Microsoft Graph: User store in ColdFusion


Microsoft Graph API enables developers to integrate and automate tasks across Microsoft services like Microsoft Entra, Exchange Online, SharePoint, and Teams. The API provides access to a wide range of resources, such as users, groups, files, and messages, using RESTful web services.

The Microsoft Graph API in ColdFusion allows integration for creating and managing a user store on Microsoft Entra ID. A user store acts as a repository for profile data such as names, profile pictures, and other user details. It supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to handle user sign-ups, profile updates, and user data maintenance. 

The focus is on managing user identities within Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), a core component of Identity and Access Management (IAM). While Microsoft Entra ID provides features like group and application management, ColdFusion provides user management—a critical functionality universally supported by all IAM systems. With ColdFusion, use the Microsoft Graph API to have complete control over user management in Microsoft Entra ID, including tenant and directory management. 

ColdFusion applications commonly use the cfldap tag to interact with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directories. While this is effective for traditional directories, Microsoft Entra ID is not a traditional Active Directory. It is a cloud-based IAM service that does not inherently support LDAP protocols. Therefore, ColdFusion introduces the user store APIs of Microsoft Entra through Microsoft Graph APIs to support user management in the cloud.

Get started

Install the package

Install the msgraph package using the ColdFusion Package Manager.

Create application 

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Entra Admin center.  

  2. Navigate to Microsoft Entra ID > App Registrations > New Registration. 

  3. Provide an application name, select supported account types, and configure the redirect URI. See Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform for more information.

  4. After registering the app, note the Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID.

Register application

  1. Assign API permissions under API Permissions in your app registration. Include permissions like User.Read, User.ReadWrite, or Directory.ReadWrite depending on the operations. 

  2. Use the Grant admin consent option to approve the permissions. 

  3. Generate a client secret under Certificates & Secrets for authentication.

Generate access and refresh tokens

  • Access tokens are used for authentication and need to be generated to perform API operations.
  • Refresh tokens have a longer lifespan and can be used to generate new access tokens.

ColdFusion functions


Creates an instance of a client object that communicates with the Graph API service. This client simplifies making authenticated API requests to the Microsoft Graph endpoints. It also configures the client with an authentication provider (or example, access tokens) to authorize requests to Microsoft Graph.


getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "add your token here"})
getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "add your token here"})
getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "add your token here"}) 


Allows you to easily integrate third-party OAuth 2 authentication providers in your application, like cfoauth.


A struct with access_token, refresh_token, and the expiry time. 


getOauthAccessToken(type,clientID,scope [, state] [, authendpoint] [, accesstokenendpoint], granttype, secretkey [, urlparams])
getOauthAccessToken(type,clientID,scope [, state] [, authendpoint] [, accesstokenendpoint], granttype, secretkey [, urlparams])
getOauthAccessToken(type,clientID,scope [, state] [, authendpoint] [, accesstokenendpoint], granttype, secretkey [, urlparams]) 


Parameter Required/Optional Description
type  required Either the type or endpoints for auth and token server should be specified.
clientid required  Ahe Application (client) ID that the registration portal assigned the app. Also referred to as appId in the Microsoft Graph application and service principal object.
scope required A comma-separated list of scopes that you want the user to consent to. 
state optional The state variable is used to pass back any information to your web application after the authentication and redirection are completed. Any value passed to this attribute is returned to the web application after authentication. This is useful for CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) protection. You can use ColdFusion’s security-related CSRF functions for this attribute.



  • Facebook:
  • Google:

If type is not specified, this will be used as end point URL to be invoked for user authentication.

accesstokenendpoint Optional
If type is not specified this will be used as end point URL to be invoked for app authentication.
granttype required

Default is authorization_code, 

but also supports client_credentials and refresh_token

secretkey required

The client secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app. 

ColdFusion will also support the certificate credentials, where the arguments are the pkcs12 format file path and password.

urlparams optional Extra options will be passed as URL query strings to the endpoint. 


cred = {
<cfscript> cred = { type:"microsoft", tenant:"tenant-id", clientid:"client-id", scope:"offline_access", secretkey:"secret-key" }; writeDump(getOauthAccessToken(cred)); </cfscript>
cred = { 

User management APIs

List users

Lists all users in the organization's Microsoft Entra ID. This operation requires the "" permission. The method returns an array of structs where each struct represents a user.


