Drop shadows, glows, and feathering

Learn how to modify your artwork with drop shadows, glows, and feathering effects in Adobe Illustrator.

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Stylize artwork with the Drop Shadow effect in a few simple steps.

Create a drop shadow

  1. Select an object or group (or target a layer in the Layers panel).

  2. Select Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow.

  3. Select options for Drop Shadow, and select OK:


    Specifies a blending mode for the drop shadow.


    Specifies the percentage of opacity you want for the drop shadow.

    X Offset and Y Offset

    Specifies the distance you want the drop shadow to be offset from the object.


    Specifies the distance from the edge of the shadow where you want any blurring to occur. Illustrator creates a transparent raster object to simulate the blur.


    Specifies a color for the shadow.


    Specifies the percentage of black you want added for the drop shadow. In a CMYK document, a value of 100%, used with a selected object that contains a fill or stroke color other than black, creates a multicolored black shadow. A value of 100% used with a selected object that contains only a black fill or stroke creates a 100% black shadow. A value of 0% creates a drop shadow the color of the selected object.

Apply an inner or outer glow

  1. Select an object or group (or target a layer in the Layers panel).

  2. Select Effect > Stylize > Inner Glow or Effect > Stylize > Outer Glow.

  3. Click the color preview square next to the blending mode menu to specify a color for the glow.

  4. Set additional options, and click OK:


    Specifies a blending mode for the glow.


    Specifies the percentage of opacity you want for the glow.


    Specifies the distance from the center or edge of the selection where you want any blurring to occur.

    Center (Inner Glow only)

    Applies a glow that emanates from the center of the selection.

    Edge (Inner Glow only)

    Applies a glow that emanates from the inside edges of the selection.


    When you expand an object that uses an inner-glow effect, the inner glow reveals itself as an opacity mask If you expand an object that uses an outer glow, the outer glow becomes a transparent raster object.

Feather the edges of an object

  1. Select the object or group (or target a layer in the Layers panel).

  2. Select Effect > Stylize > Feather.

  3. Set the distance the object fades from Opaque to Transparent, and select OK.

Original object selected (left) and using feather effect (right)
Original object selected (left) and using feather effect (right)

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