Get the account ID for the account under which the meeting exists.
Depending on your organization, you might need to configure your system to ensure compliance with governmental regulations and industry standards regarding communication.
You can use Adobe Connect to monitor communication data in many ways. For example, you can disable the use of pods, set Adobe Connect to always or never record meetings, generate transcripts of chat sessions, create a notice that recording is taking place, and more. You can also control user access in several ways. For example, you can distinguish between authenticated and non-authenticated users, restrict access to meetings rooms based on roles, and block guest access to rooms. For more information, see Administering Adobe Connect in the Using Adobe Connect guide.
When you change the settings for these features, the changes take effect when a new meeting is started or when the server is refreshed. The typical refresh interval is 10 minutes. The next meeting that starts after the server is refreshed reflects any new settings.
Changing certain settings through the XML API can affect the use of other features. For example, when the attendee list is disabled (meeting-feature-update), users cannot create breakout rooms. Therefore, to prevent user confusion, disable the breakout rooms feature at the same time.
Disabling pods
When you disable pods, the layout of a meeting room is affected and may have more empty white space than you want. Administrators can either resize remaining pods to occupy the empty space (the recommended approach), or create new meeting room templates. Otherwise, after a meeting starts, the host can manually resize pods as they see fit.
If a pod with persistent data, such a Chat pod, is disabled and then re-enabled between different sessions of the same meeting, the contents of the old pod are lost.
Disable the Chat and Note pods
Log in using the administrative account.
Call meeting-feature-update, passing fid-meeting-chat and fid-meeting-note as arguments to the feature-id parameter, and setting the enable attribute for both parameters to false.
Refresh the server or start a new meeting to see the change.
The following code disables the Chat and Note pods:
Managing chat transcripts
To configure Adobe Connect to generate chat transcripts, select Generate chat transcripts for all meetings in Adobe Connect Central or call meeting-feature-update with the feature-idfid-chat-transcripts.
To get a chat transcript, you need the sco-id of the chat session. Use a combination of XML APIs to get the sco-id of a specific transcript. You can then get the transcript from the following Adobe Connect directory:
Get chat transcripts
Get the sco-id of the chat transcripts tree by calling sco-shortcuts:
Parse the response for the chat transcripts tree-id:
<shortcuts><sco tree-id="10026" sco-id="2006258748" type="chat-transcripts"><domain-name></domain-name></sco>...</shortcuts></results><shortcuts> <sco tree-id="10026" sco-id="2006258748" type="chat-transcripts"> <domain-name></domain-name> </sco> ... </shortcuts> </results><shortcuts> <sco tree-id="10026" sco-id="2006258748" type="chat-transcripts"> <domain-name></domain-name> </sco> ... </shortcuts> </results>
Get the list of chat transcripts for a particular meeting by calling sco-contents with the chat transcripts tree-id and the filter source-sco-id:
In the example above, 10026 is the sco-id of the chat transcripts tree and 10458 is the sco-id of the meeting. (You can get the sco-id of the meeting from the URL of the meeting information page.)
The list of SCOs that is returned represents the chat transcripts for the meeting.
Find the chat transcript in the Adobe Connect directory [RootInstall]/content/account-id/transcript-sco-id/output/.
Forcing meetings to be recorded
You can set up Adobe Connect to record all meetings. Adobe recommends that when meetings are recorded, you show a disclaimer to notify users that the meeting is being recorded.
Force meetings to be recorded
Disable the setting that lets hosts control recording (fid-archive) and enable automatic recording (fid-archive-force) by calling meeting-feature-update. Pass the two feature-id arguments:
Refresh the server or start a new meeting to see the change.
Setting up disclaimer notices
You can set up a disclaimer notice to appear when a user enters a meeting. A disclaimer notice typically displays boilerplate information for your organization. It advises users of the status of the meeting and the terms of use for the meeting. For example, a disclaimer notice could advise users that the meeting is being recorded, and that users cannot join the meeting unless they accept the notice. By default, this option is disabled.
Set up a disclaimer notice
Call meeting-disclaimer-update and set the text for the disclaimer notice: note that this meeting is being recorded. note that this meeting is being recorded. note that this meeting is being recorded.
Call meeting-feature-update to activate the disclaimer:
Refresh the server or start a new meeting to see the change.
Controlling share settings
You can control settings related to the information that a user can share with other users during a meeting. Call meeting-feature-update and pass the appropriate feature ID or multiple feature IDs to enable or disable a share setting. For example, to disable screen sharing, call the following code:
The following table lists the feature IDs for share settings. For a full list of feature IDs, see feature-id.
Share setting |
Feature ID |
Share a computer screen or control of the screen; share a document or white board |
fid-meeting-desktop-sharing |
Upload a document to the Share pod |
fid-meeting-shared-upload |
Upload and manage files using the File Share pod |
fid-meeting-file-share |
Share a white board |
fid-meeting-white-board |
Display web pages to attendees |
fid-meeting-web-links |