visit the Connected accounts page.

  3. In the Social media section of the page, select Add on the social media account you want to connect to start a one-time log-in process.

Add your Behance account

Log into your Behance account to add it.

Adding or removing this account from this page does not affect any other Behance logins or disconnect it from your Adobe ID. 


You can remove your Behance from Content Credentials (Beta) by selecting Remove, or switch which Behance account appears by selecting Switch account. Keep in mind, any handles on previously exported content cannot be changed.

Add other social accounts

Log into any other social media accounts to add them.

Adobe won’t keep any access to your accounts when you’re done 


You can remove any account from Content Credentials (Beta) by selecting Remove. Keep in mind, any handles on previously exported content cannot be changed.

Refresh connected accounts in Photoshop

  1. Go back to the Content Credentials (Beta) panel in Photoshop and select the Refresh connected accounts icon next to Connected accounts to view the account you added to the list.

  2. Use the chevron icon next to Connected accounts to open the list, then check the box next to whichever social media accounts you want to appear with your other content credentials.


    You can select Preview to view how the address will appear on content when you attach the content credentials to your final exported image.

Already have social media connected to Adobe?

Regardless of any social media you currently have connected to Adobe, you’ll need to connect your social media to Content Credentials (Beta) on the Connected accounts page to include them in Content Credentials (Beta).

Removing any of your accounts from the Connected accounts page will only affect Content Credentials (Beta) and will not disconnect any of the accounts connected to your Adobe ID.

Cryptocurrency and Content Credentials (Beta)

Creators can include their crypto wallet address in Content Credentials (Beta) to provide an additional connection to their identity and the provenance of their work. Creators need to be able to log into a cryptocurrency account to connect it and add a wallet address. Then if creators are planning to mint NFTs, they can connect their pre-chain content credentials to their transaction history on the blockchain.

Learn more about NFTs and how to connect your cryptocurrency accounts.

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