The 2025 release of Adobe ColdFusion redefines modern web application development with a secure, high-performance platform designed for the future. Accelerate development with enhanced containerization and DevOps capabilities, optimize scalability with next-level performance tuning, and ensure enterprise-grade security with cutting-edge security enhancements.
Effortlessly integrate with cloud services, databases, and APIs while leveraging powerful spreadsheet, charting, and HTML-to-PDF improvements. Build and deploy robust, dynamic applications faster than ever—no matter the complexity.
For more information, see:
Bug ID |
Description |
Component |
You cannot change REST path in Data & Services > REST Services in CF Admin. |
Administrator |
The Event Gateway page in the ColdFusion Administrator contains malformed HTML. |
Administrator |
ColdFusion Admin "java and jvm" page must show path to jvm.config, not just name the file. |
Administrator |
In some cases, you're unable to change the password for a newly created user. |
Administrator |
After visiting Server Settings/Mail Tab/Undelivered Mail for any system with undelivered mail, JavaScript errors display. |
Administrator |
Add User Group integration with external databases and LDAP Active Directory. |
Administrator |
Some methods of the cfide.adminapi.collections API, for example, reloadCollection, have "any" returntype instead of "void". |
Administrator |
Changing "java and jvm" page may break java.home, which causes ColdFusion to behave unexpectedly. |
Administrator |
You're unable to update maximum number of simultaneous template requests. |
Administrator |
You're unable to update the maximum size of Post data and other settings. |
Administrator |
Adding/updating IDP or SP configuration in ColdFusion Admin results in "Variable is undefined" error. |
Administrator |
The SP Configuration page loses form field values on validation error. |
Administrator |
SAML SP configuration allows saving with options that cause the SP to behave unexpectedly. |
Administrator |
In CK Editor, a pdf embeded to a post does not render as expected. |
CFTEXTAREA richtext is missing skins and an empty config file. |
CFgrids using the bind attribute no longer load when Prefix serialized JSON with // is enabled in the administrator. |
In CFGRID, background color with striped rows do not render as expected. |
A grid refresh does not conform to the true/false argument to stay on the same page. |
Add support file type webp in images. |
A seed error occurs when importing setings using cfsetup. |
CFSetup |
Labels on a chart produced by cfchart are incorrectly placed. |
Charting/Graphing |
Chart-data item in bar chart is incorrectly converted from an integer to an alphabet. |
Charting/Graphing |
Cfchart does not use chartdata item labels to organize a series. |
Charting/Graphing |
Internittent issues with cfchart in ColdFusion 2016. |
Charting/Graphing |
The getCloudService().listAll() method does not include Size key, according to the Amazon S3 listObjectsv2 docs. |
Cloud Service |
Cloud Config / AWS / SQS / Throttle Backoff Strategy cannot be edited |
Cloud Service |
getCloudService throws an error when the gcpfirestore package is not installed. |
Cloud Service |
The GCP Firestore doc mentions that project ID is required, but it's actually not. |
Cloud Service |
CfSetup: Added a new setting for the category server. |
ColdFusion CFSetup |
The cfchart doc refer incorrectly to xml rather than json. |
ColdFusion Package |
Setting enableNullSupport to true causes NPE when dumping the function definition. |
ColdFusion Package |
In some cases, the CGI scope returns an empty struct. |
ColdFusion Package |
The local scope is reset when using arrayEach with parallel option and Elvis operator. |
ColdFusion Package |
Arrays in CFGRID form fields do not display as expected when the form is submitted. |
ColdFusion Package |
In ColdFusion 2023, the attribute in cfhtmltopdf orientation="landscape" is ignored. |
ColdFusion Package |
ColdFusion 2018 and ColdFusion 2016 fails to work if Redis sessionstore is unreachable when ColdFusion starts. |
ColdFusion Package |
CFSpreadsheet "columns" attribute does not behave the way it should. |
ColdFusion Package |
<cfspreadsheet> returns formula instead of the formula value. |
ColdFusion Package |
In CFSpreadsheet, reading a sheet with duplicate column names returns both columns and overwrites the data. |
ColdFusion Package |
cfpm scan <CODEBASE> does not work if the cfc or cfm files contains absolute path. |
ColdFusion Packages |
description |
component |
After launching CF Admin, the Configuration & Setting Wizard page for CF Docker containers appears. |
Containers: CF Docker Image |
Do not restart ColdFusion services after changing settings in ColdFusion running in a Docker container. |
Containers: CF Docker Image |
Incorrect function name is reported in exception from using the wrong named parameter to a setter function. |
Core Runtime |
In spreadsheets, whitespace management is not available on JEE installations. |
Core Runtime |
When using returntype = "array", null values in columns are preserved. |
Database |
