Manager dashboard

  1. Learning Manager User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. New features summary
    2. Release Notes
    3. System requirements | Adobe Learning Manager
    4. Adobe Learning Manager reference site (ALM reference site) package for AEM Sites
    5. Adobe Learning Manager App for Microsoft Teams
    6. Learning Manager compliance to GDPR
    7. Accessibility in Learning Manager
    8. Support for custom domain
  3. Get Started
    1. Getting started as Administrator
    2. Getting started as an Author
    3. Getting started as a Learner
    4. Getting started for Managers
    5. Getting started as an instructor in Learning Manager
  4. Administrator
    1. User log in
    2. Add users and create user groups
    3. Add classroom locations
    4. Create course modules, instances, and learning programs
    5. Content marketplace
    6. Reports
    7. Learning Paths
    8. Learning plans
    9. Manage Learning Manager orders and billing
    10. Job Aids
    11. Certifications
    12. Catalogs
    13. Add users in bulk
    14. Impersonate a Learner and Manager
    15. Multiple SSO Logins
    16. Peer accounts
    17. Create and modify skills and levels
    18. AI-based recommendation of courses
    19. Gamification
    20. Customize learner homepage
    21. Badges
    22. Color themes
    23. Learner transcripts
    24. Waitlist & attendance management
    25. Fluidic player
    26. Announcements
    27. Email templates
    28. Adobe Connect integration
    29. Settings
    30. Notifications
    31. iPad & Android tablet users
    32. Getting started as Administrator
    33. Purge users
    34. Tags
    35. Learning Manager Content Catalog
    36. Custom roles
    37. Catalog labels
    38. xAPI in Learning Manager
    39. Monitoring and moderating Social Learning as an admin
    40. Enable full control of shared catalog
    41. Map skill with skill domains
  5. Integration Admin
    1. Migration manual
    2. Learning Manager Connectors
    3. Integrate Learning Manager with AEM
    4. Install Salesforce package in Learning Manager
    5. Install Microsoft Teams connector
    6. Application developer manual
    7. Learning Manager App for Salesforce
    8. Settings
    9. Manage custom roles via CSV files
  6. Authors
    1. User login
    2. Content library
    3. Creating, modify, and publish courses
    4. Catalogs
    5. Job Aids
    6. Adobe Connect integration
    7. Add learning objects in different locales
    8. User notifications
    9. Email templates
    10. How to choose course modules?
    11. Preview as learner
    12. Settings
    13. xAPI in Learning Manager
  7. Instructor
    1. Modules
    2. Managing learners for your session
  8. Learner
    1. Log in
    2. Profile Settings
    3. Catalogs
    4. Courses
    5. Fluidic player
    6. Learning Programs
    7. Certifications
    8. Job Aids
    9. Badges
    10. Skills & Levels
    11. Gamification
    12. User notifications
    13. Announcements
    14. Waitlist & attendance management
    15. Learning Manager app for Salesforce
    16. Adobe Connect integration
    17. Learner App for mobiles and tablets
    18. Social Learning in Learning Manager
    19. Adobe Learning Manager desktop application
    20. Learner home page
    21. Share to Social Learning
    22. System requirements | Adobe Learning Manager desktop application
  9. Manager
    1. User log in
    2. Manager dashboard
    3. Reports
    4. Learning Objects
    5. User notifications
    6. Learner transcripts
    7. Settings
    8. iPad & Android tablet users
  10. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Frequently Asked Questions for Administrators
    2. Frequently Asked Questions for Authors
    3. Frequently Asked Questions for Instructors
    4. Frequently Asked Questions for Managers
  11. Knowledge Base
    1. Unable to log in to Learning Manager
    2. Learning Summary does not display current data
    3. Unable to upload a CSV
    4. Generate a HAR file
    5. L1 feedback auto popup does not appear
    6. Unable to view certain courses under catalog while creating a Certification
    7. Unable to view certain course under catalog while creating a Learning Program
    8. Issues in retiring a Learning Program
    9. Unable to assign a badge
    10. Session expires in Learning Manager
    11. Unable to search a course
    12. Troubleshoot migration issues
    13. Troubleshoot Learning Manager app issues
    14. Users get auto deleted in Learning Manager
    15. Publishing issues in the EU domain
    16. Unable to register as external user
    17. Okta Active Directory integration with Adobe Learning Manager
    18. Unable to view learners in a course
    19. Unable to view calendar
    20. Module is not marked complete after completing a course
    21. Unable to achieve a skill after completing a course
    22. Radio buttons are missing
    23. Unable to view file submissions in Learning Manager

Learn how to view and track learnings from the manager dashboard.

Managers play an important role in a team’s learning initiatives. To guide them better, the learning platform provides the manager with a dashboard view to track the learnings in his team.

