- ColdFusion functions by category
Functions a-b
- Abs
- ACos
- AddSOAPRequestHeader
- AddSOAPResponseHeader
- AjaxLink
- AjaxOnLoad
- ApplicationStop
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAvg
- ArrayClear
- ArrayContains
- ArrayContainsNoCase
- ArrayDelete
- ArrayDeleteAt
- ArrayDeleteNoCase
- ArrayEach
- ArrayFilter
- ArrayFind
- ArrayFindAll
- ArrayFindAllNoCase
- ArrayFindNoCase
- ArrayInsertAt
- ArrayIsDefined
- ArrayIsEmpty
- ArrayLen
- ArrayMap
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- ArrayNew
- ArrayPrepend
- ArrayReduce
- ArrayResize
- ArraySet
- ArraySetMetadata
- ArraySlice
- ArraySort
- ArraySum
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToList
- Asc
- ASin
- Atn
- AuthenticatedContext
- AuthenticatedUser
- BinaryDecode
- BinaryEncode
- BitAnd
- BitMaskClear
- BitMaskRead
- BitMaskSet
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BooleanFormat
- CacheGet
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheGetMetadata
- CacheGetProperties
- CacheGetSession
- CacheIdExists
- CachePut
- CacheRegionExists
- CacheRegionNew
- CacheRegionRemove
- CacheRemove
- CacheRemoveAll
- CacheSetProperties
- CallStackDump
- CallStackGet
- CanDeSerialize
- Canonicalize
- CanSerialize
- Ceiling
- CharsetDecode
- CharsetEncode
- Chr
- CJustify
- Compare
- CompareNoCase
- Cos
- CreateDate
- CreateDateTime
- CreateObject
- CreateObject: .NET object
- CreateObject: COM object
- CreateObject: component object
- CreateObject: CORBA object
- CreateObject: Java or EJB object
- CreateObject: web service object
- CreateODBCDate
- CreateODBCDateTime
- CreateODBCTime
- CreateSignedJWT
- CreateEncryptedJWT
- CreateTime
- CreateTimeSpan
- CreateUUID
- CSRFGenerateToken
- CSRFVerifyToken
- DateAdd
- DateCompare
- DateConvert
- DateDiff
- DateFormat
- DatePart
- DateTimeFormat
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfWeekAsString
- DayOfYear
- DaysInMonth
- DaysInYear
- DE
- DecimalFormat
- DecodeForHTML
- DecodeFromURL
- DecrementValue
- Decrypt
- DecryptBinary
- DeleteClientVariable
- Deserialize
- DeserializeJSON
- DeserializeXML
- DirectoryCopy
- DirectoryCreate
- DirectoryDelete
- DirectoryExists
- DirectoryList
- DirectoryRename
- DollarFormat
- DotNetToCFType
- Duplicate
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForDN
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForLDAP
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- Encrypt
- EncryptBinary
- EntityDelete
- EntityLoad
- EntityLoadByExample
- EntityLoadByPK
- EntityMerge
- EntityNew
- EntityReload
- EntitySave
- EntityToQuery
- Evaluate
- Exp
- ExpandPath
- FileClose
- FileCopy
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileGetMimeType
- FileIsEOF
- FileMove
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileReadBinary
- FileReadLine
- FileSeek
- FileSetAccessMode
- FileSetAttribute
- FileSetLastModified
- FileSkipBytes
- FileUpload
- FileUploadAll
- FileWrite
- FileWriteLine
- Find
- FindNoCase
- FindOneOf
- FirstDayOfMonth
- Fix
- Floor
- FormatBaseN
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GenerateSecretKey
- GetAuthUser
- GetBaseTagData
- GetBaseTagList
- GetBaseTemplatePath
- GetClientVariablesList
- GetComponentMetaData
- GetContextRoot
- GetCPUUsage
- GetCurrentTemplatePath
- GetDirectoryFromPath
- GetEncoding
- GetException
- GetFileFromPath
- GetFileInfo
- GetFreeSpace
- GetFunctionCalledName
- GetFunctionList
- GetGatewayHelper
- GetHttpRequestData
- GetHttpTimeString
- GetK2ServerDocCount
- GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
- GetLocale
- GetLocaleDisplayName
- GetLocalHostIP
- GetMetaData
- GetMetricData
- GetPageContext
- GetPrinterInfo
- GetPrinterList
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- GetReadableImageFormats
- GetSafeHTML
- GetSAMLAuthRequest
- GetSOAPRequest
- GetSOAPRequestHeader
- GetSOAPResponse
- GetSOAPResponseHeader
- GetSystemFreeMemory
- GetSystemTotalMemory
- GetTempDirectory
- GetTempFile
- GetTemplatePath
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeZoneInfo
- GetToken
- GetTotalSpace
- GetUserRoles
- GetVFSMetaData
- GetWriteableImageFormats
- Hash
- HMac
- Hour
- HQLMethods
- HTMLCodeFormat
- HTMLEditFormat
- IIf
- ImageAddBorder
- ImageBlur
- ImageClearRect
- ImageCopy
- ImageCreateCaptcha
- ImageCrop
- ImageDrawArc
- ImageDrawBeveledRect
- ImageDrawCubicCurve
- ImageDrawLine
- ImageDrawLines
- ImageDrawOval
- ImageDrawPoint
- ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
