- Resize images
- Cropping
- Process camera raw image files
- Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
- Adjust shadows and light
- Retouch and correct photos
- Combine Photos
- Sharpen photos
- Transforming
- Auto Smart Tone
- Recomposing
- Using actions to process photos
- Photomerge Compose
- Create a panorama
- Moving Overlays
- Moving Elements
- Guided mode
- Filters
- Guided mode Photomerge edits
- Guided mode Basic edits
- Adjustment filters
- Effects
- Guided mode Fun edits
- Guided mode Special edits
- Artistic filters
- Guided mode Color edits
- Guided mode Black & White edits
- Blur filters
- Brush Stroke filters
- Distort filters
- Other filters
- Noise filters
- Render filters
- Sketch filters
- Stylize filters
- Texture filters
- Pixelate filters
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for selecting and moving objects
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
- Keys for painting and brushes
- Keys for using text
- Keys for the Liquify filter
- Keys for transforming selections
- Keys for the Color Swatches panel
- Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
- Keys for the Filter Gallery
- Keys for using blending modes
- Keys for viewing images (expertmode)
- Photoshop Elements User Guide
- Introduction to Photoshop Elements
- Workspace and environment
Fixing and enhancing photos
- Resize images
- Cropping
- Process camera raw image files
- Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
- Adjust shadows and light
- Retouch and correct photos
- Combine Photos
- Sharpen photos
- Transforming
- Auto Smart Tone
- Recomposing
- Using actions to process photos
- Photomerge Compose
- Create a panorama
- Moving Overlays
- Moving Elements
- Adding shapes and text
- Quick Actions
- Working with colors
- Working with selections
- Working with layers
- Creating photo projects
- Saving, printing, and sharing photos
Keyboard shortcuts
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for selecting and moving objects
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
- Keys for painting and brushes
- Keys for using text
- Keys for the Liquify filter
- Keys for transforming selections
- Keys for the Color Swatches panel
- Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
- Keys for the Filter Gallery
- Keys for using blending modes
- Keys for viewing images (expertmode)
“自定”滤镜允许您设计自己的滤镜效果。使用“自定”滤镜,根据预定义的数学运算(称为卷积),可以更改图像中每个像素的亮度值。根据周围的像素值为每个像素重新指定一个值。您可以存储创建的自定滤镜,并将它们用于其他 Photoshop 图像。
选择正中间的文本框,它代表要进行计算的像素。输入要与该像素的亮度值相乘的值,值范围是 -999 到 +999。
例如,要将紧邻当前像素右侧的像素亮度值乘 2,可在紧邻中间文本框右侧的文本框中输入 2。
注意:为了避免将图像变为全白色或全黑色,矩阵中值的总和应等于 1。
对要进行计算的所有像素重复执行步骤 3 和 4。不必在所有文本框中都输入值。
“高反差”滤镜在有强烈颜色转变发生的地方按指定的半径保留边缘细节,并且不显示图像的其余部分。(0.1 像素半径仅保留边缘像素。) 此滤镜移去图像中的低频细节,效果与“高斯模糊”滤镜相反。
可以安装由非 Adobe 软件开发商开发的增效工具滤镜。安装后,除非开发商已指定另一位置,否则增效工具滤镜会出现在“滤镜”菜单的底部。
如果您对创建增效工具模块感兴趣,请与 Adobe 系统开发商支持人员联系。
Digimarc 滤镜
Photoshop Elements 自动扫描打开的图像,查看是否存在 Digimarc® 水印。如果检测到水印,则应用程序会在该图像窗口的标题栏中显示版权符号,并将该信息包含在“文件简介”对话框的“版权状态”、“版权公告”和“版权信息 URL”部分中。
检测 Digimarc 滤镜
选择“滤镜”>“Digimarc”>“读取水印”。如果滤镜找到水印,则会出现一个对话框以显示 Digimarc ID、版权年份(如果存在)和图像属性。
单击“确定”。如果已安装 Web 浏览器,则单击“Web 查找”可获得有关图像所有者的详细信息。该选项打开浏览器并显示 Digimarc 网站,网站中的联系人详细信息会显示给定的 Digimarc ID。