Permission Type Permissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated(work or school account) User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All 
Application User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All


// list users
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
usersInTheTenant = graphServiceClient.listUsers();
<cfscript> // list users graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); usersInTheTenant = graphServiceClient.listUsers(); writeOutput(ArrayLen(usersInTheTenant.value)); </cfscript>
// list users 
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
usersInTheTenant = graphServiceClient.listUsers(); 

Example- conditional search

res1 = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
search: "displayName: John"
<cfscript> res1 = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ search: "displayName: John" }) writeDump(#res1#); </cfscript>
    res1 = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
    search: "displayName: John" 

The script returns all users whose names start with John*.

Example- Use top=-1 to retrieve all users.

By default, only 100 users are listed. If you want to return all users, use top=-1.

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
//top=-1 should get all the users.
allUser = graphServiceClient.listUsers({top = -1});
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); //top=-1 should get all the users. allUser = graphServiceClient.listUsers({top = -1}); writeDump(allUser) </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
//top=-1 should get all the users. 
allUser = graphServiceClient.listUsers({top = -1}); 

Create user

Create user programatically in Entra ID. This operation requires "user.readwrite.all" or "directory.readwrite.all" permissions. The method returns the id of the created user.


Permission Type


Permissions (from least to most privileged)

Delegated (work or school account) User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All
Application User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Required parameters:






true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false.



The name to display in the address book for the user.



alias for the user



The user principal name ( It's an Internet-style login name for the user based on the Internet standard RFC 822. By convention, this should map to the user's email name. The general format is alias@domain, where domain must be present in the tenant's collection of verified domains. The verified domains for the tenant can be accessed from the verifiedDomains property of organization.
NOTE: This property cannot contain accent characters. Only the following characters are allowed A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9, ' . - _ ! # ^ ~. For the complete list of allowed characters, see username policies.



The password profile for the user.

Optional parameters:

Parameter Type  Description 
ageGroup String 

Sets the age group of the user. Allowed values: null, Minor, notAdult, Adult 

notAdult: The user is from a country that has statutory regulations (such as the United States, United Kingdom, European Union or South Korea) and user's age is more than the upper limit of kid age (as per country) and less than lower limit of adult age (as stipulated based on country or region). So basically, teenagers are considered as notAdult in regulated countries. 

birthday  Date  The birthday of the user. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. 
businessPhones  String Array  The telephone numbers for the user. 
city  String  The city in which the user is located. 
companyName  String  The name of the company that the user is associated. This property can be useful for describing the company that an external user comes from. The maximum length is 64 characters. 
consentProvidedForMinor  String  Sets whether consent has been obtained for minors. Allowed values:null, Granted, Denied and NotRequired. 
country  String  The country/region in which the user is located. 
department  String  The name for the department in which the user works. 
employeeId  String  The employee identifier assigned to the user by the organization. The maximum length is 16 characters. 
employeeType  String  Captures enterprise worker type. Returned on only select parameter. 
givenName  String  The given name (first name) of the user. 
employeeHireDate  Date  The hire date of the user. 
employeeLeaveDateTime  Date  The date and time when the user left or will leave the organization. 
employeeOrgData  Struct 

Represents organization data (for example, division and costCenter) associated with a user. 

    division: "string", 

    costCenter: "string" 

interests  String Array  A list for the user to describe their interests. 
jobTitle  String  The user's job title. 
mail  String  The SMTP address for the user, for example, Changes to this property also update the user's proxyAddresses collection to include the value as an SMTP address. For Azure AD B2C accounts, this property can be updated up to only 10 times with unique SMTP addresses. Can't be updated to null. 
mobilePhone  String  The primary cellular telephone number for the user. 
mySite  String  The URL for the user's personal site. 
officeLocation  String  The office location in the user's place of business. 
onPremisesExtensionAttributes  Struct with 15 extension atrribute values  Contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for the user. The individual extension attributes aren't selectable or filterable. For an onPremisesSyncEnabled user, the source of authority for this set of properties is the on-premises and is read-only. These extension attributes are also known as Exchange custom attributes 1-15. 
onPremisesImmutableId  String  This property is used to associate an on-premises Entra ID user account to their Microsoft Entra user object. This property must be specified when creating a new user account in the Graph if you're using a federated domain for the user's userPrincipalName (UPN) property. Important: The $ and _ characters can't be used when specifying this property. 
otherMails  Array of String  A list of additional email addresses for the user; for example: ["", ""]. 
PasswordPolicies  String  Specifies password policies for the user. This value is an enumeration with one possible value being DisableStrongPassword, which allows weaker passwords than the default policy to be specified. DisablePasswordExpiration can also be specified. The two can be specified together; for example: DisablePasswordExpiration, DisableStrongPassword. 
passwordProfile  Struct  The password profile for the user. 
pastProjects  Array of String  A list for the user to enumerate their past projects. 
postalCode  String  The postal code for the user's postal address. The postal code is specific to the user's country/region. In the United States of America, this attribute contains the ZIP code. 
prefferedLanguage  String  The preferred language for the user. Should follow ISO 639-1 Code; for example, en-US. 
responsibilities  Array of String  A list for the user to enumerate their responsibilities. 
schools  Array of String  A list for the user to enumerate the schools they attended. 
skills  String Array  A list for the user to enumerate their skills. 
state  String  The state or province in the user's address. 
streetAddress  String  The street address of the user's place of business. 
surname  String  The user's surname (family name or last name). 
usageLocation  String  A two letter country code (ISO standard 3166). Required for users that will be assigned licenses due to legal requirement to check for availability of services in countries. Examples include: US, JP, and GB. Not nullable. 
userType String  A string value that can be used to classify user types in your directory. 

