Last updated on Sep 9, 2024

Learn to add solid colors to the interior portions of your artwork.

  Explore the beta app

Illustrator on the web (Beta) is available for testing and feedback as part of your Illustrator subscription. Try it now to discover new features.

Use the hands-on tutorial in the app

Play this video for an introduction to the hands-on tutorial about adding colors, gradients, or strokes to your artwork.

Adobe Illustrator deeplink

Try it in the app
Now that you've watched the video, follow along with the tutorial to learn how to apply color and gradients.

Apply a solid fill color

You can apply fill color to your object selections to differentiate elements in your artwork. You can also control the opacity and blending modes of the fill to create various visual effects.

  1. Select an object and then select the Fill tool from the toolbar.

  2. Select Solid and then select a color from the Color wheel or type the color number in HEX code.

  3. Select ellipsis  icon to choose a different color model.

  4. In the Swatches section, select the plus  icon to create swatches. To view colors in grid or list, select the option from ellipsis  icon.

  5. To use color books, select Swatches, hover over Color books, and then select an option from the list.

  6. Select the Color Picker  icon  to pick and apply any color from another artwork.

    Apply solid color using the Color panel.

  7. Use the Properties panel to modify the Blend mode and Opacity of the color.