Manager dashboard
Manager dashboard


To view the details of a graph, click the graph or click Details hyper link.

Learning Summary

A manager can view the summary of learning activities for his team over a selected time period. Select month, quarter, or year from the drop-down menu.


'Month' and 'Year' are based on the calendar year while 'Quarter' is based on the financial year as configured by the Admin in account settings.

Learning summary dashboard
Learning summary dashboard

Team view

The Team View displays the teams, their members, and their respective enrollments, progressions, and completions for learning objects.

Learning Summary: Team View
Learning Summary: Team View

On clicking the team names, for example, Venkatesh's Team, you can view the members in Venkatesh's team along with the total number of enrollments, progressions, and completions for a learning object.

Team members: Enrollments,  Progression and Completion.
Team members: Enrollments, Progression and Completion.

To view the Learning Summary for each team member, click the number in the respective column that corresponds to the team manager. A table opens that displays the list of learning objects with Enrollment Date, Due Date, and Progress information.

Team members: Enrollment Date. Due Date, and Progress.
Team members: Enrollment Date. Due Date, and Progress.

Similarly, you can view the learning objects along with the number of enrollments, progressions, or completions by clicking the values under the corresponding columns.  

Learning summary team view

On further clicking  the number of enrollments, progressions, or completions for each learning, you can view the following details: People, enrollment/completion date, due date, and progress made.

Learning summary team view

Learnings View

Learnings View displays the number of Enrollments, Progressions, and Completions for a Learning Object.

Learning summary: Learnings view
Learning summary: Learnings view

To view details including people, enrollment dates, due dates, and progress for respective Learning Objects, click the corresponding values in the enrollments, progressions, and completions columns.

Learnings view: Enrollment Date, Due Date, and Progressions
Learnings view: Enrollment Date, Due Date, and Progressions

Export report

To generate an excel report, click Actions > Report 

Compliance Status

Managers can view the team’s overall compliance status for configured learnings in compliance dashboard. The learnings list is configurable, and the manager can select the learnings to track the compliance status.

On this dashboard, managers can also view the learners who are compliant, in a safe deadline, approaching deadline, and non-compliant for a selected learning object. 


Learning Objects with completion deadlines can be configured in compliance dashboard for tracking. 

Compliant: Displays the number of learners who have completed the learning object within completion deadline.

Safe deadline: Displays the number of learners who have less than 30 days available to complete a learning object.

Upcoming Deadline: Displays the number of learners with more than 30 days available to complete a learning object.

Non-compliant: Displays the number of learners who did not complete the learning object within the completion deadline.

Compliance Status dashboard
Compliance Status dashboard

Team View

Displays the compliance status of a course for respective teams. Compliant, Safe Deadline, Upcoming Deadline, and Non-Compliant are columns in the Team View table.

Compliance Status: Team View
Compliance Status: Team View

To display names of the members in a team and the individual number of courses for which their status is Compliant, in Safe Deadline, reaching Upcoming Deadline, and Non Compliant, click the corresponding values in the table.

Compliance Status: Individual Compliant Status's
Compliance Status: Individual Compliant Status's

On further clicking the values in the compliant, safe deadline, upcoming deadline, and non-compliant column, the corresponding course details are displayed: Learning object name, enrollment/ completion date, due date, and progress in percentage.

Compliance Status: learning details
Compliance Status: learning details

Compliance Status: learning details
Compliance Status: learning details

Learnings View

In the Compliance Status Learnings View, the list of Learning Objects and the corresponding number of team members that are Compliant, within a Safe Deadline, have an Upcoming Deadline, or are Non Compliant is displayed.

Compliance Status: Learnings View
Compliance Status: Learnings View

On further clicking the values in the compliant, safe deadline, upcoming deadline, and non compliant columns, the following data is displayed: People, Enrollment Date, Completion date, and Progress.

Compliance Status: Learnings view details
Compliance Status: Learnings view details

Export data & send emails

  • To export the compliance status for team and learnings view, click Actions > Export.
  • To send an email to team members, click Actions > Send Email.
Compliance Status: Export and send email
Compliance Status: Export and send email

Team Skills

Managers can view the skill completion graph and configure a skill completion forecast at different levels. Five skills are listed in the skill drop-down list. The manager gets to know the expertise gained by the team members and identify strong talent in certain skills.

Managers can also drive certain skills in a team by setting a goal and forecasting on how long it would take to achieve a skill for specific percent of a team within a timeline.


This forecasting is based on system calculations which gives a view in the future for a progress of that specific skill.

Team skills dashboard
Team skills dashboard

To view a team’s skill status, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Team Skills from the left pane under My Team View section. 

