Make colorful lettering.

Watch the tutorial video above to see designer Mat Voyce’s process. Then download the free trial of Adobe Illustrator, along with source files to practice with.

  1. Choose a font.

    Type a fun word using a typeface from Adobe Fonts. Then convert the word to an outline (right click > Create Outlines).

  2. Style the strokes.

    Next, switch the Fill and Stroke colors and give the corners a slightly rounded look.

  3. Make a drop shadow.

    Retro is back — and with it, so are drop shadows. Copy the word, fill it with black, send it back, and move it down a bit.

  4. Color the repeats.

    Repeat the steps (minus the drop shadow) to create a repeating pattern. This time, fill each new word with a bright color.

  5. Organize the layers.

    Finally, prep for animation by adding each white letter and its drop shadow to separate layers.

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