passwordProfile struct

Parameter Type Required Description
password String Yes The password for the user. This property is required when a user is created. It can be updated, but the user will be required to change the password on the next sign-in. The password must satisfy minimum requirements as specified by the user's passwordPolicies property. By default, a strong password is required.
forceChangePasswordNextSignIn Boolean No true if the user must change their password on the next sign-in; otherwise false


// create user
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
aUser = {accountEnabled = true, displayName = "John Adams", mailNickName = "JohnA",
userPrincipalName = ""}
<cfscript> // create user graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); aUser = {accountEnabled = true, displayName = "John Adams", mailNickName = "JohnA", userPrincipalName = ""} graphServiceClient.createUser(aUser); </cfscript>
// create user 
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
aUser = {accountEnabled = true, displayName = "John Adams", 	mailNickName = "JohnA",  
userPrincipalName = ""} 

Get user

The method retrieves information about the logged-in user or a specific user if an ID is provided. The method, if successful, returns the default properties unless you use select to specify specific properties.

Example- get user by ID

//get specific user info based on the id
userInfoBasedOnID = graphServiceClient.getUser("user-id");
writeDump(var=#userInfoBasedOnID#, format="text");
<cfscript> //get specific user info based on the id userInfoBasedOnID = graphServiceClient.getUser("user-id"); writeDump(var=#userInfoBasedOnID#, format="text"); </cfscript>
//get specific user info based on the id 
userInfoBasedOnID = graphServiceClient.getUser("user-id"); 
writeDump(var=#userInfoBasedOnID#, format="text"); 

Example- get signed in user

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
loggedInUser = graphServiceClient.getUser();
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); loggedInUser = graphServiceClient.getUser(); writeDump(#loggedInUser#); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
loggedInUser = graphServiceClient.getUser(); 

Update user 

The method modifies user information, such as updating a mobile number, name, hobby, or address. This operation requires appropriate privileges and permissions. 


Permission Type Permissions (from least to most privileged) 
Delegated (work or school account)  User.ReadWrite, User.ManageIdentities.All, User.EnableDisableAccount.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All 
Application User.ManageIdentities.All, User.EnableDisableAccount.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All 



Parameter Type  Description 
accountEnabled  Boolean  true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. This property is required when a user is created. Apart from a global administrator, a privileged authentication administrator assigned the Directory.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission can update the accountEnabled status of all administrators in the tenant. 
ageGroup  String 

Sets the age group of the user. Allowed values: null, Minor, notAdult, Adult 

notAdult: The user is from a country that has statutory regulations (such as the United States, United Kingdom, European Union or South Korea) and user's age is more than the upper limit of kid age (as per country) and less than lower limit of adult age (as stipulated based on country or region). So basically, teenagers are considered as notAdult in regulated countries. 

