Go to the installation directory for Adobe Captivate.
For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64 (2019 is the Captivate version. Differs if you are using a different version of Adobe Captivate).
Unable to publish from Adobe Captivate to Adobe Learning Manager EU domain.
No accounts found
There are scenarios where authors are trying to publish a course from Adobe Captivate to Adobe Learning Manager. However, they are unable to do so as they see an error message, "No account found".
This issue occurs because Adobe Captivate is by default configured to publish content to the US domain of Adobe Learning Manager.
Change the value of PrimeBaseUrl =https://captivateprime.adobe.com/inappstarter to PrimeBaseUrl =https://captivateprimeeu.adobe.com/inappstarter