  2. To view the skills displayed, click the skill filter and select one from the drop-down list. 

  3. To select a level(Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3), click the level drop-down menu.

  4. Based on the skill and level selected, a graph with its skill status is displayed. On hovering the graph, you can view the following percentages of the skill status: In progress and Achieved.

    Team skills graph
    Team skills graph

How to forecast the team completion % for a skill

To forecast the team completion % for a skill, follow the below steps:

  1. To display the configure tracker, click the configure hyperlink. 

    Configure to forecast skills
    Configure to forecast skills

  2. From the configure pop up dialog, for the skill you want to configure, enter a percentage value in the Target completion % field, and the date by when you want to achieve the target completion % in the Target date field.

    Configure tracker
    Configure tracker

  3. To view the output for your forecast, click the Estimate button. The output looks like the below screenshot. 

    Output of skill forecast
    Forecast output

Skill level completion forecast

The manager of a team can view and configure the team completion percentage of a skill for a particular time period based on the target completion % and date time provided in the skill tracker.

In the forecast graph, there are two types of lines (solid and dotted line) with three vertices each. 

On the solid line, the first point displays the date for the first enrollment for a skill level.

First enrollment to a skill
First enrollment to a skill

The second point shows the current date and team completion % level of the skill.

Current team completion % and date
Current team completion % and date

The third point on the line shows the expected target completion % and target completion date.

Managers expected team completion % within a date
Managers expected team completion % within a date

Forecast line

The dotted line is the forecast line that displays the forecast depending on the current team completion % for a skill in a given time period.

The first point on the dotted line represents the team completion % and projected team completion % for a skill on that date.

Current team % for current date
Current team % for current date

The second point displays the date on which the projected team completion % was achieved for a skill.

Forecast team completion % for given date
Forecast team completion % for given date

The third point in the forecast line displays the team completion % that is achieved on the target date provided in the skill tracker.

Projected team completion %
Projected team completion %

Under the graph, a table is displayed with the team's view and the number of skills that have been enrolled, achieved, and in progress. If a learning has a completion date, then the expected completion date is also displayed.

Team Skills
Team skills

On clicking the team name, the list of members who enrolled into the skill, the skill status, and completion date is displayed.

Team skills: Click values to view details
Team skills: Click values to view details

On clicking the team, you can view the members in it and the corresponding details for the selected skill like if  enrolled, the status (whether in progress or achieved), and the completion date if set.

Team Skills: Skill enrollment and completion date
Team Skills: Skill enrollment, status, and completion date

On selecting the values for a team under the enrollment, achieved, and in progress column, you can view the number of users who have enrolled to the skill. You can also view the date on which the user had enrolled to the skill, the status, and completion date if the skill was completed by the user. 

Individual skill statuses
Individual skill statuses

First enrollment date and team completion %
First enrollment date and team completion %

Export report

  • Click Actions > Export to export the data as an excel file. 

Multi-Manager Support in Manager App and Manager Dashboard


You can mark the active fields as multi-valued from the app. There can be at most three such active fields in an account. Each active field can have 20,000 unique values for a user to choose from. Every user can have maximum of 20 values for an attribute. The multi-valued active fields are available for both internal and external users.

To create a multi-valued active valued, follow the steps:

  1. Create an active field on the Active Fields page. (say, ‘Roles’).
  2. Mark it as multi valued.
  3. Now, populate the values using CSV or by adding values from the UI using ‘Modify values’.

Learners will now see the multi-valued fields along with other active fields on the Attributes page.

Multiple Manager

Manage users who belong to multiple stores or organization and have multiple managers. These multiple managers ave the same capabilities as a regular manager. If a manager is both a hierarchy manager and a store manager, both of them listed in the dropdown. On choosing a store, managers will have the scope restricted to that store users only.

To set up a manager for a store or organization, use a CSV with active fields.


Multi-manager reports are available as the following dashboards:

  • Dashboard - Learning Summary: Enrollments, Views and Completion counts will be shown for that store users only
  • Dashboard - Compliance Dashboard: Graph should show the count and the percentages for the lo added based on users belonging to that store only. ‘Reset To Default Learnings’ option will not be available for store managers.
  • Dashboard – Skill Status: A graph would show the “In Progress” and “Achieved” percentages considering the progress of users of only that store for that skill. ‘Reset to Top Skills’ will not be seen for store managers.


Reports include the multi-valued active fields and the values are comma separated. The store managers can download the Learning summary reports.

Dashboard reports

A dashboard report created for one store/organization will be common for all the stores/organizations. When you switch to another manager, the reports for other stores are also displayed.

If a store has multiple managers, the report created by one store manager cannot be viewed by other store managers. Every manager will have their own set of reports.

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