birthday  Date  The birthday of the user. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. 
businessPhones  String Array  The telephone numbers for the user. 
city  String  The city in which the user is located. 
companyName  String  The name of the company that the user is associated. This property can be useful for describing the company that an external user comes from. The maximum length is 64 characters. 
consentProvidedForMinor  String  Sets whether consent has been obtained for minors. Allowed values:null, Granted, Denied and NotRequired. 
country  String  The country/region in which the user is located. 
department  String  The name for the department in which the user works. 
displayName  String  The name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user's first name, middle initial, and last name. This property is required when a user is created and it can't be cleared during updates. 
employeeId  String  The employee identifier assigned to the user by the organization. The maximum length is 16 characters. 
employeeType  String  Captures enterprise worker type. Returned on only select parameter. 
givenName  String  The given name (first name) of the user. 
employeeHireDate  Date  The hire date of the user. 
employeeLeaveDateTime  Date  The date and time when the user left or will leave the organization. 
employeeOrgData  Struct 

Represents organization data (for example, division and costCenter) associated with a user. 

    division: "string", 

    costCenter: "string" 

interests  String Array  A list for the user to describe their interests. 
jobTitle  String  The user's job title. 
mail  String  The SMTP address for the user, for example, Changes to this property also update the user's proxyAddresses collection to include the value as an SMTP address. For Azure AD B2C accounts, this property can be updated up to only 10 times with unique SMTP addresses. Can't be updated to null. 
mailNickName  String  The mail alias for the user. This property must be specified when a user is created. 
mobilePhone  String  The primary cellular telephone number for the user. 
mySite  String  The URL for the user's personal site. 
officeLocation  String  The office location in the user's place of business. 
onPremisesExtensionAttributes  Struct with 15 extension atrribute values  Contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for the user. The individual extension attributes aren't selectable or filterable. For an onPremisesSyncEnabled user, the source of authority for this set of properties is the on-premises and is read-only. These extension attributes are also known as Exchange custom attributes 1-15. 
onPremisesImmutableId  String  This property is used to associate an on-premises Entra ID user account to their Microsoft Entra user object. This property must be specified when creating a new user account in the Graph if you're using a federated domain for the user's userPrincipalName (UPN) property. Important: The $ and _ characters can't be used when specifying this property. 
otherMails  Array of String  A list of additional email addresses for the user; for example: ["", ""]. 
PasswordPolicies  String  Specifies password policies for the user. This value is an enumeration with one possible value being DisableStrongPassword, which allows weaker passwords than the default policy to be specified. DisablePasswordExpiration can also be specified. The two can be specified together; for example: DisablePasswordExpiration, DisableStrongPassword. 
passwordProfile  Struct  The password profile for the user. 
pastProjects  Array of String  A list for the user to enumerate their past projects. 
postalCode  String  The postal code for the user's postal address. The postal code is specific to the user's country/region. In the United States of America, this attribute contains the ZIP code. 
prefferedLanguage  String  The preferred language for the user. Should follow ISO 639-1 Code; for example, en-US. 
responsibilities  Array of String  A list for the user to enumerate their responsibilities. 
schools  Array of String  A list for the user to enumerate the schools they attended. 
skills  String Array  A list for the user to enumerate their skills. 
state  String  The state or province in the user's address. 
streetAddress  String  The street address of the user's place of business. 
surname  String  The user's surname (family name or last name). 
usageLocation  String  A two letter country code (ISO standard 3166). Required for users that will be assigned licenses due to legal requirement to check for availability of services in countries. Examples include: US, JP, and GB. Not nullable. 
userPrincipalName  String 

The user principal name (UPN) of the user. The UPN is an Internet-style sign-in name for the user based on the Internet standard RFC 822. By convention, this should map to the user's email name. The general format is alias@domain, where domain must be present in the tenant's collection of verified domains. The verified domains for the tenant can be accessed from the verifiedDomains property of organization

NOTE: This property can't contain accent characters. Only the following characters are allowed A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9, ' . - _ ! # ^ ~. For the complete list of allowed characters, see username policies

userType  String  A string value that can be used to classify user types in your directory. 

Example- Update properties of a specified user 

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
//Update properties of the specified user
details = {
businessPhones : ["+1 425 555 0109"],
officeLocation : "SF",
streetAddress: "USA"
graphServiceClient.updateUser("user-id", details);
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); //Update properties of the specified user details = { businessPhones : ["+1 425 555 0109"], officeLocation : "SF", streetAddress: "USA" } graphServiceClient.updateUser("user-id", details); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
//Update properties of the specified user 
details = { 
businessPhones : ["+1 425 555 0109"], 
officeLocation : "SF", 
streetAddress: "USA" 
graphServiceClient.updateUser("user-id", details); 

Example- update properties of a signed-in user

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
//Update properties of the signed-in user
details = {
businessPhones : ["+1 425 555 0109"],
officeLocation : "18/2111"
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); //Update properties of the signed-in user details = { businessPhones : ["+1 425 555 0109"], officeLocation : "18/2111" } graphServiceClient.updateUser(details); <cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
//Update properties of the signed-in user 
details = { 
businessPhones : ["+1 425 555 0109"], 
officeLocation : "18/2111" 

Delete user

The method allows you to delete users. This operation requires high-level administrative privileges.


