Set preferences

About preferences

The Illustrator preferences file manages the commands and panel settings in Illustrator. When you open Illustrator, the positioning of panels and commands are stored in the Illustrator preferences file. In addition, numerous program settings are stored in the preference file, including general display options, file-saving options, performance options, type options, and options for plug‑ins and scratch disks. Most of these options are set in the Preferences dialog box. Preference settings are saved each time you quit the application.

Unexpected behavior may indicate damaged preferences. If you suspect damage to preferences, restore preferences to their default settings.

Set a preference

  1. Do one of the following:

    • (Windows) Choose Edit > Preferences > [preference set name].

    • (macOS) Choose Illustrator > Preferences > [preference set name].

    • With nothing selected, click the Preferences button on the Control panel.

    Preferences button on the Control panel

  2. Select an option from the menu on the left of the Preferences dialog box to switch to another preference set.

Reset preferences

To reset  the preferences for Illustrator:

  • Click the Reset Preferences button in the General tab of the Preferences dialog. 

Preferences will be reset only when you restart Illustrator.

To manually restore preferences to default

  • Remove or rename the Adobe Illustrator Prefs file. When you restart Illustrator, a new preference file will be created in the original location.

To restore preferences quickly using a keyboard shortcut

  • Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (macOS) as you start Illustrator. The new preferences files are created the next time you start Illustrator.

You can access the Illustrator preferences file from this location:

  • macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator <version> Settings/<locale>/Adobe Illustrator Prefs
  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <version> Settings\<locale>\x64\Adobe Illustrator Prefs
  • Replace  <version number> with the version of Illustrator installed on your system.
  • The folder name may vary depending on the language version you've installed.
  • In Windows, the Application Data folder is hidden by default. To make this folder visible, open Folder Options in Control Panel and select the View tab. In the Advanced Settings pane, select the Show Hidden Files and Folders or Show hidden files, folders, or drives option.
  • If you cannot locate the preferences file, use your operating system’s Find command, and search for AIPrefs (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Prefs (macOS).

Video: Create a backup and reset your Illustrator preferences

Watch these 1-minute videos to quickly learn how to create a backup of the Illustrator preferences folder and reset them manually on your device.



About plug-in modules

Plug-in modules are software programs that add features to Adobe Illustrator. A number of special effects plug-ins come with your program and are automatically installed in the Plug-ins folder inside the Illustrator folder.

You can install any commercial plug-in designed for use with Photoshop or Illustrator. To install an Adobe plug-in module, use the installer if one is provided. Otherwise, drag a copy of the module to the Plug-ins folder inside the Illustrator folder. Then restart Illustrator for the plug-in to take effect. To install a third-party plug-in module, follow the installation instructions that came with the plug-in module.


The open architecture of the Adobe Illustrator program allows developers outside Adobe to create features that are accessible from within Adobe Illustrator. If you are interested in creating plug-in modules compatible with Adobe Illustrator, visit

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