System requirements for Photoshop on the web

Your device must meet the specifications below to work with Photoshop on the web. 

Applicable for: September 2023 release and later

Minimum and standard system requirements

Area Minimum Recommended

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge version 102 and above (64-bit), and Firefox version 111 and above on desktop. To check the browser version on your system, see:

Edge support | Chrome support | Firefox support

Note: If you’re on an unsupported browser or a mobile device, you won't be able to edit in Photoshop on the web, but you will still be able to view, comment, and download cloud documents.

Processor 64-bit processor with 4+ cores
Operating system

Windows, macOS, Chrome OS 

Windows 10 (64-bit) and later,
macOS 10.15 and later
Year 2015 and later
Hard-disk space

6 GB of available hard-disk space


  • Browsing in incognito or private mode, or having storage quotas imposed by your enterprise administrator, may prevent Photoshop on the web from accessing hard-disk space.
  • Chrome Users:
    • Enabling the browser setting “Delete data when you close all windows” restricts how much hard-disk space websites can use and prevents Photoshop Web from operating.
    • To remove this restriction, navigate to Chrome’s “On-device site data” settings, and ensure “Allow sites to save data on your device” is selected.
  • Contact your IT admin if your browser’s settings are managed for you.
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Language versions available

Photoshop on the web is available in the following languages:

  • Danish 
  • Dutch 
  • Norwegian 
  • Finnish 
  • Swedish 
  • Traditional Chinese 
  • Simplified Chinese 
  • Polish 
  • Turkish 
  • Ukrainian
  • Czech 
  • Hungarian 
  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Español
  • Français
  • Italiano
  • Português (Brasil)
  • Русский 
  • 日本語
  • 한국어

Photoshop on the web supports all the languages that are supported on the desktop app. RTL languages are not supported at this time.

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