Welcome to Adobe RoboHelp 9.0.2 ReadMe. This document contains information about major changes that are included in this update.
RoboHelp HTML
The following major issues have been resolved in this update:
File archiver used to generate ePub output caused certain validation errors. The archiver has been changed to zip.exe.
MOV and MP4 files are not supported in ePub output on iOS.
Cover page doesn’t appear in ePub output while viewing in Adobe Digital Editions.
In some cases, generating merged CHM output of upgraded legacy projects fails.
The HHP file is always overridden while generating CHM output.
Some options present in the Other Settings section of the Conversion Settings dialogue are not saved in a few cases when importing a Word document into RoboHelp.
PNG images embedded in Word documents lose quality when imported into RoboHelp.
When importing documents from Word, table and cell width values are lost.
Style names are not preserved when importing Word documents into RoboHelp.
Incorrect CSS code is generated when mapping the Normal style from Word to the Normal style in RoboHelp.
The CSS defined for style mapping is not applied on paginated topics for linked Word documents.
Importing Word documents with sections brings in extraneous DIV code in topics.
In the Conversion Settings dialog box, the Pagination label did not reflect that the option is to be used to split the document into topics based on a selected style.
FLV format in imported or linked FrameMaker documents is not preserved.
If the Use Underscores in File Names option is selected and topics in linked FrameMaker documents have cross-references, the topic titles are prefixed with an underscore.
The Edit with Captivate option does not work with Captivate 5.5.
The PDF settings are not enabled in the Printed Documentation SSL in certain scenarios.
Note: For a fix to the problem of being unable to check in files with RoboSource Control on a 64-bit system, see the article Can't check in files.
ePub output
After installing the patch, copy the updated ePub Generator.jsx script from [InstallDir]/RoboHTML/presets/scripts/ to the following location:
- On Windows XP: [USER]/Application Data/Adobe/RoboHTML/9.00/Scripts/Sample Scripts/
- On Windows 7: [USER]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/RoboHTML/9.00/Scripts/Sample Scripts/
CHM merging
If CHM merging fails after upgrading a project, follow these steps:
- Remove all merged TOC links from the parent project and create fresh links. Save the project and regenerate.
- Ensure that all merged child projects are listed under the MERGE FILES section of the .hhp file present in the parent project before regeneration.
RoboHelp for Word
The following issue has been resolved in this update:
RoboHelp for Word fails to import Microsoft Word documents if Microsoft Word 2010 is used with it.