- ImageDrawRect
- ImageDrawRoundRect
- ImageDrawText
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetBlob
- ImageGetBufferedImage
- ImageGetEXIFMetadata
- ImageGetEXIFTag
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetIPTCMetadata
- ImageGetIPTCTag
- ImageGetMetadata
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageGrayscale
- ImageInfo
- ImageMakeColorTransparent
- ImageMakeTranslucent
- ImageNegative
- ImageNew
- ImageOverlay
- ImagePaste
- ImageRead
- ImageReadBase64
- ImageResize
- ImageRotate
- ImageRotateDrawingAxis
- ImageScaleToFit
- ImageSetAntialiasing
- ImageSetBackgroundColor
- ImageSetDrawingColor
- ImageSetDrawingStroke
- ImageSetDrawingTransparency
- ImageSharpen
- ImageShear
- ImageShearDrawingAxis
- ImageTranslate
- ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
- ImageWrite
- ImageWriteBase64
- ImageXORDrawingMode
- IncrementValue
- InputBaseN
- Insert
- Int
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- Invoke
- InitSAMLAuthRequest
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- IsArray
- IsAuthenticated
- IsAuthorized
- IsBinary
- IsBoolean
- IsClosure
- IsCustomFunction
- IsDate
- IsDateObject
- IsDebugMode
- IsDefined
- IsImage
- IsImageFile
- IsInstanceOf
- IsIPv6
- IsK2ServerABroker
- IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
- IsK2ServerOnline
- IsLeapYear
- IsLocalHost
- IsNull
- IsNumeric
- IsNumericDate
- IsObject
- isOnline
- IsPDFArchive
- IsPDFFile
- IsPDFObject
- IsProtected
- IsQuery
- isSamlLogoutResponse
- isSafeHTML
- IsSimpleValue
- IsSOAPRequest
- IsSpreadsheetFile
- IsSpreadsheetObject
- IsStruct
- IsUserInAnyRole
- IsUserInRole
- IsUserLoggedIn
- IsValid
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- IsXmlAttribute
- IsXmlDoc
- IsXmlElem
- IsXmlNode
- IsXmlRoot
- JavaCast
- JSStringFormat
- LCase
- Left
- Len
- ListAppend
- ListChangeDelims
- ListContains
- ListContainsNoCase
- ListDeleteAt
- ListEach
- ListFilter
- ListFind
- ListFindNoCase
- ListFirst
- ListGetAt
- ListInsertAt
- ListLast
- ListLen
- ListMap
- ListPrepend
- ListQualify
- ListReduce
- ListRemoveDuplicates
- ListRest
- ListSetAt
- ListSort
- ListToArray
- ListValueCount
- ListValueCountNoCase
- LJustify
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- LSCurrencyFormat
- LSDateFormat
- LSDateTimeFormat
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency
- LSIsDate
- LSIsNumeric
- LSNumberFormat
- LSParseCurrency
- LSParseDateTime
- LSParseEuroCurrency
- LSParseNumber
- LSTimeFormat
- LTrim
- Max
- Mid
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- MonthAsString
- Now
- NumberFormat
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- OnWSAuthenticate
- ORMClearSession
- ORMCloseAllSessions
- ORMCloseSession
- ORMEvictCollection
- ORMEvictEntity
- ORMEvictQueries
- ORMExecuteQuery
- ORMFlush
- ORMFlushall
- ORMGetSession
- ORMGetSessionFactory
- ORMIndex
- ORMIndexPurge
- ORMReload
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- ParagraphFormat
- ParameterExists
- ParseDateTime
- Pi
- PrecisionEvaluate
- ProcessSAMLResponse
- Quarter
- PreserveSingleQuotes
- QueryAddColumn
- QueryAddRow
- QueryConvertForGrid
- QueryExecute
- QueryFilter
- QueryGetResult
- QueryGetRow
- QueryKeyExists
- QueryMap
- QueryNew
- QueryReduce
- QuerySetCell
- QuotedValueList
- QueryEach
- Rand
- Randomize
- RandRange
- ReEscape
- REFind
- REFindNoCase
- ReleaseComObject
- REMatch
- REMatchNoCase
- RemoveCachedQuery
- RemoveChars
- RepeatString
- Replace
- ReplaceList
- ReplaceNoCase
- REReplace
- REReplaceNoCase
- RestDeleteApplication
- RestSetResponse
- RestInitApplication
- Reverse
- Right
- RJustify
- Round
- RTrim
- Second
- SendGatewayMessage
- SendSAMLLogoutResponse
- Serialize
- SerializeJSON
- SerializeXML
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SessionGetMetaData
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SetDay
- SetEncoding
- SetHour
- SetLocale
- SetMonth
- SetProfileString
- SetVariable
- SetYear
- Sgn
- Sin
- Sleep
- SpanExcluding
- SpanIncluding
- SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
- SpreadsheetAddImage
- SpreadsheetAddInfo
- SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
- SpreadsheetCreateSheet
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
- SpreadsheetDeleteRow
- SpreadsheetDeleteRows
- SpreadsheetFormatCell
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatColumns
- SpreadsheetFormatRow
- SpreadsheetFormatRows
- SpreadsheetGetCellComment
- SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetGetCellValue
- SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
- SpreadsheetInfo
- SpreadsheetMergeCells
- SpreadsheetNew
- SpreadsheetRead
- SpreadsheetReadBinary
- SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
- SpreadsheetSetCellComment
- SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
- SpreadsheetSetFooter
- SpreadsheetSetHeader
- SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
- SpreadsheetShiftColumns
- SpreadsheetShiftRows
- SpreadsheetWrite
- Sqr
- StripCR
- StructAppend
- StructClear
- StructCopy
- StructCount
- StructDelete
- StructEach
- StructFilter
- StructFind
- StructFindKey
- StructFindValue
- StructGet
- StructGetMetadata
- StructInsert
- StructIsEmpty
- StructKeyArray
- StructKeyExists
- StructKeyList
- StructMap
- StructNew
- StructReduce
- StructSetMetadata
- StructSort
- StructToSorted
- StructUpdate
- StoreSetMetadata
- StoreGetACL
- StoreGetMetadata
- StoreAddACL
- StoreSetACL
- Tan
- ThreadJoin
- ThreadTerminate
- Throw
- TimeFormat
- ToBase64
- ToBinary
- ToScript
- ToString
- Trace
- Transactionandconcurrency
- TransactionCommit
- TransactionRollback
- TransactionSetSavePoint
- Trim
- UCase
- URLDecode
- URLEncodedFormat
- URLSessionFormat
- Val
- ValueList
- VerifyClient
- Week
- Wrap
- WriteDump
- WriteLog
- WriteOutput
- WSGetAllChannels
- WSGetSubscribers
- WSPublish
- WSSendMessage
- XmlChildPos
- XmlElemNew
- XmlFormat
- XmlGetNodeType
- XmlNew
- XmlParse
- XmlSearch
- XmlTransform
- XmlValidate
- Year
- YesNoFormat
- ColdFusion tag summary
- Tags a-b
- Tags c
Tags f
- cffeed
- cffile
- cffile action = "append"
- cffile action = "copy"
- cffile action = "delete"
- cffile action = "move"
- cffile action = "read"
- cffile action = "readBinary"
- cffile action = "rename"
- cffile action = "upload"
- cffile action = "uploadAll"
- cffile action = "write"
- cffileupload
- cffinally
- cfflush
- cfform
- cfformgroup
- cfformitem
- cfftp
- cfftp: Connection: file and directory operations
- cfftp: Opening and closing FTP server connections
- cfftp : Opening and closing secure FTP server connections
- cfftp action = "listDir"
- cffunction
- Tags g-h
- Tags i
Tags j-l
- cfjava
- cflayout
- cflayoutarea
- cfldap
- cflocation
- cflock
- cflog
- cflogin
- cfloginuser
- cflogout
- cfloop
- cfloop : conditional loop
- cfloop : index loop
- cfloop : looping over a COM collection or structure
- cfloop : looping over a date or time range
- cfloop : looping over a list, a file, or an array
- cfloop : looping over a query
- Tags p-q
- Tags r-s
- Tags t
- Tags u-z
- Reserved words and variables
Ajax JavaScript functions
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Function summary Ajax
- ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
- ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
- ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
- ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
- JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
- ColdFusion ActionScript functions
- ColdFusion mobile functions
- Application.cfc reference
- Script functions implemented as CFCs
ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
- Styles valid for all controls
- Styles for cfform
- Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
- Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
- Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
- Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
- Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
- Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
- Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
- Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
- Styles for the cfgrid tag
- Styles for the cftree tag
- ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
ColdFusion event gateway reference
- ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
- addEvent
- CFEvent
- CFEventclass
- Constructor
- Gateway development interfaces and classes
- getStatus
- setCFCPath
- setCFCMethod
- getOriginatorID
- getLogger
- getBuddyList
- getBuddyInfo
- IM gateway message sending commands
- IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
- onIncomingMessage
- onIMServerMessage
- onBuddyStatus
- onAddBuddyResponse
- onAddBuddyRequest
- IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
- IM gateway methods and commands
- CFML CFEvent structure
- warn
- info
- setOriginatorID
- data command
- submit Multi command
- submit command
- setGatewayType
