Last updated on
Jul 13, 2023
Geometry instancing
- Scene parameters
- Output scene path String
Sets the item name and possibly its containing groups. Learn more in the Path expressions and filtering section.
- Output scene path String
- Particles Scene
The scene holding the particles cloud used to place instances. - Use particle orientation Boolean
Controls whether instances should be placed using their original orientation, or the orientation of their matching particle in the particle cloud. - Normalize scale X/Y/Z Boolean
Normalizes the scale of the instances’ bounding boxes to 1 for a specific axis. - Instantiated assets
- Assets Scene
Scene containing elements which should be used as a collection to pick from for generating instances. All elements directly under the root of the scene are included in this collection. - Sequencing Integer (selects an Enum index)
Controls the order in which elements from the input Scene should be picked when generating instances. - Custom first element Boolean
Controls whether the first element in the instances generation sequence should be the first element of the input scene, or one set by the user.
Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter. - First element index Integer
Sets the index of the element in the input Scene which should be the starting point of the Custom sequence.
Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True. - Sequence String
Sets the sequence of elements to be used when generating instances, written as a index values separated by a space – e.g.1 3 5 4 2
Note: Index values loop around if they are higher or lower than valid indexes for the input scene collection – e.g. for indexes1 2 3 4
, 5 will correspond to 1 as in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 (5) - 2 (6).
Note 2: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True. - Custom last element Boolean
Controls whether the last element in the instances generation sequence should be the last element of the input Scene, or one set by the user.
Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter. - Last element index Integer
Sets the index of the element in the input Scene which should be the ending point of the Custom sequence.
Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
- Assets Scene
- Random number generator seed Integer
Random seed value used in the pseudo-random distribution of elements from the input collection.
Example Images