Content aware fill for iPad

Use the Content aware fill one-click action on your iPad to fill a portion of your image with content from the rest of the image. 

How does Content aware fill work on the iPad?

The Content aware fill is a one-click action to help you remove unwanted objects or accelerate editing workflows in your images. 

Make selections in your image, tap Content aware fill, and watch content from other parts of the same image fill up the selected portion.


You can perform the Content aware fill action on pixel layers, and not on smart objects, text layers, shape layers, or even blank layers. 

Where can I find the Content aware fill button?

You can get to the Content aware fill button in three ways, and all three will help you achieve the same result: 


Edits made using the Content aware fill button are destructive in nature. 

Active selection properties bar 

Make selections in your image and the Active selection properties bar will open up. Now tap the Content aware fill button and let it work its magic in your image. 

Fill tools > Actions

You can perform the single-click Content Aware Fill action by tapping on Fill Tools > Actions.

Layer properties > Quick actions dropdown

You can also go to Layer properties > Quick actions dropdown to perform the Content aware fill action. 

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