- setGatewayID
- setData
- setCFCListeners
- outgoingMessage
- getStatusTimeStamp
- numberOfMessagesReceived
- numberOfMessagesSent
- removeBuddy
- removeDeny
- removePermit
- setNickName
- setPermitMode
- setStatus
- SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
- SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
- getStatusAsString
- getProtocolName
- getPermitMode
- getPermitList
- getNickName
- getName
- getDenyList
- getCustomAwayMessage
- getQueueSize
- getMaxQueueSize
- getHelper
- getGatewayType
- getGatewayServices
- getGatewayID_1
- getGatewayID
- getData
- getCFCTimeout
- setCFCTimeout
- getCFCPath
- getCFCMethod
- GatewayServices class
- Gateway interface
- GatewayHelper interface
- addPermit
- addDeny
- addBuddy
- error
- debug
- Logger class
- stop
- start
- CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
- restart
- fatal
- SMS gateway message sending commands
- ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
- ColdFusion Java CFX reference
- WDDX JavaScript Objects
- ColdFusion and GCP Storage
- ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
- ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
- ColdFusion and Amazon S3
- ColdFusion and DynamoDB
- ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
- ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
- ColdFusion and MongoDB
- ColdFusion and Azure Blob
- ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
- Multi-cloud storage services
- Multi-cloud RDS databases
- ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB
- CFML Reference User Guide
ColdFusion functions
- ColdFusion functions by category
Functions a-b
- Abs
- ACos
- AddSOAPRequestHeader
- AddSOAPResponseHeader
- AjaxLink
- AjaxOnLoad
- ApplicationStop
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAvg
- ArrayClear
- ArrayContains
- ArrayContainsNoCase
- ArrayDelete
- ArrayDeleteAt
- ArrayDeleteNoCase
- ArrayEach
- ArrayFilter
- ArrayFind
- ArrayFindAll
- ArrayFindAllNoCase
- ArrayFindNoCase
- ArrayInsertAt
- ArrayIsDefined
- ArrayIsEmpty
- ArrayLen
- ArrayMap
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- ArrayNew
- ArrayPrepend
- ArrayReduce
- ArrayResize
- ArraySet
- ArraySetMetadata
- ArraySlice
- ArraySort
- ArraySum
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToList
- Asc
- ASin
- Atn
- AuthenticatedContext
- AuthenticatedUser
- BinaryDecode
- BinaryEncode
- BitAnd
- BitMaskClear
- BitMaskRead
- BitMaskSet
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BooleanFormat
- CacheGet
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheGetMetadata
- CacheGetProperties
- CacheGetSession
- CacheIdExists
- CachePut
- CacheRegionExists
- CacheRegionNew
- CacheRegionRemove
- CacheRemove
- CacheRemoveAll
- CacheSetProperties
- CallStackDump
- CallStackGet
- CanDeSerialize
- Canonicalize
- CanSerialize
- Ceiling
- CharsetDecode
- CharsetEncode
- Chr
- CJustify
- Compare
- CompareNoCase
- Cos
- CreateDate
- CreateDateTime
- CreateObject
- CreateObject: .NET object
- CreateObject: COM object
- CreateObject: component object
- CreateObject: CORBA object
- CreateObject: Java or EJB object
- CreateObject: web service object
- CreateODBCDate
- CreateODBCDateTime
- CreateODBCTime
- CreateSignedJWT
- CreateEncryptedJWT
- CreateTime
- CreateTimeSpan
- CreateUUID
- CSRFGenerateToken
- CSRFVerifyToken
- DateAdd
- DateCompare
- DateConvert
- DateDiff
- DateFormat
- DatePart
- DateTimeFormat
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfWeekAsString
- DayOfYear
- DaysInMonth
- DaysInYear
- DE
- DecimalFormat
- DecodeForHTML
- DecodeFromURL
- DecrementValue
- Decrypt
- DecryptBinary
- DeleteClientVariable
- Deserialize
- DeserializeJSON
- DeserializeXML
- DirectoryCopy
- DirectoryCreate
- DirectoryDelete
- DirectoryExists
- DirectoryList
- DirectoryRename
- DollarFormat
- DotNetToCFType
- Duplicate
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForDN
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForLDAP
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- Encrypt
- EncryptBinary
- EntityDelete
- EntityLoad
- EntityLoadByExample
- EntityLoadByPK
- EntityMerge
- EntityNew
- EntityReload
- EntitySave
- EntityToQuery
- Evaluate
- Exp
- ExpandPath
- FileClose
- FileCopy
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileGetMimeType
- FileIsEOF
- FileMove
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileReadBinary
- FileReadLine
- FileSeek
- FileSetAccessMode
- FileSetAttribute
- FileSetLastModified
