Adobe TV
- Resize images
- Cropping
- Process camera raw image files
- Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
- Adjust shadows and light
- Retouch and correct photos
- Combine Photos
- Sharpen photos
- Transforming
- Auto Smart Tone
- Recomposing
- Using actions to process photos
- Photomerge Compose
- Create a panorama
- Moving Overlays
- Moving Elements
- Guided mode
- Filters
- Guided mode Photomerge edits
- Guided mode Basic edits
- Adjustment filters
- Effects
- Guided mode Fun edits
- Guided mode Special edits
- Artistic filters
- Guided mode Color edits
- Guided mode Black & White edits
- Blur filters
- Brush Stroke filters
- Distort filters
- Other filters
- Noise filters
- Render filters
- Sketch filters
- Stylize filters
- Texture filters
- Pixelate filters
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for selecting and moving objects
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
- Keys for painting and brushes
- Keys for using text
- Keys for the Liquify filter
- Keys for transforming selections
- Keys for the Color Swatches panel
- Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
- Keys for the Filter Gallery
- Keys for using blending modes
- Keys for viewing images (expertmode)
- Photoshop Elements User Guide
- Introduction to Photoshop Elements
Fixing and enhancing photos
- Resize images
- Cropping
- Process camera raw image files
- Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
- Adjust shadows and light
- Retouch and correct photos
- Combine Photos
- Sharpen photos
- Transforming
- Auto Smart Tone
- Recomposing
- Using actions to process photos
- Photomerge Compose
- Create a panorama
- Moving Overlays
- Moving Elements
- Adding shapes and text
- Quick Actions
Guided edits, effects, and filters
- Guided mode
- Filters
- Guided mode Photomerge edits
- Guided mode Basic edits
- Adjustment filters
- Effects
- Guided mode Fun edits
- Guided mode Special edits
- Artistic filters
- Guided mode Color edits
- Guided mode Black & White edits
- Blur filters
- Brush Stroke filters
- Distort filters
- Other filters
- Noise filters
- Render filters
- Sketch filters
- Stylize filters
- Texture filters
- Pixelate filters
- Working with colors
- Working with selections
- Working with layers
- Creating photo projects
- Saving, printing, and sharing photos
Keyboard shortcuts
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for selecting and moving objects
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
- Keys for painting and brushes
- Keys for using text
- Keys for the Liquify filter
- Keys for transforming selections
- Keys for the Color Swatches panel
- Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
- Keys for the Filter Gallery
- Keys for using blending modes
- Keys for viewing images (expertmode)
快速模式在一个位置集合了基本的照片修复工具,可快速修复照片曝光、颜色、锐化和其他元素。在 Photoshop Elements 12 中,除了校正照片外,您还可以将照片变换为看起来更专业的艺术作品。现在提供了三个新面板 - “效果”、“纹理”以及“边框”。
11 种可用效果各有 5 种变体。通过应用效果转变您的照片。可用“效果”的可单击缩略图为实时预览,用户可以借此了解应用到图像上的效果,无需真正将效果应用到图像上。可用效果有黑白、复古外观以及跨流程预设。
为图像提供色调(例如金色、棕褐色、绿色)。 可用的变体:
- 铜色
- 金色
- 棕褐色
- 绿色
- 蓝色
对图像应用季节效果。 可用的变体:
- 春季
- 夏季
- 秋季
- 冬季
- 雪
应用一种效果使图像看起来像铅笔素描。 可用的变体:
- 软线条
- 铅笔素描
- 炭笔
- 点画
- 彩色铅笔
应用一种效果使图像看上去像是用玩具相机拍摄的照片。 可用的变体:
- 玩具相机
- Lomo 蓝色
- Lomo 对比度
- Lomo 绿色
- Holga
对图像应用黑白效果。 可用的变体:
- 简单的黑白
- 银色
- 旧学校
- 白金
- 黑色着色
对图像应用平版画效果。 可用的变体:
- 棕褐色
- 黑色
- 铜色
- 蓝色
- 绿色
- 深蓝色
- 橙色水洗
- 蓝色水洗
- 绿色水洗
- 紫色水洗
- 拆分色调
- 蓝色色调
- 红色色调
- 绿色色调
- 灰色调
对图像应用复古效果。 可用的变体:
- 老式泄漏
- 褪色复古
- 复古色
- 棕褐色亮光
- 深沉复古
应用图片底片光漏入相机暗盒中的效果。 可用的变体:
- 扩散颜色
- 燃烧边缘
- 柔和泄漏
- 白色泄漏
- 黄色条纹
在 Photoshop Elements Editor 中打开照片,并切换到快速模式。
除调整面板之外,提供了三个面板 - “效果”、“纹理”和“边框”。单击任意面板的图标。
(可选)切换到“专家”模式以修改图像上使用的效果、纹理或边框。 在“快速”模式中应用的修改在单独的图层中可用。