Attempting to sort QoQ by date column results in Java Timestamp Error. |
Database |
QueryExecute behaves unexpectedly when two dashes inside square brackets with Lesser number (1) of positional parameters are defined for sql query. |
Database |
The attribute cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" of cfqueryparam and cfprocparam enforces a decimal point in the number of seconds, irrespective of the date format |
Database |
Duplicate ServiceName={SERVICE_NAME} in JDBC URL. |
Database |
Introduce bitwise operator support in QoQ. |
Database |
String concatenation in Query of Queries converts NULL to string NULL |
Database |
CfSqlType TinyInt behaves unexpectedly in QoQ. |
Database |
Add support for modulus in QoQ. |
Database |
CFDump with format="text" incorrectly appends an extra line containing asterisks. |
Debugging |
Incorrect styles on a WriteDump and SaveContent output on browsers. |
Debugging |
A QoQ does not get identified in debugging service's event table when datasource is set in the application. |
Debugging |
Coldfusion fails to start as a non root user. It expects root priviledge while starting a ColdFusion instance on Docker. |
Docker |
cfspreadsheet behaves unexpectedly when the file size is larger. |
Document Management |
A PDFgServlet error occurs after applying CF2021 Update 5 on RHEL 8. |
Document Management |
In some cases, cfspreadsheet writes incorrect values. |
Document Management |
You cannot use cfspreadsheet to read or update a spreadsheet that has been password-protected in Excel. |
Document Management |
ColdFusion incorrectly says an error occurs during "write" action of a spreadsheet when it actually occurs during "update" action. |
Document Management |
Solr Collections and CFINDEX/CFSEARCH must use collection name in lower case. |
Documentation |
The Java version to use when manaually installing hotfix patches, when JVM is not the default. |
Documentation |
CFML Reference for cfhtmltopdf tags is not updated to reflect the changes in ColdFusion 2023. |
Documentation |
The documentation on the CF add-on installer is not current. |
Documentation |
Add the Col,dFusion (2023 release) .NET Integration Service installer to the list of downloads. |
Documentation |
The docs page on querygetresult is inadequate. |
Documentation |
The docs for cfcollection don't indicate supported action="reload". |
Documentation |
A few links in CF installers/EULA lead to Error 404. |
Documentation |
The help page on silent installer is missing a deployment type. |
Documentation |
Event gateways can produce misleading errors when loading a class. |
Event Gateway |
The fileWrite() function does not add a newline character by default. |
File Management |
When a 3 digit file extension precedes a 4 digit file extension in the filter attribute of cfdirectory (and the extensions share the same first 3 characters) only files with the 3 digit extension are included. |
File Management |
An attempt to use CFFile (action=read) to read in a huge (11GB) file fails with an inappropriate error. |
File Management |
The ContinueOnError attribute does not work with CFFILE action=upload or FileUpload(). |
File Management |
Add support for CSP in ColdFusion tags that generate JS. |
For2022Triage |
The cfinstall script requires complex or secure password for the development profile. |
Installation |
On Unix machnes, you are unable to install ColdFusion as a non-root user. |
Installation |
When you install CF using the command line installer for Linux, it defaults to /opt/ColdFusion2021. However, all the hotfixes and add-ons all default to /opt/coldfusion2021. |
Installation/Config |
cfsetup chart category does not support viewing/changing diskCacheLocation. |
Installation/Config |
cfsetup does not show or export CF Admin client variable settings. |
Installation/Config |
In some cases, wsconfig causes an error and does not create the connector. |
Installation/Config |
ColdFusion war ships with incorrect /CFIDE mapping. |
Installation/Config |
When you install CF using the command line installer for Linux, it defaults to /opt/ColdFusion2021. However, all the hotfixes and add-ons all default to /opt/coldfusion2021 |
Installation/Config |
The Windows installer doesn't display the dialog to configure web server using WSConfig. |
Installation/Config |
The ColdFusion 2023 installer screen on "pdfg" still references "webkit" rather than pdfreactor. |
Installation/Config |
The lockdown tool on Windows creates the CF service account on the local machine with an expiring password. |
Installation/Config |
In some cases, the lockdown tool fails to execute ax expected. |
Installation/Config |
Installing Lockdown Tool on Coldfusion 2021 being monitored with PMT causes the server to log errors every 5 seconds. |
Installation/Config |
Setting "parallel" to "false" in higher order functions, like arrayEach(), is still async. |
Language |
Add outputEncoding parameter to the hash function. |
Language |
Implement structValueArray() function. |
Language |
Quotes aren't allowed on named function parameters. |
Language |
The functions listAppend() and listprepend() work incorrectly with an empty delimiter. |
Language |
A Java sublist cannot be used as an array. |