- FileSkipBytes
- FileUpload
- FileUploadAll
- FileWrite
- FileWriteLine
- Find
- FindNoCase
- FindOneOf
- FirstDayOfMonth
- Fix
- Floor
- FormatBaseN
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GenerateSecretKey
- GetAuthUser
- GetBaseTagData
- GetBaseTagList
- GetBaseTemplatePath
- GetClientVariablesList
- GetComponentMetaData
- GetContextRoot
- GetCPUUsage
- GetCurrentTemplatePath
- GetDirectoryFromPath
- GetEncoding
- GetException
- GetFileFromPath
- GetFileInfo
- GetFreeSpace
- GetFunctionCalledName
- GetFunctionList
- GetGatewayHelper
- GetHttpRequestData
- GetHttpTimeString
- GetK2ServerDocCount
- GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
- GetLocale
- GetLocaleDisplayName
- GetLocalHostIP
- GetMetaData
- GetMetricData
- GetPageContext
- GetPrinterInfo
- GetPrinterList
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- GetReadableImageFormats
- GetSafeHTML
- GetSAMLAuthRequest
- GetSOAPRequest
- GetSOAPRequestHeader
- GetSOAPResponse
- GetSOAPResponseHeader
- GetSystemFreeMemory
- GetSystemTotalMemory
- GetTempDirectory
- GetTempFile
- GetTemplatePath
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeZoneInfo
- GetToken
- GetTotalSpace
- GetUserRoles
- GetVFSMetaData
- GetWriteableImageFormats
- Hash
- HMac
- Hour
- HQLMethods
- HTMLCodeFormat
- HTMLEditFormat
- IIf
- ImageAddBorder
- ImageBlur
- ImageClearRect
- ImageCopy
- ImageCreateCaptcha
- ImageCrop
- ImageDrawArc
- ImageDrawBeveledRect
- ImageDrawCubicCurve
- ImageDrawLine
- ImageDrawLines
- ImageDrawOval
- ImageDrawPoint
- ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
- ImageDrawRect
- ImageDrawRoundRect
- ImageDrawText
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetBlob
- ImageGetBufferedImage
- ImageGetEXIFMetadata
- ImageGetEXIFTag
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetIPTCMetadata
- ImageGetIPTCTag
- ImageGetMetadata
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageGrayscale
- ImageInfo
- ImageMakeColorTransparent
- ImageMakeTranslucent
- ImageNegative
- ImageNew
- ImageOverlay
- ImagePaste
- ImageRead
- ImageReadBase64
- ImageResize
- ImageRotate
- ImageRotateDrawingAxis
- ImageScaleToFit
- ImageSetAntialiasing
- ImageSetBackgroundColor
- ImageSetDrawingColor
- ImageSetDrawingStroke
- ImageSetDrawingTransparency
- ImageSharpen
- ImageShear
- ImageShearDrawingAxis
- ImageTranslate
- ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
- ImageWrite
- ImageWriteBase64
- ImageXORDrawingMode
- IncrementValue
- InputBaseN
- Insert
- Int
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- Invoke
- InitSAMLAuthRequest
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- IsArray
- IsAuthenticated
- IsAuthorized
- IsBinary
- IsBoolean
- IsClosure
- IsCustomFunction
- IsDate
- IsDateObject
- IsDebugMode
- IsDefined
- IsImage
- IsImageFile
- IsInstanceOf
- IsIPv6
- IsK2ServerABroker
- IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
- IsK2ServerOnline
- IsLeapYear
- IsLocalHost
- IsNull
- IsNumeric
- IsNumericDate
- IsObject
- isOnline
- IsPDFArchive
- IsPDFFile
- IsPDFObject
- IsProtected
- IsQuery
- isSamlLogoutResponse
- isSafeHTML
- IsSimpleValue
- IsSOAPRequest
- IsSpreadsheetFile
- IsSpreadsheetObject
- IsStruct
- IsUserInAnyRole
- IsUserInRole
- IsUserLoggedIn
- IsValid
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- IsXmlAttribute
- IsXmlDoc
- IsXmlElem
- IsXmlNode
- IsXmlRoot
- JavaCast
- JSStringFormat
- LCase
- Left
- Len
- ListAppend
- ListChangeDelims
- ListContains
- ListContainsNoCase
- ListDeleteAt
- ListEach
- ListFilter
- ListFind
- ListFindNoCase
- ListFirst
- ListGetAt
- ListInsertAt
- ListLast
- ListLen
- ListMap
- ListPrepend
- ListQualify
- ListReduce
- ListRemoveDuplicates
- ListRest
- ListSetAt
- ListSort
- ListToArray
- ListValueCount
- ListValueCountNoCase
- LJustify
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- LSCurrencyFormat
- LSDateFormat
- LSDateTimeFormat
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency
- LSIsDate
- LSIsNumeric
- LSNumberFormat
- LSParseCurrency
- LSParseDateTime
- LSParseEuroCurrency
- LSParseNumber
- LSTimeFormat
- LTrim
- Max
- Mid
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- MonthAsString
- Now
- NumberFormat
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- OnWSAuthenticate
- ORMClearSession
- ORMCloseAllSessions
- ORMCloseSession
- ORMEvictCollection
- ORMEvictEntity
- ORMEvictQueries
- ORMExecuteQuery
- ORMFlush
- ORMFlushall
- ORMGetSession
- ORMGetSessionFactory
