Unity 3.0.0+ | Ecosystem and Plug-ins

  1. Substance 3D home
  2. Ecosystems and Plugins
    1. Home
    2. Game Engines
      1. Unreal Engine
        1. Unreal Engine 5
          1. Unreal Engine 5 overview
          2. Unreal Engine 5 Release Notes
            1. Unreal plugin 5.3.2
            2. Unreal plugin 5.0.3
            3. Unreal plugin 5.0.2
            4. Unreal plugin 5.0.1
          3. Plugin Overview - UE5
          4. Plugin Settings - UE5
          5. Substance Input Image - UE5
          6. Material Instance Definition - UE5
          7. Material Template Usage - UE5
          8. Out-of-the-Box Material Templates
          9. Tiling Substance - UE5
          10. Substance 3D Plugin Default Templates
          11. Substance 3D Assets Library Usage - UE5
          12. Blueprints - UE5
            1. Blueprint(UE5): Substance material parameters
            2. Blueprint(UE5): Dynamic Material Instance Skip to end of metadata
            3. Blueprint(UE5): Aggregate Substance
            4. Blueprint(UE5): Node Reference
          13. Unreal Engine 5 Scripting
          14. Installing to Source Builds
        2. Unreal Engine 4
          1. Unreal Engine 4 overview
          2. Unreal Engine 4 plugin release notes
            1. Unreal plugin
            2. Unreal plugin
            3. Unreal plugin
            4. Unreal plugin
            5. Unreal plugin
            6. Unreal plugin
            7. Unreal plugin
            8. Unreal plugin
            9. Unreal plugin
            10. Unreal plugin
            11. Unreal plugin
            12. Unreal plugin
            13. Unreal plugin
          3. Plugin Overview - UE4
          4. Plugin Settings - UE4
          5. Substance Input Image - UE4
          6. Material Instance Definition - UE4
          7. Tiling Substance - UE4
          8. Working with Bump Offset (Parallax) - UE4
          9. Working with Displacement - UE4
          10. Source in UE4
          11. Live Link in UE4
          12. Blueprints - UE4
            1. Blueprint(UE4): Substance material parameters
            2. Blueprint(UE4): Dynamic Material Instance
            3. Blueprint(UE4): Aggregate Substance
            4. Blueprint(UE4): Node Reference
          13. Unreal Engine 4 Scripting
      2. Unity
        1. Unity overview
        2. Unity Release Notes
          1. Unity 3.0.0+
          2. Unity 2.6.0
          3. Unity 2.5.4
          4. Unity 2.5.3
          5. Unity 2.5.2
          6. Unity 2.5.1
          7. Unity 2.4.5
          8. Unity 2.4.4
          9. Unity 2.4.3
          10. Unity 2.4.1
          11. Unity 2.4.0
          12. Unity 2.3.4
          13. Unity 2.3.2
          14. Unity 2.2.2
          15. Unity 2.2.0
        3. Downloading Substance 3D Plugin in Unity
        4. Unity Plugin Overview
        5. Unity Preferences
        6. Optimization Guidelines
        7. Upgrading Projects/Known Issues
        8. Managing Substance Graphs
        9. Changing parameters
        10. Generated Textures (Packing)
        11. Rendering Color Space
        12. Using Image Inputs
        13. Publishing for Mobile
        14. Substance 3D for Unity Scripting
          1. Unity Scripting overview
          2. Class Documentation
            1. SubstanceEditorTools
            2. SubstanceRuntime Class
            3. SubstanceRuntimeGraph Class
              1. SubstanceRuntimeGraph Class overview
              2. Member Function Documentation
              3. Detailed Description
        15. Scripting in Unity (Deprecated)
        16. API Overview
        17. Scripting API
        18. C# Example Script
        19. Substance 3D Assets Library Usage
        20. Removing Substance Plugin
        21. Substance 3D in Unity Tutorials
        22. Physical Size in Unity
        23. Sharing sbsar Files Between Projects
      3. Lumberyard
        1. Lumberyard overview
        2. Importing a Substance
        3. Assigning a Substance
        4. Parameters and outputs
        5. Flow Graph API
      4. Roblox
    3. 3D Applications
      1. Maya
        1. Maya Plugin Release Notes
          1. Maya 3.0.0+
          2. Maya 2.4.1
          3. Maya 2.4.0
          4. Maya 2.3
          5. Maya 2.2.3
          6. Maya 2.2.2
          7. Maya 2.2.1
          8. Maya 2.1.9
          9. Maya 2.1.8
          10. Maya 2.1.7
          11. Maya 2.1.6
          12. Maya 2.1.5
