Known issues | Connect reports

Reports Mismatch Known Isues

Identify bug

  1. There are incorrect reports of login and logout time of users in session reports in your account.
  2. There were breakout rooms used during the session.
  3. Users whose reports are affected were part of the breakout session.

Information required from customer

  1. Meeting room URL.
  2. Login credentials of customer account with at least meeting host rights.
  3. SCO_ID of the meeting room:
  4. Affected Session Date & Time
  5. Affected User Names/Login
  6. Screenshots if available

Applicable product version: Connect 9

Bug #3432247
* Contact Support with the above information so that they can escalate the ticket to get a vote added to the bug if it matches the bug description.

Issue Description:

Some of the users are listed as “Not Taken” if you go to Curriculum > Reports > By Users. But, if you click the user, their status is set as completed and status of the courses in the curriculum is lists as passed.

Identify bug:

  1. Navigate to the affected curriculum and go to Reports > By Users.
  2. Check the user status. Make sure that it's Not Taken.
  3. Click the user name and check the status. Make sure that it shows completed/passed.
  4. Check if issue is replicable in multiple curriculums/multiple users.

Information required from customer

  1. Curriculum URL
  2. Login credentials of customer's account with admin rights
  3. Affected Curriculum Name & Location
  4. Affected User Names
  5. Screenshots, if available

Applicable product version: Connect 9

Bug #3473957
* Contact Support with the above information so that they can escalate the ticket to get a vote added to the bug if it matches the bug description.

Issue Description Curriculum User Report doesn't match the Report Summary

Identify Bug :

1. Navigate to the affected curriculum and goto Reports - Summary
2. Check the status of Enrolled and Completed Users.
3. Now goto Curriculum Reports > By Users
4. Check the status of Enrolled and Completed Users.
5. The number of users with Enrolled and Completed status would appear different on both pages

Information Required from customer -

1. Curriculum URL.
2. Login credentials of customers account with admin rights.
3. Affected Curriculum Name & Location
4. Screenshots if available

Applicable Product Version : Connect 9

Bug #3346011
* Contact Support with the above information so that they can escalate the ticket to get a vote added to the bug if it matches the bug description.

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