Document Info panel

Learn about the details you can view on the Document Info panel.

The Document Info panel provides general document information and object characteristics, as well as the number and names of graphic styles, custom colors, gradients, fonts, and placed art.

Document Info panel overview

To display the Document Info panel, select Window > Document Info. Here are some things you can view or do from the Document Info panel:

  • You can view information about the following items from the panel menu: Document, Objects, Graphic Styles, Brushes, Spot Color Objects, Pattern Objects, Gradient Objects, Fonts, Linked Images, Embedded Images, Font Details, and Repeat Objects.

  • Check Selection Only to view information about an object selected on the artboard. Uncheck this option to view the information about the entire document.

  • Choose Save from the panel menu to save a copy of the information as a text file.

  • You can view the dimensions of a specific artboard. Select the Artboard   tool, select Document from the Document Info panel menu, and select the artboard you want.

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