Learn faster with the Illustrator Discover panel

Learn how to work on the Discover panel and explore tools and articles within Illustrator.

The Discover panel offers contextually relevant help and learning resources to quickly locate articles and work efficiently with the tools in Illustrator.

The panel gives you recommendations that improve speed and efficiency with Illustrator tools. These recommendations include tips and tutorials on how to get multi-step workflows done faster. 

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Get in-app help, tips, and learn-resources within the Discover panel.

Open Discover panel

To access the new Discover panel in Illustrator, do one of the following:

  • Press F1.
  • Select the Search icon ( ) at the upper right of the interface.
  • Choose Help > Illustrator Help.

To exit the Discover panel, hit the Esc key.

The Discover panel home screen offers three helpful sections to orient you to key learning resources.


Suggested content at the top of the interface jump-starts your learning journey. Your suggestions become more personalized based on your search history and the content you choose.


Discover something new! Skip your search and use the section to easily find in-app tutorials and information about the latest Illustrator features.


Quick external links to useful Adobe resources help you continue learning or expand Illustrator features with plugins.

The Discover panel interface within the Illustrator workspace.
The Discover panel interface

A. Suggestion B. Browse C. Resource links 

Explore search experience

You can use the Discover panel search bar to access the full repository of tools, in-app tutorials, and articles that help you build your skills. Search offers auto-complete suggestions including suggested content, tool shortcuts, and quick links.

Use the   to return to the previous page, or select the home   icon to start over.

View search results

The Discover panel surfaces tools and menu items based on your search queries. The search results page organizes recommended content into easily identifiable categories. 

When you select the search result, a floating blue coach mark appears to help you discover where the tools or menu items are located.

View search results

Apply Quick actions

Quick actions are available within the Discover panel to complete workflow with a single click. Select Browse> Quick actions, to find the list of quick actions that you can apply to your objects.

The quick action changes are applied automatically if the object is selected. If you want to learn more about Quick actions, select the   icon.

Try it in-app!

Add neon glow effect to your text instantly in Illustrator.

To apply Quick actions to your objects, do the following:

  1. In the Discover panel, select Browse > Quick actions to open the list of quick actions.

  2.  Select a quick action and select an object.

  3. Click the Apply button, and Illustrator will quickly complete the task on your currently open document.

Here is the list of quick actions in Illustrator that you can explore:

Select Browse > Quick Actions to view the list of quick actions
Select Browse > Quick Actions to view the list of quick actions

Explore tool tips and tool techniques

Find important information quickly with optimized search results. Find tools and learn to use them seamlessly with the help of Tool Tips and Techniques.

  • Tool Tip: Gives an idea about using the tool.
  • Tool Technique: Gives step-by-step instructions on how to use the tool.

The following steps will help you get started with any tool in the toolbar:

  1. Hover over the tool you want to use for your artwork.

  2. Select Learn more on the Tool Tip to access the Tool Technique.

Tool tip and tool technique

Configure Discover panel Preferences

To open the Discover panel's  Preferences settings, select the   icon in the lower right of the Discover panel and select Preferences.

Select Preferences from Discover panel settings
Select Preferences from Discover panel settings

  • Location coach marks: Enable to view the location of the tool or a feature within the app when the pointer is over it. 
  • Quick select: Enable to select the top tool or feature when you press Enter / Return after typing in the search field. When turned off, pressing Enter / Return shows all results.

Watch this 2 minute 55 seconds video on how to make the most of Illustrator's native search panel. 

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