Troubleshoot Illustrator cloud documents issues

Learn about some common errors you might get while using cloud documents in Illustrator.

Could not open a cloud document



Error when Illustrator cannot open your cloud document even though you are connected to the Internet and online.

Go to Creative Cloud website > Your work tab > Cloud documents, browse through the cloud documents to locate the one you're looking for.

For details, see Getting started with cloud documents.

You should be able to download this document as local file. And then upload again to cloud documents if the earlier document is not opening.

Assets are not synced



If you notice that your cloud docs are not getting synced from one machine to another or from your machine to creative cloud website.

  • Check if your computer is operating in offline mode:
    Go to Home screen > Cloud Documents. Check if the offline banner or cloud icon with x is displayed.
  • If the computer is operating in online mode, wait for the sync operation to complete and then retry. Sync operations will vary in time based on the size of the document and network performance. 
  • If your computer is displaying the Cloud Document organizer in online mode, follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors.

Network error | No Internet connection | Offline editing



Error when cloud documents system detects that your computer is either not connected to the network or the connection is intermittent. Normally this results in cloud documents falling back into offline mode. 

  • Check if your computer is operating in offline mode:
    Go to Home screen > Cloud Documents. Check if the offline banner or cloud icon with x is displayed.
  • If your computer is displaying the Cloud Document organizer in online mode, follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors.

Syncing failed | Request timed out



  • When the application attempts to synchronize changes made in local files to the cloud documents and vice versa. It generally happens due to a non-performing or disconnected Internet connection.
  • The cloud documents system is either not connected to the Internet or the connection is intermittent.


  1. Retry the operation. It might solve the issue if the request fails due to a slow Internet connection.
  2. Check your Internet connection and follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors.
  3. If you think the Internet connection is fine:
    1. Quit Illustrator and stop the Adobe Content Synchronizer process (using Activity Monitor on macOS or Task Manager on Windows).
    2. Relaunch Illustrator.


User account suspended



When your account is suspended due to various reasons.

Check your account details and status.

Generic unknown error



When an unknown error occurs.

  • Retry the operation
  • Quit and restart Illustrator.
  • Restart your computer.

Cloud storage full



When your cloud storage is full.

When you delete cloud documents from Home screen, they are moved into your deleted folder. To free up storage space, you must permanently delete them from the Home Screen > Cloud Documents > Deleted section. 

Activation level reached



When you exceeds the maximum sign-ins or activation allowed for Creative Cloud.

Assets are not synced



If you notice that your cloud docs are not getting synced from one machine to another or from your machine to creative cloud website.

  • Check if your computer is operating in offline mode:
    Go to Home screen > Cloud Documents. Check if the offline banner or cloud icon with x is displayed.
  • If the computer is operating in online mode, wait for the sync operation to complete and then retry. Sync operations will vary in time based on the size of the document and network performance. 
  • If your computer is displaying the Cloud Document organizer in online mode, follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors.

Naming conflict



When two documents have the same name in the same folder.   

When one document is in the cloud and the other document is a locally-synced document, the system will rename one of the documents to a unique name.

Then, the cloud documents system will refresh to show the unique name and you can retry your operation.

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