Intertwine objects

Learn how to use Intertwine in Illustrator to create overlapping patterns.

Do you want to give your design a perception of depth and dimension? Use Intertwine in Illustrator to overlap objects in dynamic new ways. You can intertwine different shapes, text, and 2D and 3D objects and edit them. 

Multiple objects are intertwined
Intertwine shapes

Multiple text objects are intertwined
Intertwine type objects

Shapes and text objects are intertwined
Intertwine shapes with type objects

Create intertwined objects

To intertwine objects, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Selection  tool to select the objects that you want to intertwine.

  2. Select Object > Intertwine > Make

  3. Do one of the following:

    Click to intertwine

    Hover over the objects to find the overlapping zone highlighted. Click the overlapping zone to intertwine.

    Encircle to intertwine

    Draw an enclosed path around the overlapping zone to intertwine. To make a rectangular selection, press Shift while you draw.

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Try it yourself
You'll get a sample file to follow along with as you learn how to intertwine objects.

Intertwine multiple objects

Do the following to intertwine more than two overlapping objects:

  1. Select the objects and select Object > Intertwine > Make.

  2. Draw an enclosed path around the overlapping zone.

  3. Hover over the enclosed path to view the highlighted boundary.

  4. Right-click the highlighted boundary and select Bring to Front, Bring Forward, Send Backward, or Send to Back.

Edit intertwined objects

If you want to resume intertwining the same set of objects later, do the following:

  1. Select the intertwined objects.

  2. Select Object > Intertwine > Edit.

Release intertwined objects

  1. Select the intertwined objects.

  2. Select Object > Intertwine > Release

Tips and tricks

Here are a few things to keep in mind while working with Intertwine:
  • Objects are grouped in the Layers panel. You can drag other layers into grouped objects.
  • You can also access Edit and Release options in the Properties panel or the Control bar.
  • Intertwine does not work with Live Paint, Repeat, and Graphs.
  • Illustrator does not support creating nested intertwines or intertwines from already intertwined objects.

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