Unembed images

Learn how to unembed images in Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator deeplink

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Use the Links panel to unembed images in a few simple steps.

When you embed images in an Illustrator file, the image file is stored within the document. You can extract the embedded images by unembedding them and replace the embedded images with the corresponding extracted PSD or TIFF files. You can also use or edit the extracted files outside Illustrator.

  1. Select an embedded image in your document, and do one of the following:

    • In the Control panel, click Unembed.
    • From the Links panel menu, choose Unembed.
    Unembed dialog box

  2. Specify a name and location for the new file (PSD or TIFF only). Select Unembed all selected images to this folder to unembed multiple images simultaneously. Then, select Unembed.

    The artwork is unembedded and linked to the Illustrator file.

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