          13. Maya 2.1.4
          14. Maya 2.1.3
          15. Maya 2.1.2
          16. Maya 2.1.1
          17. Maya 2.1.0
          18. Maya 2.0.3
          19. Maya 0.9.11
        2. Substance in Maya Overview
        3. Installation
        4. Substance Output Node
        5. Using Workflows
        6. Working with Outputs
        7. Procedural Sampling
        8. Presets
        9. Settings
        10. Arnold Support
        11. Apply Workflow To Maps
        12. Maya Scripting
        13. Physical Size in Maya
      2. 3ds Max
        1. 3ds Max Plugin Release Notes
          1. 3ds Max 3.0.0+
          2. 3ds Max 2.8.0
          3. 3ds Max 2.7.0
          4. 3ds Max 2.4.2
          5. 3ds Max 2.4.1
          6. 3ds Max 2.4.0
          7. 3ds Max 2.3.4
          8. 3ds Max 2.3.3
          9. 3ds Max 2.3.2
          10. 3ds Max 2.3.1
          11. 3ds Max 2.2.0
        2. Substance in 3ds Max Overview
        3. Substance Settings
        4. Using Presets
        5. Batch Import
        6. Using Workflows in 3ds Max
        7. Substance Source
        8. Animating a Substance material
        9. 3ds MAX Scripting API
        10. Troubleshooting
      3. MODO
        1. MODO overview
        2. Modo Plugin Release Notes
          1. Modo 2.7.3
          2. Modo v. 2.7.5
          3. Modo v. 2.7.4
          4. Modo v. 2.7.3
          5. Modo v. 2.7.2
          6. Modo v. 2.7.1
          7. Modo v. 2.7.0
        3. Substance in MODO Overview
        4. Modo Installation
        5. Parameters
        6. Custom Materials
        7. Working with Normals
        8. Working with Emissive
        9. Bump and Displacement
        10. Working with References
        11. Animating Substances
        12. Copy/Duplicate Substance
        13. Environment and Rendering Setup
        14. Modo Switch Engine
        15. Tiling Modo textures
      4. Cinema 4D
        1. Cinema 4D overview
        2. Set-Up
        3. Using the Substance Plugin
        4. Substance Asset Manager
        5. Substance Shader
        6. Attribute Manager
        7. Visual Feedback of Animated Substances
      5. Houdini
      6. Blender
        1. Blender overview
        2. Release Notes
          1. Add-on 2.0.0+
          2. Add-on 1.0.2
          3. Add-on 0.9.5
          4. Add-on 0.9.3
          5. Add-on 0.9.2
          6. Add-on 0.9.1
        3. Substance in Blender Overview
        4. Downloading and Installing the Plugin
        5. Preferences
        6. The Substance 3D Panel
        7. Shortcuts and Navigation
        8. Workflows
        9. Physical size in Blender
        10. Substance 3D Assets Library
        11. Troubleshooting
        12. Uninstalling the Add-on
        13. Substance 3D Add-on for Blender Tutorials
    4. Creative Cloud Applications
      1. Photoshop
    5. Renderers
      1. Converting Substance outputs
      2. Color Management
        1. Color Management overview
        2. Substance textures in Maya
        3. Substance textures in 3ds Max
      3. Arnold
        1. Arnold overview
        2. Arnold - Substance in 3ds Max
        3. Arnold - Substance in Maya
        4. Arnold - Substance Painter
      4. Vray
        1. Vray overview
        2. Vray Next - Substance in Maya
        3. Vray Next - Substance in 3ds Max
        4. Vray Next - Substance Painter
      5. Renderman
        1. Renderman overview
        2. Renderman for Maya
        3. Renderman - Substance Painter
      6. Redshift
        1. Redshift overview
        2. Redshift for 3ds Max
        3. Redshift for Maya
        4. Redshift - Substance Painter
      7. Maxwell
        1. Maxwell overview
        2. Maxwell - Substance in Maya
        3. Maxwell - Substance Painter
      8. Corona
        1. Corona overview
        2. Corona for 3ds Max
        3. Corona - Substance Painter
      9. Octane
        1. Octane overview
        2. Octane for 3ds Max
        3. Octane for MODO
      10. Keyshot
      11. Thea
      12. Maverick
        1. Maverick overview
        2. Substance Painter Integration
        3. Substance SBSAR Integration
      13. Toolbag
      14. Cycles and Eevee
        1. Cycles and Eevee overview
        2. Cycles and Eevee - Substance 3D for Blender
        3. Cycles and Eevee - Susbtance Painter
    6. Partnerships
      1. Substance 3D and Maxon One
      2. Substance 3D and Maxon One FAQ

