New and changed functions/tags in Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release)

This document lists new and changed functions/tags in Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release).

New functions


There is a new parameter, includeColumnNames, in this function. For more information, see SpreadsheetAddRows function description and examples.


There is a new parameter, includeEmptyFields, in this function. For more information, see ReplaceList function description and examples.


There are two new attributes in the <cfapplication> tag:

  1. passArrayByReference
  2. searchImplicitScopes

For more information, see cfapplication.


The verity types, simple, explicit, internet, internet_basic, and natural no longer exist. There are two new verity types, Standard and DisMax, in the tag. For more information, see cfsearch.


There is a new attribute, item, in <cfloop>. The attribute, index, is now optional.

For more information, see cfloop.


There is a new, optional attribute, filename, in cfmailparam.

For more information, see cfmailparam.


There is a new, optional attribute, encodefor in this tag.

For more information, see cfoutput.


In Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release), you can use two additional 256-bit encryption algorithms when protecting a PDF document. The algorithms are:

  1. AES_256R5
  2. AES_256R6

For more information, see cfpdf.


The CacheRemove function has an updated syntax:

CacheRemove(Object id, boolean throwOnError, String key, boolean exact)

For more information, see CacheRemove.


The TimeFormat function has new masks to represent time zones in different formats. For more information, see TimeFormat function description and examples.


The DateFormat function has new masks to represent time zones in different formats. For more information, see DateFormat function description and examples.


The Replace function has an updated description and syntax. This function can take either string or callback function as an argument instead of the argument to replace the string. For more information, see Replace function description.


The function has a new parameter, structType, that represents the type of struct to be created.

For more information, see StructNew.


The function, WriteOutput, has a new parameter, encodefor. encodefor applies encoding on the input string.

For more information, see WriteOutput.

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