- ORMIndex
- ORMIndexPurge
- ORMReload
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- ParagraphFormat
- ParameterExists
- ParseDateTime
- Pi
- PrecisionEvaluate
- ProcessSAMLResponse
- Quarter
- PreserveSingleQuotes
- QueryAddColumn
- QueryAddRow
- QueryConvertForGrid
- QueryExecute
- QueryFilter
- QueryGetResult
- QueryGetRow
- QueryKeyExists
- QueryMap
- QueryNew
- QueryReduce
- QuerySetCell
- QuotedValueList
- QueryEach
- Rand
- Randomize
- RandRange
- ReEscape
- REFind
- REFindNoCase
- ReleaseComObject
- REMatch
- REMatchNoCase
- RemoveCachedQuery
- RemoveChars
- RepeatString
- Replace
- ReplaceList
- ReplaceNoCase
- REReplace
- REReplaceNoCase
- RestDeleteApplication
- RestSetResponse
- RestInitApplication
- Reverse
- Right
- RJustify
- Round
- RTrim
- Second
- SendGatewayMessage
- SendSAMLLogoutResponse
- Serialize
- SerializeJSON
- SerializeXML
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SessionGetMetaData
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SetDay
- SetEncoding
- SetHour
- SetLocale
- SetMonth
- SetProfileString
- SetVariable
- SetYear
- Sgn
- Sin
- Sleep
- SpanExcluding
- SpanIncluding
- SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
- SpreadsheetAddImage
- SpreadsheetAddInfo
- SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
- SpreadsheetCreateSheet
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
- SpreadsheetDeleteRow
- SpreadsheetDeleteRows
- SpreadsheetFormatCell
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatColumns
- SpreadsheetFormatRow
- SpreadsheetFormatRows
- SpreadsheetGetCellComment
- SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetGetCellValue
- SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
- SpreadsheetInfo
- SpreadsheetMergeCells
- SpreadsheetNew
- SpreadsheetRead
- SpreadsheetReadBinary
- SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
- SpreadsheetSetCellComment
- SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
- SpreadsheetSetFooter
- SpreadsheetSetHeader
- SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
- SpreadsheetShiftColumns
- SpreadsheetShiftRows
- SpreadsheetWrite
- Sqr
- StripCR
- StructAppend
- StructClear
- StructCopy
- StructCount
- StructDelete
- StructEach
- StructFilter
- StructFind
- StructFindKey
- StructFindValue
- StructGet
- StructGetMetadata
- StructInsert
- StructIsEmpty
- StructKeyArray
- StructKeyExists
- StructKeyList
- StructMap
- StructNew
- StructReduce
- StructSetMetadata
- StructSort
- StructToSorted
- StructUpdate
- StoreSetMetadata
- StoreGetACL
- StoreGetMetadata
- StoreAddACL
- StoreSetACL
- Tan
- ThreadJoin
- ThreadTerminate
- Throw
- TimeFormat
- ToBase64
- ToBinary
- ToScript
- ToString
- Trace
- Transactionandconcurrency
- TransactionCommit
- TransactionRollback
- TransactionSetSavePoint
- Trim
- UCase
- URLDecode
- URLEncodedFormat
- URLSessionFormat
- Val
- ValueList
- VerifyClient
- Week
- Wrap
- WriteDump
- WriteLog
- WriteOutput
- WSGetAllChannels
- WSGetSubscribers
- WSPublish
- WSSendMessage
- XmlChildPos
- XmlElemNew
- XmlFormat
- XmlGetNodeType
- XmlNew
- XmlParse
- XmlSearch
- XmlTransform
- XmlValidate
- Year
- YesNoFormat
CFML Reference
- Reserved words and variables
Ajax JavaScript functions
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Function summary Ajax
- ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
- ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
- ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
- ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
- JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
- ColdFusion ActionScript functions
- ColdFusion mobile functions
- Application.cfc reference
- Script functions implemented as CFCs
ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
- Styles valid for all controls
- Styles for cfform
- Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
- Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
- Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
- Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
- Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
- Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
- Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
- Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
- Styles for the cfgrid tag
- Styles for the cftree tag
- ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
ColdFusion event gateway reference
- ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
- addEvent
- CFEvent