Unity 3.0.0+

Unity 3.12.0


  • Support for Substance 3D Connector in Unity, enabling SendTo functionality for sending assets between Substance 3D Sampler and Unity.
  • Support for renaming and republishing .sbsar graphs from Designer to Unity, ensuring that changes made in Designer persist when the updated graph is re-imported into the Unity plugin.
  • Documentation for sharing .sbsar files between Unity projects.
  • Community contribution page to the Unity plugin documentation: https://helpx.adobe.com/substance-3d-integrations/game-engines/unity/community-contributions.html.


  • An issue where the material miniature in the Unity Project Assets Folder does not update after republishing a .sbsar file, displaying the previous material instead of the current one.

Unity 3.11.0



  • Fixed an issue causing the plugin to break on Linux platforms.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with the Unity plugin in version 2023.

Unity 3.10.1


  • Fixed an issue where the Substance Engine failed to load due to a problem with sbsario.dll in the Substance 3D for Unity plugin.

Unity 3.10.0


  • Updated the comments section for the RenderInstanceAsync API in the plugin


  • Addressed a memory leak issue in the C++ code of the plugin, ensuring complete memory recovery upon disposal of objects.
  • Fixed an issue on Linux where importing the Unity plugin package resulted in a 'SubstanceException: An invalid argument was given to the API' error, now allowing for the successful import of SBSAR files.
  • Resolved an issue where SubstanceGraphSO.CurrentStatePreset was not functioning correctly for loading presets with a custom editor window script in Unity; a corrective script is now available on our Substance documentation(HelpX) page: https://helpx.adobe.com/substance-3d-integrations/game-engines/unity/substance-3d-for-unity-scripting.html
  • Fixed a bug where graph properties were disappearing upon re-selection in the Unity editor.
  • Addressed the 'Unknown managed type referenced' issue related to SubstanceGraphSO in the Unity plugin, improving compatibility and functionality on Android platforms, particularly for Unity 2022.1 and potentially across all Unity versions.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'NORMAL FORMAT' selection in the TECHNICAL PARAMETERS section was incorrectly displayed as a number input field, instead of the expected dropdown list with DirectX and OpenGL options.

Unity 3.9.0


  • Sbsar files can now be dragged and dropped into the project. The .sbsar object can be applied to a mesh as expected in Unity 2022.3.
  • Enhanced documentation for the plugin.


  • Fixed an issue where the Unity plugin was not functional on Android.
  • Addressed naming constraints in the Unity plugin. When a file name contained a ".", the plugin didn't load the file correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where unchecking "Generate all outputs" didn't automatically delete the extra texture.
  • Fixed the incorrect import of SBSAR materials in Unity 2021.3 standard projects. Now, in the standard template project, SBSAR materials can be imported into the assets folder and applied to a 3D mesh without errors.
  • Fixed the incorrect import of SBSAR materials in Unity 2021/2022 HDRP projects. Now, in the HDRP template project, SBSAR materials can be imported into the assets folder and applied to a 3D mesh without errors.
  • Fixed a compilation error when generating the Android build to produce the APK: "Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details."
  • Fixed an issue causing the build project process to fail with errors on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue causing the build project process to fail with errors on Android: UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException.
  • Addressed the UnityException encountered when changing SubstanceGraph inputs at runtime. Previously, invoking the SubstanceRuntimeGraph.SetTexturesResolution and the SubstanceRuntimeGraph.Render() led the SubstanceGraph to render incorrect results.
  • Corrected a typographical error in SubstanceEditorTools.cs.