Language |
isObject() incorrectly returns true for null. |
Language |
In some cases, the detail key of cfcatch has HTML in it. |
Language |
A syntax error displays for an arrow function without a body that just sets a variable. |
Language |
The len() function allows you to pass a UDF. |
Language |
Built-in methods don't work as callbacks in function. |
Language |
An extra var keyword causes Null Pointer Exception. |
Language |
erializeJson generates invalid JSON where the value is missing. |
Language |
Short circuiting doesn't seem to prevent implicit array creation in secondary conditional. |
Language |
ColdFusion inconsistently loops a sparse array. |
Language |
You are unable to use arrayInsertAt on an empty array. |
Language |
Typed-arrays do not get resolved as expected with import. |
Language |
The word, "Varadic", sometimes appears in ColdFusion's runtime error messages. That is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Variadic". |
Language |
Abstract functions are not public. |
Language |
The Elvis operator doesn't work in an extended component. |
Language |
You're unable to use a static final method. |
Language |
Using a function name of "initialize" in a component and referencing that method in another function in the same component causes run/compile time exception. |
Language |
When using a UDF in cfscript, the use of "Default" in first argument results in error. |
Language |
Attributes "required" is not accepted for anonymous functions parameters. |
Language |
When using IsDate to verify the validity of a date string not all iso 8601 are seen as valid. |
Language |
Parameter validation produces an error for the DATEFORMAT function in some cases. |
Language |
The default value of timezone in DateTimeFormat can only be set by omitting it. |
Language |
ColdFusion passes date by reference. |
Language |
The value assigned to the CFCATCH "name" attribute is always interpreted as a simple string. |
Language |
Invalid CFScript IF/ELSE returns an incorrect error. |
Language |
An optional chain cannot access a struct key that starts with a number. |
Language |
Add support for compund assignment operators. |
Language |
The callStackGet function returns an ArrayList, not an array. |
Language |
URLDecode behaves unexpectedly if called from within a loop over a query where the query has a field named 'URL'. |
Language |
ColdFusion supports generate3DesKey function, but it's not documented or in getfunctionlist(). |
Language |
Package access validation seems case-sensitive when it shouldn't. |
Language |
Inconsistent TypedArrayInvalidDataTypeException with cfimport and relative CFC paths |
Language |
Intermittent issues with ArrayCase/NoCase searching of simple values. |
Language |
A few ColdFusion functions produce coldfusion.compiler.CFMLParserBase$UnsupportedComplexException. |
Language |
Add the function listGetDuplicates. |
Language |
Add JavaCast() support for two-dimensional arrays. |
Language |
Custom Tags do not support null values. |
Language |
You're unable to call static methods from an abstract class. |
Language |
Query of Queries uses a large list of reserved words when validating SQL syntax. |
Language |
When the main cfloop is in one file and the nested cfloop is inside an include, the nested cfloop doesn't iterate over the grouped results. |
Language |
Error in a myQuery.each() function reports incorrect error line number. |
Language |
Error in Query of Query where strings look like dates. |
Language |
QoQ allows divide by zero. |
Language |
QoQ doesn't convert empty strings to 0 in arithmetic operations. |
Language |
QoQ does not support NULL keyword. |
Language |
QoQ doesn't convert strings to numbers. |
Language |
Add a query attribute, CacheMaxIdleTime, to work with CachedWithin and CachedAfter. |
Language |
QoQ returns zero rows when using aggregate on an empty resultset. |
Language |
You're unable to manually create query columns that have spaces in them. |
Language |
When column type is undefined, an empty string is stored as empty string. |
Language |
Setting properties via annotation syntax doesn't work on abstract components. |
Language |
Adding the import at the top of the file on a script component is not recognized as valid syntax on an abstract component. |
Language |
Introduce case-sensitive serialization. |
Language |
Intermittent issues with serializeJSON function. |
Language |
CanSerialize()/CanDeserialize() is not called for XML serialization/deserialization. |
Language |
The spread operator generates incorrect results when using indirect/nested struct values. |
Language |
Spread operator does not work when used as default value of function parameter |
Language |
Comparing string from cgi variable produces an incorrect result. |
Language |
structSort callback does not accept non simple values. |
Language |
Incorrect error messages for QueryAddColumn. |
Language |
The function isValid("xml", "anyString") throws an error. |
Language |
isValid "Email" does not work as expected in some cases. |
Language |
When creating a new XML element using XMLElemNew(), the childname value cannot begin with XML. |
Language |
