Deploying event gateways and applications

To deploy an event gateway application in a ColdFusion server, install your listener CFC and configure a gateway instance that uses the CFC.

Deploy an event gateway application

  1. Ensure that the ColdFusion Administrator is configured with the required event gateway type. If it is not, deploy the event gateway type (see Deploying an event gateway).
  2. If the event gateway type requires a configuration file, ensure that a valid file exists in the gateway\config directory. Some event gateways could be designed to let multiple event gateway instances share a configuration file. Others could require a separate file for each event gateway instance.
  3. Install the event gateway application listener CFC and any other application components. ColdFusion provides a cf_root\gateways\cfc directory as a convenient location for these CFCs, and includes a mapping in the ColdFusion Administrator page for that directory. However, ColdFusion does not require you to install the listener CFC in this directory.
  4. Configure an event gateway instance on the Gateway Instances page of the Event Gateways section in the ColdFusion Administrator (see Configuring an event gateway instance)

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