Automation with scripts

Learn to run and install scripts in Illustrator.

When you run a script, your computer performs a sequence of operations. These operations may involve only Illustrator or other applications, such as word-processing, spreadsheet, and database-management programs.

Illustrator supports multiple scripting environments (including Microsoft Visual Basic, AppleScript, JavaScript, and ExtendScript). You can use the standard scripts that come with Illustrator, and you can create your scripts and add them to the Scripts submenu.

Sample scripts are installed in the Adobe Illustrator <version number>/Scripting folder.

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Try it in the app
Run a script in a few simple steps.

Run a script

Follow the steps to run a script.

  1. Choose File > Scripts, and choose a script.

  2. To execute a script, drag and drop a .jsx file onto Illustrator.

    However, this isn't a recommended and secure way. A warning dialog is presented to alert you to prevent accidental actions.

Follow these steps to suppress the warning dialog and run the script.

  1. Create a JSX file with the following content: app.preferences.setBooleanPreference("ShowExternalJSXWarning", false)

  2. Save the JSX file. 

  3. Go to File > Scripts > Other Script, and choose the newly saved JSX file.


If you edit a script while Illustrator is running, you must save your changes for them to take effect.

Install a script

Copy the script to your computer’s hard disk. If you place the script in the Adobe Illustrator Scripts folder, the script will appear in the File > Scripts submenu.

If you place the script in another location on the hard disk, you can run the script in Illustrator by choosing File > Scripts > Other Script.


If you place a script in the Adobe Illustrator Scripts folder while Illustrator is running, you must restart Illustrator for the script to appear in the Scripts submenu.

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