Permission Type Permissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account) User.ReadWrite.All
Application User.ReadWrite.All


All parameters are required

Parameter Type Description
userID String The user ID of the user to be deleted.


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); graphServiceClient.deleteUser(userId); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 

Revoke sign in sessions

The revokeSignInSessions  method invalidates all active authentication tokens (refresh tokens) for a specific user. This action is intended to immediately revoke a user’s ability to access resources using their existing tokens. 

Typically, this operation is performed (by the user or an administrator) if the user has a lost or stolen device. This operation prevents access to the organization's data through applications on the device by requiring the user to sign in again to all applications that they have previously consented to, independent of the device.


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); graphServiceClient.revokeSignInSessions("user-id"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 

Change password

Allows the user to update their password. Any user can update their password without being assigned an administrator role.

Parameter Type Description
currentPassword String Your current password.
newPassword String Your new password.


passwordChange = {
currentPassword: "ColdFusion$123",
newPassword : "ColdFusion$1234"
res = graphServiceClient.changePassword(passwordChange);
<cfscript> passwordChange = { currentPassword: "ColdFusion$123", newPassword : "ColdFusion$1234" } res = graphServiceClient.changePassword(passwordChange); </cfscript>
passwordChange = { 
  currentPassword: "ColdFusion$123", 
  newPassword : "ColdFusion$1234" 
res = graphServiceClient.changePassword(passwordChange); 

Get users delta

The delta token is used to track changes in Entra ID from a specific point in time. It helps in identifying what changes have occurred since the last retrieval. The token enables applications to discover newly created, updated, or deleted entities without performing a full read of the target resource with every request. It makes use of delta token to track the necessary changes.


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
users = graphServiceClient.getUsersDelta();
while(structKeyExists(users, "skiptoken")){
users = graphServiceClient.getUsersDelta({
skiptoken: users.skiptoken
deltaToken = users.deltatoken;
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); users = graphServiceClient.getUsersDelta(); while(structKeyExists(users, "skiptoken")){ users = graphServiceClient.getUsersDelta({ skiptoken: users.skiptoken });} deltaToken = users.deltatoken; </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
users = graphServiceClient.getUsersDelta(); 
while(structKeyExists(users, "skiptoken")){ 
users = graphServiceClient.getUsersDelta({ 
skiptoken: users.skiptoken 
deltaToken = users.deltatoken; 
  • skipToken: skipToken allows you to skip a specific set of results in the users collection, ensuring that subsequent responses start from the appropriate point. If there are further changes to be tracked in the same user collection, you get the skip token rather than a delta token.
  • deltaToken: A deltaToken is a unique identifier returned in response to a delta query. It allows you to retrieve only the changes made to a specific data set since your last request, allowing you to track incremental updates without re-fetching the entire data set.

Get profile photo

Retrieves the user’s profile photo as a ColdFusion image object and its metadata. See the Get profilePhoto docs from Microsoft for more information.


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
//get profile photo of a given userid
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); //get profile photo of a given userid myImage=graphServiceClient.getProfilePhoto("user-id"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
//get profile photo of a given userid 

Update profile photo

Updates the user's profile photo by uploading a new image. See the Update profilePhoto docs from Microsoft for more information.


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
//Update profile photo of a given userid
srcPath = expandPath("./" & "myProfile.jpg");
myImage = ImageNew("#srcPath#");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); //Update profile photo of a given userid srcPath = expandPath("./" & "myProfile.jpg"); myImage = ImageNew("#srcPath#"); graphServiceClient.updateProfilePhoto("user-id",myImage); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
//Update profile photo of a given userid 
srcPath = expandPath("./" & "myProfile.jpg"); 
myImage = ImageNew("#srcPath#"); 

Delete profile photo

Deletes the user's profile photo. See the Delete profilePhoto docs from Microsoft for more information.