- CFEventclass
- Constructor
- Gateway development interfaces and classes
- getStatus
- setCFCPath
- setCFCMethod
- getOriginatorID
- getLogger
- getBuddyList
- getBuddyInfo
- IM gateway message sending commands
- IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
- onIncomingMessage
- onIMServerMessage
- onBuddyStatus
- onAddBuddyResponse
- onAddBuddyRequest
- IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
- IM gateway methods and commands
- CFML CFEvent structure
- warn
- info
- setOriginatorID
- data command
- submit Multi command
- submit command
- setGatewayType
- setGatewayID
- setData
- setCFCListeners
- outgoingMessage
- getStatusTimeStamp
- numberOfMessagesReceived
- numberOfMessagesSent
- removeBuddy
- removeDeny
- removePermit
- setNickName
- setPermitMode
- setStatus
- SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
- SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
- getStatusAsString
- getProtocolName
- getPermitMode
- getPermitList
- getNickName
- getName
- getDenyList
- getCustomAwayMessage
- getQueueSize
- getMaxQueueSize
- getHelper
- getGatewayType
- getGatewayServices
- getGatewayID_1
- getGatewayID
- getData
- getCFCTimeout
- setCFCTimeout
- getCFCPath
- getCFCMethod
- GatewayServices class
- Gateway interface
- GatewayHelper interface
- addPermit
- addDeny
- addBuddy
- error
- debug
- Logger class
- stop
- start
- CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
- restart
- fatal
- SMS gateway message sending commands
- ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
- ColdFusion Java CFX reference
- WDDX JavaScript Objects
Cloud services
- ColdFusion and GCP Storage
- ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
- ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
- ColdFusion and Amazon S3
- ColdFusion and DynamoDB
- ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
- ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
- ColdFusion and MongoDB
- ColdFusion and Azure Blob
- ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
- Multi-cloud storage services
- Multi-cloud RDS databases
- ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB
Displays output that can contain the results of processing ColdFusion variables and functions. Can loopover the results of a database query.
<cfoutput> group = "query column" encodefor= "encoding type" groupCaseSensitive = "yes|no" maxRows = "maximum rows to display" query = "query name" startRow = "start row" </cfoutput>
You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.
See also
ColdFusion 4.5.0: Added the groupCaseSensitive attribute.
Attribute |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
group |
Optional |
Query column to use to group sets of records. Eliminates adjacent duplicate rows when data is sorted. Use if you retrieved a record set ordered on one or more a query columns. For example, if a record set is ordered on "Customer_ID" in the cfquery tag, you can group the output on "Customer_ID." |
encodefor |
Optional |
Based on the value, encodefor will be invoked for each expression inside the cfoutput tag body except the expression which is already wrapped using encodefor function. Possible values are html , htmlattribute , url , javascript, css , xml , xmlattribute , xpath , ldap , and dn . |
groupCaseSensitive |
Optional |
no |
Boolean. Whether to consider the case in grouping rows. |
maxRows |
Optional |
Displays all rows |
Maximum number of rows to display. |
query |
Optional |
Name of cfquery from which to draw data for output section. |
startRow |
Optional |
1 |
Row from which to start output. |
If you face any issues in line breaks, use the <pre> tag wrapped inside cfoutput,. Then the new lines will show up in HTML.
For example,
In the cfoutput tag body, ColdFusion treats text that is surrounded by number signs (#) as a ColdFusion variable or function call. For example, the following code displays the text "Hello World!":
When you specify a query attribute, this tag loops over the query rows and produces output for each row within the range specified by the startRow and maxRows values, and groups or eliminates duplicate entries as specified by the grouping attribute values, if any. It also sets the query.currentRow variable to the current row being processed.
If you nest cfoutput blocks that process a query, you specify the query and group attributes at the top-most level; you can specify a group attribute for each inner block except the innermost cfoutput block.
