The menu commands API functions

The custom functions in the menu commands API are not required.



Determines whether the menu item is active or dimmed.


{arg1}, {arg2},...{argN}}

If it is a dynamic menu item, the unique ID that the getDynamicContents() function specifies is the only argument. Otherwise, if the arguments attribute is defined for a menuitem tag, the value of that attribute passes to the canAcceptCommand() function (and to the isCommandChecked(), receiveArguments(), and setMenuText() functions) as one or more arguments. The arguments attribute is useful for distinguishing between two menu items that call the same menu command.

 The arguments attribute is ignored for dynamic menu items.


Dreamweaver expects a Boolean value: true if the item should be enabled; false otherwise.



Defines the buttons that appear on the right side of the Options dialog box and their behavior when they are clicked. If this function is not defined, no buttons appear, and the body section of the Menu Commands file expands to fill the entire dialog box.




Dreamweaver expects an array that contains an even number of elements. The first element is a string that contains the label for the topmost button. The second element is a string of JavaScript code that defines the behavior of the topmost button when it is clicked. The remaining elements define additional buttons in the same manner.


The following example of the commandButtons() function defines the OK, Cancel, and Help buttons:

function commandButtons(){
return new Array("OK" , "doCommand()" , "Cancel" , ¬
"window.close()" , "Help" , "showHelp()");
 function commandButtons(){ return new Array("OK" , "doCommand()" , "Cancel" , ¬ "window.close()" , "Help" , "showHelp()"); }
 function commandButtons(){ 
    return new Array("OK" , "doCommand()" , "Cancel" , ¬ 
    "window.close()" , "Help" , "showHelp()"); 



Retrieves the content for the dynamic portion of the menu.



The menuIDargument is the value of the id attribute in the menuitem tag that is associated with the item.


Dreamweaver expects an array of strings where each string contains the name of a menu item and its unique ID, separated by a semicolon. If the function returns a null value, the menu does not change.


The following example of the getDynamicContent() function returns an array of four menu items (My Menu Item 1, My Menu Item 2, My Menu Item 3, and My Menu Item 4):

function getDynamicContent(){
var stringArray= new Array();
var i=0;
var numItems = 4;
for (i=0; i<numItems;i++)
stringArray[i] = new String("My Menu Item " + i + ";¬
id=’My-MenuItem" + i + “‘”);
return stringArray;
 function getDynamicContent(){ var stringArray= new Array(); var i=0; var numItems = 4; for (i=0; i<numItems;i++) stringArray[i] = new String("My Menu Item " + i + ";¬ id=’My-MenuItem" + i + “‘”); return stringArray; }
 function getDynamicContent(){ 
    var stringArray= new Array(); 
    var i=0; 
    var numItems = 4; 
    for (i=0; i<numItems;i++) 
        stringArray[i] = new String("My Menu Item " + i + ";¬ 
        id=’My-MenuItem" + i + “‘”); 
    return stringArray; 



Determines whether to display a check mark next to the menu item.


{arg1}, {arg2},...{argN}

If it is a dynamic menu item, the unique ID that the getDynamicContents() function specifies is the only argument. Otherwise, if the arguments attribute is defined for a menuitem tag, the value of that attribute passes to the isCommandChecked() function (and to the canAcceptCommand(), receiveArguments(), and setMenuText() functions) as one or more arguments. The arguments attribute is useful for distinguishing between two menu items that call the same menu command.

 The arguments attribute is ignored for dynamic menu items.


Dreamweaver expects a Boolean value: true if a check mark should appear next to the menu item; false otherwise.


function isCommandChecked()
var bChecked = false;
var cssStyle = arguments[0];
if (dw.getDocumentDOM() == null)
return false;
if (cssStyle == "(None)")
return dw.cssStylePalette.getSelectedStyle() == '';
return dw.cssStylePalette.getSelectedStyle() == cssStyle;
return bChecked;
 function isCommandChecked() { var bChecked = false; var cssStyle = arguments[0]; if (dw.getDocumentDOM() == null) return false; if (cssStyle == "(None)") { return dw.cssStylePalette.getSelectedStyle() == ''; } else { return dw.cssStylePalette.getSelectedStyle() == cssStyle; } return bChecked; }
 function isCommandChecked() 
    var bChecked = false; 
    var cssStyle = arguments[0]; 
    if (dw.getDocumentDOM() == null) 
        return false; 
    if (cssStyle == "(None)") 
        return dw.cssStylePalette.getSelectedStyle() == ''; 
        return dw.cssStylePalette.getSelectedStyle() == cssStyle; 
        return bChecked; 



Processes any arguments passed from a menu item or from the dw.runCommand() function. If it is a dynamic menu item, it processes the dynamic menu item ID.


{arg1}, {arg2},...{argN}

If it is a dynamic menu item, the unique ID that the getDynamicContents() function specifies is the only argument. Otherwise, if the arguments attribute is defined for a menuitem tag, the value of that attribute passes to the receiveArguments() function (and to the canAcceptCommand(), isCommandChecked(), and setMenuText() functions) as one or more arguments. The arguments attribute is useful for distinguishing between two menu items that call the same menu command.

 The arguments attribute is ignored for dynamic menu items.


Dreamweaver expects nothing.


function receiveArguments()
var styleName = arguments[0];
if (styleName == "(None)")
 function receiveArguments() { var styleName = arguments[0]; if (styleName == "(None)") dw.getDocumentDOM('document').applyCSSStyle('',''); else dw.getDocumentDOM('document').applyCSSStyle('',styleName); }
 function receiveArguments() 
    var styleName = arguments[0]; 
    if (styleName == "(None)") 



Specifies the text that should appear in the menu.

 Do not use this function if you are using getDynamicContent().


{arg1}, {arg2},...{argN}

If the arguments attribute is defined for a menuitem tag, the value of that attribute passes to the setMenuText() function (and to the canAcceptCommand(), isCommandChecked(), and receiveArguments() functions) as one or more arguments. The arguments attribute is useful for distinguishing between two menu items that call the same menu command.


Dreamweaver expects the string that should appear in the menu.


function setMenuText()
if (arguments.length != 1) return "";
var whatToDo = arguments[0];
if (whatToDo == "undo")
return dw.getUndoText();
else if (whatToDo == "redo")
return dw.getRedoText();
else return "";
 function setMenuText() { if (arguments.length != 1) return ""; var whatToDo = arguments[0]; if (whatToDo == "undo") return dw.getUndoText(); else if (whatToDo == "redo") return dw.getRedoText(); else return ""; }
 function setMenuText() 
    if (arguments.length != 1) return ""; 
    var whatToDo = arguments[0]; 
    if (whatToDo == "undo") 
        return dw.getUndoText(); 
    else if (whatToDo == "redo") 
        return dw.getRedoText(); 
    else return ""; 



Sets specific dimensions for the Parameters dialog box. If this function is not defined, the window dimensions are computed automatically.

 Do not define this function unless you want a dialog box that is larger than 640 x 480 pixels.



The value of the platform argument is either "macintosh" or "windows", depending on the user’s platform.


Dreamweaver expects a string of the form "widthInPixels,heightInPixels".

The returned dimensions are smaller than the size of the entire dialog box because they do not include the area for the OK and Cancel buttons. If the returned dimensions do not accommodate all options, scroll bars appear.


The following example of windowDimensions() sets the dimensions of the Parameters dialog box to 648 x 520 pixels:

function windowDimensions(){
return "648,520";
 function windowDimensions(){ return "648,520"; }
 function windowDimensions(){ 
    return "648,520"; 

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