Accelerate workflows using the Contextual Task Bar

Use the Contextual Task Bar to access the most frequently used next actions for the selected object and tool.

Get familiar with the Contextual Task Bar

The Contextual Task Bar is a floating bar on the canvas that provides the most relevant next actions for the object or tool you select. It ensures that your focus remains on the object you're working on.

You can move the Contextual Task Bar around to where you want it to be. You can also reset its position, pin it, or hide it by selecting More options  . To enable it again after hiding it, navigate to Window > Contextual Task Bar.

Explore the Contextual Task Bar for different scenarios

Blank canvas

When you open a new document, the Contextual Task Bar gives you the tools and features to start your creative journey quickly. Use Draw (Pencil) to create freeform drawings, Generate Vectors to ideate on designs, or Place Image to import an image.


Generative AI features are available wherever Adobe provides services. It isn't available for users in mainland China.

Selection tool and paths

When you select a path with the Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you various editing options. You can use Gen Shape Fill to fill your selection with vector graphics, and Fill and Stroke to change the colors.

You get additional options based on what you select:

  • Open path: Use Join Path to connect the ends of the path, and Edit Path to switch to the Direct Selection   tool and make the necessary edits.
  • Shape (closed path): Use Edit Path to make the necessary edits, and Lock Object to prevent accidental edits. For a basic shape created with tools such as the Rectangle   tool and the Star   tool, you get the option to adjust its properties instead of Lock Object.
  • Multiple paths and shapes: Use Group to work on them as a single shape, and Align to arrange them in various ways. If the selected shapes are of different colors, you also get Recolor to refine their color scheme.
  • Grouped paths and shapes: Use Ungroup to ungroup them, Isolate group to edit them in isolation mode, and Recolor object to recolor them.

Play this video to see an example of using the Contextual Task Bar to modify paths.

Selection tool and Compound Path

When you create a Compound Path and select it with the Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Gen Shape Fill, Edit Path, Fill, and Stroke. Release lets you separate the shapes.

Basic shape tools

When you use the Rectangle   tool, the Rounded Rectangle   tool, the Ellipse   tool, the Polygon   tool, and the Star   tool to add shapes to the canvas, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Gen Shape FillEdit Path, Fill, and Stroke. You can also adjust the properties of the shape you add.

With the Rectangle   tool and the Rounded Rectangle   tool, you also get Generate Vectors.

Direct Selection tool and paths

When you select a path with the Direct Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you options to edit the path and its anchor points:

  • Use Simplify to reduce the path's anchor points and Smooth to adjust its curvature.
  • Use Remove selected anchor pointsConnect selected end pointsCut path at selected anchor pointsConvert selected anchor points to corner, and Convert selected anchor points to smooth to work on specific anchor points.

Play this video to see an example of using the Contextual Task Bar to edit a star and smooth a path.


When you use any of the Type tools to add text to the canvas, the Contextual Task Bar gives you various text formatting options, such as Set the font family, Font Style, Set the Font size, and Fill.

When you select the text with the Selection   tool, you get additional options based on the type of text:

  • Point text: Use Area type to convert the text to area text.
  • Area text: Use Point type to convert the text to point text.
  • Text on a path: Use Type On Path to add an effect and rearrange the text.

You can use Outline the text to work on the text like other vector shapes.


When you select the Touch type   tool, the Contextual Task Bar disappears to let you use the tool's onscreen widgets.


When you select an image with the Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you options for both vector and raster workflows. Image Trace lets you easily vectorize the image. Retype allows you to edit text within the image using suggested fonts. You can use Crop Image to remove unwanted parts of the image.

You get additional options based on whether the image is linked or embedded:

  • Linked image: Use Embed Image to unlink the image from its source file, Relink to fix missing links, and Edit the image in Photoshop for advanced editing options.
  • Embedded image: Use Relink to link the image to its source file.

Play this video to see an example of using the Contextual Task Bar to edit text and an image.

Images and vectors

When you select an image and a vector together with the Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Clip Mask to create a Clipping Mask, Create Mockup to fit the vector on an object in the image, Align, and Group.

Clipping Mask

When you create a Clipping Mask using vector objects and select it with the Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Edit Mask to edit it in isolation mode, and Release to release it. You can also use Gen Shape Fill.


When you select a mockup group with the Selection   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Edit Content to edit the vector object, and Release to release the vector object and the image. When you edit the vector object, you get Edit Symbol to edit the object's corresponding symbol.

Other tools

When you use the Artboard   tool, the Smooth   tool, the Free Transform   tool, the Dimension   tool, and the Objects on Path   tool, the Contextual Task Bar gives you the relevant tool options.

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