This tag requires an end tag.
<!--- Run a sample query. ---> <cfquery name = "GetCourses" dataSource = "cfdocexamples"> SELECT Dept_ID, CorName, CorLevel FROM courseList ORDER by Dept_ID, CorLevel, CorName </cfquery> <h3>cfoutput Example</h3> <p>cfoutput tells ColdFusion Server to begin processing, and then to hand back control of page rendering to the web server. <p>For example, to show today's date, you could write #DateFormat("#Now()#"). If you enclosed that expression in cfoutput, the result would be<cfoutput>#DateFormat(Now())#</cfoutput>. <p>In addition, cfoutput may be used to show the results of a query operation, or only a partial result, as shown: <p>There are <cfoutput>#getCourses.recordCount#</cfoutput> total records in our query. Using the maxRows parameter, we are limiting our display to 4 rows. <p><cfoutput query = "GetCourses" maxRows = 4> #Dept_ID# #CorName# #CorLevel#<br> </cfoutput> <p>EXAMPLE: The next example uses the group attribute to eliminate duplicate lines from a list of course levels taught in each department.</p> <p><cfquery name = "GetCourses" dataSource = "cfdocexamples"></p> SELECT Dept_ID, CorLevel FROM courseList ORDER by Dept_ID, CorLevel </cfquery> <p><cfoutput query = "GetCourses" group="CorLevel" GroupCaseSensitive="True"> #Dept_ID# #CorLevel#<br></p> </cfoutput> <p>cfoutput can also show the results of a more complex expression, such as getting the day of the week from today's date. We first extract the integer representing the Day of the Week from the server function Now() and then apply the result to the DayofWeekAsString function:</p> <br>Today is #DayofWeekAsString(DayofWeek(Now()))# <br>Today is <cfoutput>#DayofWeekAsString(DayofWeek(Now()))#</cfoutput> <p> EXAMPLE: This last example shows nested cfoutput tags:</p> <cfquery datasource="cfdocexamples" name="empSalary"> SELECT Emp_ID, firstname, lastname, e.dept_id, salary, d.dept_name FROM employee e, departmt d WHERE e.dept_id = d.dept_id ORDER BY d.dept_name </cfquery> <!--- Outer cfoutput. ---> <cfoutput query="empSalary" group="dept_id"> <h2>#dept_name#</h2> <table width="95%" border="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" > <tr> <th>Employee</th> <th>Salary</th> </tr> <cfset deptTotal = 0 > <!--- Inner cfoutput. ---> <cfoutput> <tr> <td>#empSalary.lastname#, #empSalary.firstname#</td> <td align="right">#DollarFormat(empSalary.salary)#</td> </tr> <cfset deptTotal = deptTotal + empSalary.salary> </cfoutput> <tr> <td align="right">Total</td> <td align="right">#DollarFormat(deptTotal)#</td> </tr> <cfset deptTotal = 0> </table> </cfoutput>
Examples with encodeFor parameter
<cfset name="sample!@$"> <cfoutput encodeFor="URL"> #name#<br> </cfoutput>
The above sample produces the following output:
<cfset name="sample!@$"> <cfoutput encodeFor="CSS"> #name#<br> </cfoutput>
The above sample produces the following output:
sample\21 \40 \24
<!--- In this case, the EncodeForURL takes precedence over the EncodeForJavascript that would normally occur for just what it is wrapped around ---> <cfset name="sample!@$"> <cfset type = "javascript"> <cfoutput encodefor="#type#"> encoded using encodeforjavascript:#name#; encoded using encodeforurl:#EncodeForURL(name)# adobe </cfoutput>
The above sample produces the following output:
encoded using encodeforjavascript:sample\x21\x40\x24; encoded using encodeforurl:sample%21%40%24 adobe
Example with groupCaseSensitive attribute
<cfscript> colors = queryNew("id,color","integer,varchar", [ {"id":1,"color":"RED"}, {"id":2,"color":"Red"}, {"id":3,"color":"red"} ]); </cfscript> <b>Default:</b><br> <cfoutput query="colors" group="color"> #color#<br> </cfoutput> <b>Explicit:</b><br> <cfoutput query="colors" group="color" groupcasesensitive="yes"> #color#<br> </cfoutput>
<cfscript> colors = queryNew("id,color","integer,varchar", [ {"id":1,"color":"RED"}, {"id":2,"color":"Red"}, {"id":3,"color":"red"} ]); </cfscript> <b>Default:</b><br> <cfoutput query="colors" group="color"> #color#<br> </cfoutput> <b>Explicit:</b><br> <cfoutput query="colors" group="color" groupcasesensitive="no"> #color#<br> </cfoutput>