Schedule a session

Scheduling a session in Adobe Connect enables seamless virtual meetings, webinars, and online training sessions. By leveraging Adobe Connect’s robust features, users can create, manage, and customize their sessions to fit specific needs. Whether you're hosting a small team discussion or a large-scale event, Adobe Connect provides a flexible and powerful platform for seamlessly managing your sessions. 

You can create meetings in Adobe Connect Central. Every meeting has a static URL (meeting room) and persists even after you close it. You can use this URL to relaunch the meeting. Meeting hosts can customize the URL when creating the meeting.

You can use the meeting room anytime to run 25-participant meetings for trial. Configure the meeting room with content or layouts before you start the meeting. However, participants can log in to the meeting 15 minutes before the scheduled time. If a meeting room is created, smaller meetings can run at any time without scheduling.

Create a room

Follow these steps to create a room for the session:

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. From the homepage of Adobe Connect Central, select Create and then select Meeting to create a room.

    Create a room from New Meeting option
    Create a room from New Meeting option

    2. Select the Meetings tab from the top menu bar and then select New meeting to create a room.

    Create a room from Adobe Connect Central homepage
    Create a room from Adobe Connect Central homepage

  2. Select Finish.

Enter meeting information

Entering information involves providing key details that help to clearly define the purpose and structure of your session. These details include a name, custom URL, summary, date, duration, template, language, access restrictions, and audio conference settings (only the name and language are required). You can select an audio profile from the pop-up menu instead of manually entering audio conference settings.


Enter the name of the room. This is a mandatory field.

Custom URL

You can create a custom URL for your sessions. In the custom field, add only ASCII alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Learn more about editing a custom URL.


Add a summary of the session to share with the attendees.

Start Time

Select the date and start time for the session.


Choose the duration of the session.

Select Template

Select the room template for the session. View the Room templates for more information.


Select the language for your meeting room.


There are different experiences for the meeting joiners, which depend on their access rights. Registered users, account members, and guests can access the meeting room. Following are the rights that the host can provide to meeting joiners:

  • Registered users may enter the room
  • Account members may enter the room
  • Account members may enter the room without host being present
  • Accepted guests may enter the room
  • Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room (Optional Passcode Protection)
  • Users must enter the passcode.

Learn more about the access rights from Access rights of meeting joiners

Engagement Tracking

By default, Enable opt out for participants is enabled. On joining, participants will receive a notification to opt out from engagement tracking. View the event analytics dashboard for more information.

Enhanced Audio/Video Experience

All newly created rooms will have VoIP as the default option for Audio Conference Settings. Hosts can choose to include other audio conferences in the room. By default, this option is enabled. For more information about audio profiles, view Create and use audio profiles.

Anonymize Recordings: When you enable the  Enhanced Audio and Video Experience option, you can opt for making the names of all attendees anonymous in the recordings. There are two options:

  • Anonymize All Recordings: If you enable this option, the names of all attendees in the meeting room are replaced with User 1, User 2, and so on. The names of the attendees are anonymized in the Attendee, Chat, and Q&A pods.
  • Give Hosts the Option to Anonymize Recordings: If you enable this option,  you can anonymize recordings whenever hosts start a recording. The names of the attendees are automatically replaced.

Hide Entry Screen: If this option is selected, participants cannot set their microphone, speaker, or camera before entering the meeting.


If the Hide Entry Screen option is selected in Administration > Compliance and Control > Advanced Settings, it will be disabled in the meeting settings. Only admin can perform this action.

Enable browser access

If you enable this option and you do not have the Adobe Connect application installed on your computer, the room opens in your default browser. If the option is disabled, you must install the application and enter the room.

Enable mobile access 

If you enable this option, then you can enter the meeting using the new iOS and Android mobile applications.


As an exception, the Application Interface option does not impact the recording workflow. This flag option is for meetings and not for recordings. For more information on recording, view Record a session.

Other settings

Cost Center

Cost center settings allow you to manage and allocate costs more efficiently. From the dropdown, select one of the following:

  • Bill minutes to each other
  • Bill all minutes to my cost center
  • Bill all minutes to a specific cost center

Audio conference settings

Audio profiles start the audio conference using the conference settings associated with the selected audio provider. Enter details for the audio conference with the session. For more information, view Audio in session.

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