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"});
//delete profile photo of a given userid
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); //delete profile photo of a given userid graphServiceClient.deleteProfilePhoto("user-id"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#accessToken#"}); 
//delete profile photo of a given userid 

Filter responses

Filters in Microsoft Graph API are used to narrow down the responses returned by a query. They allow you to specify criteria that the returned data must meet, making it easier to find specific information within large datasets. In the results, skipToken allows you to skip the set of results returned in the current call, ensuring the subsequent responses start from the appropriate point.

Microsoft Graph supports optional query parameters that you can use to specify and control the amount of data returned in a response. The support for the exact query parameters varies from one API operation to another. All the query parameters are accepted in a struct as an extra argument to action API of the call, i.e., get, create, update, and more.

Name Type Description
filter String Use the filter query parameter to retrieve just a subset of a collection.
orderby Array of String Use the orderby query parameter to specify the sort order of the items returned from Microsoft Graph. 
search String Use the search query parameter to restrict the results of a request to match a search criterion. 
select Array of String Use the select query parameter to return a set of properties that are different than the default set for an individual resource or a collection of resources. 
top number Use the top query parameter to specify the number of items to be included in the result.

Filters in user management operations within Microsoft Graph API are essential for efficiently managing and retrieving user data. They allow you to specify criteria that the returned data must meet, making it easier to find specific information within large datasets. 

Here are some ways in which you can use filters using ColdFusion and MS Graph APIs:


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
orderby: ["displayName desc"]});
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ orderby: ["displayName desc"]}); writeDump(var=#res#); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
orderby: ["displayName desc"]}); 


graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
select: ["displayName", "mail"]});
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ select: ["displayName", "mail"]}); writeDump(var=#res#); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
select: ["displayName", "mail"]}); 

top n users

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({top = 2})
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({top = 2}) writeDump(res); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({top = 2}) 

Equality operators

Not equal- ne

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "companyName ne (Company)",
select: ["givenName","companyName"]
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "companyName ne (Company)", select: ["givenName","companyName"] }); writeDump(res); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
 filter: "companyName ne (Company)", 
 select: ["givenName","companyName"] 

Equal- eq

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "companyName eq ('Adobe')"
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "companyName eq ('Adobe')" }); writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "companyName eq ('Adobe')" 
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); 

Not- not

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "not(startswith(mail, 'A'))",
select: ["givenName","mail"]
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "not(startswith(mail, 'A'))", select: ["givenName","mail"] }); writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
filter: "not(startswith(mail, 'A'))", 
  select: ["givenName","mail"] 
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); 

In- in

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "companyName in ('Adobe')"
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "companyName in ('Adobe')" }); writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
 filter: "companyName in ('Adobe')" 
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); 

Less than or equal- le

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "createdDateTime le 2025-01-11T00:00:00Z"
writeDump(var=#res#, format="text");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "createdDateTime le 2025-01-11T00:00:00Z" }) writeDump(var=#res#, format="text"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "createdDateTime le 2025-01-11T00:00:00Z" 
writeDump(var=#res#, format="text"); 

Greater than or equal- ge

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "createdDateTime ge 2024-12-11T00:00:00Z"
writeDump(var=#res#, format="text");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "createdDateTime ge 2024-12-11T00:00:00Z" }) writeDump(var=#res#, format="text"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "createdDateTime ge 2024-12-11T00:00:00Z" 
writeDump(var=#res#, format="text"); 

Lambda operators

Any (any)

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "businessPhones/any(p:startswith(p, '765'))"
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text");
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "businessPhones/any(p:startswith(p, '765'))" }); writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "businessPhones/any(p:startswith(p, '765'))" 
writeDump(var=#res.value#, format="text"); 

Conditional operators  

And (and)

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "companyName ne null and NOT(companyName eq 'Microsoft')"
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "companyName ne null and NOT(companyName eq 'Microsoft')" }) writeDump(res); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
   filter: "companyName ne null and NOT(companyName eq 	'Microsoft')" 


Starts with – startswith

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "startswith(mail,'alex')"
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "startswith(mail,'alex')" }) writeDump(res); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "startswith(mail,'alex')" 

Ends with- endswith

graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"});
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "endswith(mail,'')"
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({
filter: "endswith(userPrincipalName,'')"
<cfscript> graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "endswith(mail,'')" }) writeDump(res); res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ filter: "endswith(userPrincipalName,'')" }) writeDump(res); </cfscript>
graphServiceClient = getMSGraphServiceClient({access_token = "#request.accessToken#"}); 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "endswith(mail,'')" 
res = graphServiceClient.listUsers({ 
  filter: "endswith(userPrincipalName,'')" 

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