Program error when opening or saving files

Learn how to fix, "Photoshop could not complete your request because of a program error" when opening or saving files

When opening or saving image files, you get one of the following errors:

  • "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
  • "Could not save as "yourfilename.psd" because of a program error."

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Program error while saving files

The ‘Photoshop could not save as "yourfilename.psd" because of a program error.’ error can occur for various reasons from layer compositing to improper system permissions.

Follow the below troubleshooting recommendations to resolve program errors while saving files in Photoshop.

Could not save as because of a program error

  1. Update Photoshop

    Make sure Photoshop is up to date with the latest bug fixes. 
    See Keeping Photoshop up to date.

  2. Grant Photoshop "Full Disk Access" in macOS System Preferences

    To change this preference on your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > then click Privacy. 
    See Change Privacy preferences on Mac

  3. Hide all layers in the Layers panel then Save again

    Click or click and drag across the visibility icon on each of the layers to hide them.

  4. Roll back to the previous version of Photoshop

    If none of the above suggestions help, back up your preferences/settings folder then roll back to the previous version of Photoshop (either 22.0.1 or 21.1.4)

    See Revert to the previous Photoshop version

You can also use the deprecated macOS Save API to use the older, deprecated save methods.

Program error while opening files

The ‘Photoshop could not complete your request because of a program error’ error can occur for various reasons from damaged Photoshop preferences to incompatible system hardware or software.

Follow the below troubleshooting recommendations to resolve program errors while opening files in Photoshop.

Photoshop Program error

  1. Update Photoshop

    Make sure Photoshop is up to date with the latest bug fixes. 
    See Keeping Photoshop up to date.

  2. Check the system requirements

  3. Disable Generator

    • Navigate to Preferences > Plug-ins
    • Uncheck Enable Generator
  4. Reinstall your graphics driver

  5. Restore Photoshop's default preferences

  6. Turn off GPU acceleration

  7. Roll back to the previous version of Photoshop

    If none of the above suggestions help, back up your preferences/settings folder then roll back to the previous version of Photoshop.

    See Revert to the previous Photoshop version

Program Error Diagnostic Plugin

  1. Update Photoshop

    Make sure Photoshop is up to date with the latest bug fixes. 
    See Keeping Photoshop up to date.

  2. Quit Photoshop

  3. Download and decompress the file to a local folder you will be able to locate


  4. With the zip archive decompressed, copy the "user-diagnostic" folder to the Photoshop Plug-Ins folder at the following locations:

    1. macOS: Application Folder > Adobe Photoshop 2022 > Plug-Ins
    2. Windows: Program Files > Adobe> Adobe Photoshop 2022 > Plug-Ins
    Copy the user-diagnostics folder to Plug-ins
    Copy the user-diagnostics folder to Plug-ins

  5. Launch Photoshop

  6. Select “Photoshop User Diagnostics” from the Plugins menu.

  7. In the panel that appears, make sure “copy error stacks to clipboard” is checked.

  8. Perform your steps that reproduce the Program Error

  9. When the Program Error appears, click Ok. When the dialog is dismissed, more details on the error are added to your clipboard for easy pasting.

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