- Resize images
- Cropping
- Process camera raw image files
- Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
- Adjust shadows and light
- Retouch and correct photos
- Combine Photos
- Sharpen photos
- Transforming
- Auto Smart Tone
- Recomposing
- Using actions to process photos
- Photomerge Compose
- Create a panorama
- Moving Overlays
- Moving Elements
- Guided mode
- Filters
- Guided mode Photomerge edits
- Guided mode Basic edits
- Adjustment filters
- Effects
- Guided mode Fun edits
- Guided mode Special edits
- Artistic filters
- Guided mode Color edits
- Guided mode Black & White edits
- Blur filters
- Brush Stroke filters
- Distort filters
- Other filters
- Noise filters
- Render filters
- Sketch filters
- Stylize filters
- Texture filters
- Pixelate filters
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for selecting and moving objects
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
- Keys for painting and brushes
- Keys for using text
- Keys for the Liquify filter
- Keys for transforming selections
- Keys for the Color Swatches panel
- Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
- Keys for the Filter Gallery
- Keys for using blending modes
- Keys for viewing images (expertmode)
- Photoshop Elements User Guide
- Introduction to Photoshop Elements
- Workspace and environment
Fixing and enhancing photos
- Resize images
- Cropping
- Process camera raw image files
- Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
- Adjust shadows and light
- Retouch and correct photos
- Combine Photos
- Sharpen photos
- Transforming
- Auto Smart Tone
- Recomposing
- Using actions to process photos
- Photomerge Compose
- Create a panorama
- Moving Overlays
- Moving Elements
- Adding shapes and text
- Quick Actions
- Working with colors
- Working with selections
- Working with layers
- Creating photo projects
- Saving, printing, and sharing photos
Keyboard shortcuts
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for selecting and moving objects
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
- Keys for painting and brushes
- Keys for using text
- Keys for the Liquify filter
- Keys for transforming selections
- Keys for the Color Swatches panel
- Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
- Keys for the Filter Gallery
- Keys for using blending modes
- Keys for viewing images (expertmode)
“高斯模糊”滤镜通过一个可调量快速模糊选区。“高斯”是指当 Photoshop Elements 将加权平均应用于像素时生成的钟形曲线。“高斯模糊”滤镜添加低频细节,并产生一种朦胧效果。可以设置滤镜选项中的模糊半径,以确定滤镜搜索不同像素进行模糊的程度。
镜头模糊可用于产生更窄的景深效果,以便使图像中的一些对象在焦点内,而使另一些区域对象变模糊。变模糊的图像部分以及留在焦点上的部分取决于图层蒙版、保存的选择或应用的透明区域设置。 模糊的显示方式取决于您选取的光圈形状。光圈形状由它们所包含的叶片的数量来确定。您可以通过弯曲(使它们更圆)或旋转它们来更改光圈的叶片。使用“预览”选项来查看更改“镜头模糊”对话框中的设置如何影响您的照片。
“动感模糊”滤镜以特殊方向(从 -360º 到 +360º)和特定距离(从 1 到 999)进行模糊。此滤镜的效果类似于以固定的曝光时间给一个移动的对象拍照。可以设置模糊角度和距离。
“径向模糊”滤镜模拟缩放或旋转的相机所产生的模糊,产生一种柔化的模糊。“数量”选项控制模糊量。“旋转”沿同心环状线条进行模糊,并允许您指定旋转的度数。“缩放”沿径向直线进行模糊,就像放大或缩小图像一样,并允许您指定从 1 到 100 的数量。模糊的品质范围从“草图”到“好”和“最好”:“草图”产生最快但呈粒状的结果,“好”和“最好”产生比较平滑的结果,除非在大选区上,否则看不出这两种品质的区别。通过拖动“模糊中心”框中的图案,指定模糊的原点。
使用“表面模糊”滤镜可在保留边缘的情况下模糊图像。 此滤镜用于创建特殊效果并消除杂色或粒度。“半径”选项指定模糊取样区域的大小。“阈值”选项控制相邻像素色调值与中心像素值相差多大时才能成为模糊的一部分。色调值差小于阈值的像素被排除在模糊之外。