Unity 3.8.0


  • Introduced support for parameters with conditional visibility (Visible If feature).
  • Upgraded the Substance engine to version 9.
  • Updated documentation to address an issue with NativeGraph.InRenderWork not functioning in a custom editor window script. Further details can be found here: Substance 3D for Unity Scripting - Class Documentation


  • Resolved an issue affecting normal maps in Android projects.
  • Addressed a bug where dragging an sbsar object into the scene view inadvertently caused all moused-over objects to have their materials overridden by the sbsar object material.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when inspecting a material marked as Runtime Only in Runtime mode and opening the Output Texture Mapping.

Unity 3.7.0


  • Support for embedded and external presets
  • Compatibility with Unity 2022.2


  • Error when creating a new graph for an sbsar file using the copy graph button: “Unexpected recursive transfer of scripted class”
  • Extra material folder creation on Mac after reopening a project
  • SubstanceFileSO array not updating when creating/deleting graph instances
  • Incorrect input options display when duplicating a Substance
  • Empty label fields in .sbsprs file exports
  • Errors during preset export/import in the editor: EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first.


  • Channels section from Unity Plugin due to lack of user value

Unity 3.6.0


  • The ability to make individual Int 4 values independently editable.


  • An issue where materials were reverting to a previous state when reopening a project
  • An error where the message "No graphs found" was displayed when trying to modify the material graph
  • An issue where the input values for the Rotation Offset parameter in the Physical Size feature were not changing
  • An issue where duplicated graph instances had incorrect GraphID values for inputs
  • An issue where the Substance generator was not initializing properly in the editor while using editor scripts (custom editor window) to change a graph
  • An issue where exporting a SubstanceGraphSO.CurrentStatePreset from a custom editor window script exported a cached version of the graph
  • An issue where parameter changes didn't save when the inspector window was locked
  • An issue where the manual keyboard input in the Position Offset section of the Physical Size options had no effect on the material in Editor mode
  • An error that occurred when manually typing parameter values in the SBSAR object

Unity 3.5.0


  • Support for users to change how output textures are assigned to the Unity material
  • Plugin compatibility with the latest Unity 2022.2 version


  • Null reference error when materials have an Int4 input
  • Error with Int4 inputs, the W value is assigned to Data2 instead of Data3
  • Typo in the function name "_OcclusionStrength"

Unity 3.4.0


  • Position offset controls to translate the texture across the surface in physical size panel
  • Links to download Adobe Substance 3D Assets and Substance Community Assets in the project settings

Unity 3.3.0


  • The physical size feature for HDRP, which allows materials to be applied and scaled based on their real-world sizes
  • UI for GPU enablement in the project settings


  • graphIDs from most of the API calls

Unity 3.2.1


  • The issue with upgrading the plugin from 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 to the latest version.

Unity 3.2.0


  • Performance improvement on script recompilation


  • Asset import failed in the Unity plugin when importing custom Sbsar materials
  • "ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range" error
  • "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range" error

Unity 3.1.0


  • 1.38x performance improvement for Mac
  • GPU engine on the Mac uses Metal instead of OpenGL


  • Mac issue where the R and B channels of the output textures will be flipped

Unity 3.0.0


  • Apple Silicon support
  • New YouTube tutorial on how to use the plugin
  • New scripting documentation


  • Bug in the inspector display when hitting the randomize button over and over
  • Null texture inputs breaking Substance updates
  • “Generate All Outputs”, “Generate Mip Maps” and “Runtime only” toggle not working
  • Issues with the Namespaces
  • Null Reference error when entering play mode with graph asset selected
  • Issue with HDRP and URP for the latest 2021.3 LTS version of Unity when using Runtime only materials

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