Choose a font.
Type a fun word using a typeface from Adobe Fonts. Then convert the word to an outline (right click > Create Outlines).
Watch the tutorial video above to see designer Mat Voyce’s process. Then download the free trial of Adobe Illustrator, along with source files to practice with.
Choose a font.
Type a fun word using a typeface from Adobe Fonts. Then convert the word to an outline (right click > Create Outlines).
Style the strokes.
Next, switch the Fill and Stroke colors and give the corners a slightly rounded look.
Make a drop shadow.
Retro is back — and with it, so are drop shadows. Copy the word, fill it with black, send it back, and move it down a bit.
Color the repeats.
Repeat the steps (minus the drop shadow) to create a repeating pattern. This time, fill each new word with a bright color.
Organize the layers.
Finally, prep for animation by adding each white letter and its drop shadow to separate layers.