Stack objects

Learn how Illustrator stacks objects and how to change the stacking order.

Illustrator stacks successively drawn objects, beginning with the first object drawn. If you've overlapping objects, the stacking order (also called painting order) of objects determines the display order, and the stacking order depends on the drawing mode you use.

Add new objects in the stacking order

You can add new objects to the stacking order using the Draw Normal mode or Draw Behind mode.

Use Draw Normal mode

Select the Draw Normal mode to add a new object on top of the selected layer.

Use Draw Behind mode

Select the Draw Behind mode to add a new object behind the selected layer.

The artwork you view at the beginning of the Layers   panel is at the front of the stacking order, and the artwork you view at the end of the Layers panel is at the back of the stacking order. Objects within a layer are also stacked similarly. You can control the display of overlapping objects by adding multiple layers to your artwork.

Change the stacking order using the Layers panel

Use any of these options to change the stacking order using the Layers panel:

  • Drag the object name and release the mouse button when you see a black insertion mark at the desired position. 
  • Go to Object > Arrange and select Bring to Front, Bring Forward, Send Backward, Send to Back, or Send to Current Layer.
  • To reverse the order of items in the Layers panel, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (macOS), select the item names, and then select Reverse Order from the Layers panel menu. To reverse the order of items, they must be at the same level in the layer hierarchy.

Change the stacking order using Arrange options

Use any of these options:

  • Select the object you want to move and then select Object > Arrange > Bring To Front or Object > Arrange > Send To Back to move an object to the top or bottom position in its group or layer.
  • Select the object you want to move and then select Object > Arrange > Bring Forward or Object > Arrange > Send Backward to move an object by one object to the front or one object to the back of a stack.

You cannot move a path, group, or collective element to the top position in the Layers panel. Only layers can reside at the beginning of the layer hierarchy.

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