Add your digits.
Customize each business card with your own details. Just select the Type tool and click the text. Use the Character panel to experiment with different fonts, sizes, and colors.
In episode 13 of Narrated, Kenneth Kuh talks about an extensive rebranding project.
Add your digits.
Customize each business card with your own details. Just select the Type tool and click the text. Use the Character panel to experiment with different fonts, sizes, and colors.
Upload your own image.
To edit the images, double-click the layer’s thumbnail. Drag and drop your image into the new tab and choose File > Save. Navigate back to the template file to see the updated image.
Customize your colors.
Editing colors is a breeze with adjustment layers. Click the Duotone Adjustment layer and use the Gradient Editor to choose your favorite colors and gradient style.
Print, print, print.
Make your business card a reality. Choose File > Export > Export As, and check the boxes next to the cards you want. Click Export and send to the printer.