Content Credentials in Photoshop

What are Content Credentials?

Content Credentials allow creators to attach extra information to their content when they export or download it. By including this information, creators can receive more recognition for their work, connect with others online, and enhance transparency for their audience. To learn more about Content Credentials and why you should consider including them with your work, read the Content Credentials overview. 

How to use Content Credentials in Photoshop

Enable Content Credentials

  1. To enable and start recording a Content Credential for your document, go to Window > Content Credentials (Beta). A panel should appear where you can click Enable Content Credentials to display further settings. Alternatively, right-click on any open document tab and select  Enable Content Credentials.

  2. You can also enable Content Credentials by default for all new documents or documents with existing Content Credentials by going to Preferences > History & Content Credentials > Content Credentials Document Settings. We recommend selecting Enable for new and saved documents with Content Credentials to ensure that edits and actions taken to produce your content are captured from start to finish. This way, if you include this info with your Content Credentials, it will be as complete and helpful as possible to people viewing your content.


    A Content Credential is included with an image when Content Credentials (Beta) has been enabled on the associated document, and you choose to attach or publish Content Credentials when exporting the image in File > Export > Export As.

    Adobe automatically applies Content Credentials to assets fully generated with Firefly-powered Generate Image in Photoshop. To learn more, check out Content Credentials for assets generated with Adobe Firefly.

  3. To adjust the information you want to include in an individual document’s Content Credential, go to Window > Content Credentials (Beta) and select the information in the Content Credentials (Beta) settings panel that opens.

Preview your Content Credentials

An individual document’s associated Content Credential can be previewed before export using the Content Credentials icon in the Panels bar or going to Window > Content Credentials (Beta) to display the Content Credentials (Beta) settings panel and select Preview.

Based on your settings, the following info will appear:

  • Producer: the name listed on your Adobe account
  • App or device usedAdobe Photoshop, the app used to produce the final image
  • Social media accounts: your selected connected social media accounts
  • Edits and activity: the editing and processing actions as well as generative AI usage contributing to the final image
  • Ingredients: the other pieces of content used to produce the final image
  • Issued by: Adobe, Inc., the Content Credential issuer
Content Credentials in Adobe Photoshop (Beta) on desktop

Export your work with Content Credentials

Once you are ready to export your work with its associated Content Credential, go to File > Export > Export As to review your export settings. In the Content Credentials (Beta) section, you can choose how to include a Content Credential with your exported image:

  • Publish to Content Credentials cloud: This keeps file size smaller and allows your file’s Content Credential to be more resilient. If it is ever stripped from your content, it can be recovered with Inspect. In Inspect, your published Content Credential may appear as a possible match for content that is visually similar to your own.
    • Adobe’s Content Credentials cloud is a public, persistent storage solution for your Content Credentials, separate from the cloud file storage included in your Adobe plan.
    • If you find that your content’s Content Credentials are missing after publishing online, the publishing platform likely does not yet support Content Credentials. If you publish your Content Credentials to the Content Credentials cloud, they can be recovered on Inspect
  • Attach to file: Directly attach a Content Credential to the exported JPG or PNG file. This increases file size, but can keep your Content Credentials more private. Attached Content Credentials are less resilient, and can be stripped from your content when published or shared online.
  • None: Do not include a Content Credential with the exported file.

You can set any of these options as your default Export As setting in Preferences > History & Content Credentials > Content Credentials (Beta): Document Settings.

Supported File Types

Content Credentials can currently be included with the following file types when exporting from Photoshop: 

  • JPG
  • PNG

Minimum and recommended system requirements for Content Credentials

  • Internet connection  
  • Creative Cloud or Photoshop subscription
  • Processors  
    • Mac Intel/ARM
    • Windows Intel  
  • Operating Systems   
    • Mac 10.15.7, 11, or later  
    • Windows 10 (64-bit) version 1809 or later 
  • Browsers supported 
    • Two most recent versions of these browsers for Mac & PC: Chrome, Firefox 
    • These versions depend on your device’s operating system
      • Mac only: Safari
      • PC only: Microsoft Edge  
  • System Administrators: System must be able to access the network endpoints for the Content Authenticity Service

To know more, visit Photoshop system requirements and known issues.  

Content Credentials | Known issues 

Content Credentials (Beta) is still in development, so the following features in Photoshop aren’t fully supported yet: 



A Photoshop document’s Content Credential preview, or an exported file’s Content Credential, indicates that some edits or activity may not have been recorded.

This may occur when:

  • A document is edited while Content Credentials is disabled
  • Content Credentials loaded after Photoshop or crashed
  • A document is edited across multiple devices, apps, or users
  • A 3rd party script or plugin is used

Once you have enabled Content Credentials for a document, ensure they remain enabled throughout the editing process to capture a complete record of edits and activity used to produce your content. If Content Credentials is enabled for a document, becomes disabled either through your selection, loading after Photoshop, or crashing, and is then re-enabled, an indication of missing edits or activity is likely to appear in the document’s Content Credentials. This cannot be undone.


For non-PSD or PSDC files, converting to a PSD or PSDC file before editing on other devices or apps may help avoid this issue. Making all changes on the same device, with the same user account, is the simplest way to avoid this issue. 


3rd party scripts and plugins aren’t supported by Content Credentials at this time, and their use may result in a message about missing edit or activity information in your Content Credentials.

Unable to export with Content Credentials while offline.

Exporting with Content Credentials while offline is currently not supported. Make sure you are connected to the internet before trying to export a file with a Content Credential.

Unable to Export As layers or artboards.

There is no workaround for this issue as these actions are currently unsupported. 

File exported but its Content Credential couldn’t be published or attached.

A Content Credential may not be able to be published or attached after exporting a file from Photoshop:

  • Due to insufficient file or folder permissions. Follow the steps listed above for Mac OS file permission issues.
  • Due to connection issues between the Content Credentials feature and another service. There is no workaround for this other than trying again later.
  • Due to losing internet connection during export. Check your internet connection and try again.
  • Due to document changes still processing. Wait for all document changes to finish processing before trying again.

    Due to some other error. You can try exporting again, but the same error may occur.

Adobe plan limitations on Content Credentials access

  • Enterprise accounts are enabled for Content Credentials by default, unless your administrator has disabled it. 
  • Government accounts may enable via Admin Console - Ask your admin
  • Higher education accounts may enable via Admin Console - Ask your admin
  • K-12 education plan users - Content Credentials is not available.

Choosing a name to include as Producer when there are two or more collaborators on a file.

Content Credentials currently only supports listing the name of the one person exporting a file as the Producer.


Make sure the person whose name you want to appear in the Producer section of your Content Credentials exports the file when there are multiple editors and you want to include a Producer name.

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