When attempting to spread a struct that is the result of a property look-up, the result is incorrect. |
Language |
When attempting to spread an object uses bracket notation for property lookup, ColdFusion fails to parse and compile template. |
Language |
When an error is thrown inside the struct.each() callback, the error message doesn't display properly. |
Language |
Add functions to read a .properties file. |
Language |
The filter callback for directorylist should receive the data for the row it is filtering. |
Language |
Add timeZone and locale parameters to getTimeZoneInfo() |
Language |
Allow multiple exception handling in try-catch statements. |
Language |
Sometimes, you are unable to iterate over an array of anonymous functions. |
Language |
Add support for destructuring in function parameters, multiple destructuring, and mixed destructuring. |
Language |
Add deepcopy param to duplicate() |
Language |
Add more information to cfdump output of a Java class. |
Language |
When a variable is defined, but contains a value that equates to boolean false, the Elvis operator (?:) incorrectly resolves to the expression on the right. |
Language |
Add support for .toJSON()'s serializeQueryByColumns="struct" in deserializeJSON(). |
Language |
The default attribute of the cfproperty tag requires a string. Allow ColdFusion expressions to match the way the default attribute of the cfargument tag works. |
Language |
Allow third argument to createobject to be one or more locations of jars. |
Language |
ListSort() without callback disallows IncludeEmptyFields. |
Language : Closures |
On ColdFusion 2021, ternary operator in an ES6-compliant code produces a syntax error. |
Language Server: Syntax Errors |
ColdFusion activation fails when the the option "Preserve case of structure keys for serialization" is enabled in the Administrator. |
Licensing |
Changing the JVM language to French in the ColdFusion Admin causes issues in search. |
Localization |
When writing a custom log, if the message contains a double quote it is not escaped when the log is written, causing the log to no longer be valid CSV. |
Logging |
cfstat.bat -x produces a NPE. |
Logging |
ColdFusion incorrectly writes LDAP error messages to server.log and exception.log. |
Logging |
Dependency incompatibility when using CFFTP for SFTP using an SSH key. |
Net Protocols |
entityLoad does not support options on filter and unique combination. |
ORM Support |
The Alert icons on PMT interface do not display as expected. |
The option "External services monitoring" is disabled in PMT. |
The POST message not user friendly in PMT's slack webhook. |
On the PMT Datastore purge page if you sort the indexes by size, the UI incorrectly sorts the indexes alphanumerically rather than numerically, |
After applying ColdFusion 2021 PMT update 2, the Aapplications dropdown no longer displays. |
SAML SSO fails when a Sandbox is enabled on that webroot. |
Security |
Even when NTLM is assigned as the authtype, ColdFusion tries to look for a domain using HTTP instead of HTTPS. |
SharePoint Support |
Unable to upgrade HTTP connections to HTTP2. Upgrading connections to HTTP2 requires the tomcat-native library. |
Tomcat |
Syntax coloring doesn't work as expected when attempting to add parts of the SQL query in <cfquery> a variable (like #local.querypart#). |
VS Code Plugin |
WebSocket messages do not support non-ASCII characters in case of websocket proxy. |
Web Socket |
- If you encounter an issue when using PDF Engine 1.0 on Linux, you can either switch to PDF Engine 2.0 or set up the service on Windows and access it remotely.If you encounter an issue when using PDF Engine 1.0 on Linux, you can either switch to PDF Engine 2.0 or set up the service on Windows and access it remotely.
- A chart does not output when numerical values with 'px' are used for height and width.
- Unexpected results for MIME type text/plain, including variants with special characters and null values, and an exception, coldfusion.runtime.MissingArgumentException appears for text/html and text/xml MIME types.
- After installing the server lockdown tool, few residue folders (such as jre, uninstall, Logs) are left behind. Delete the folders manually.
- ColdFusion fails to configure the built-in Apache Connector on macOS M1. When Apache restarts, the error displays- "[pid 24635] AH06665: No code signing authority for module at /private/etc/apache2/ specified in LoadModule directive." As a workaround, Install the latest version of Apache externally, rather than using the built-in one.
- Attempting to deploy a WAR package created from JEE archives throws exceptions.
- On macOS, before launching the ColdFusion installer, run "xattr -rc" command against the installer dmg.
- If you try indexing certain Open Document Format files (for example, .odt, .ttf), you may encounter an exception.
- After upgrading JDK, in some case, you are unable to install ColdFusion 2025 on Windows 2025 server.
- Sometimes, you are unable to create a PDF due to PDFg service authentication failure. As a workaround, update the service manager and retry creating the PDF.
- In some cases, you are unable to perform a silent installation of the lockdown installer.