Share and collaborate on Illustrator cloud documents

Working in a team? Learn how to invite collaborators to directly review and share comments on your Illustrator cloud documents.

Illustrator makes collaboration easy when you work in a team. With the power of cloud documents, you can share document links for review with other team members and make edits directly from the app. You can send invitations, edit, review, and comment on the shared documents.

invite to edit

Share a document

From the App (Desktop or iPad)

To share your Illustrator cloud document with collaborators, perform the following tasks: 

  1. Select File > Invite to Edit (desktop) or   (iPad) in the upper-right corner of the Illustrator app.

  2. Add a valid AdobeID email address in the Invite people to edit field.

  3. Type a note for collaborators in the Write a comment section.

  4. Select the Invite to Edit button to send the invitation, one collaborator at a time.

Share link for comments
Invite to edit

You can view the names and email addresses of all the invited collaborators and the owner of the shared cloud document in the Invite to edit dialog.

Change access settings to a shared document

  1. Select File > Invite to Edit (desktop) or    icon (iPad) in the upper-right corner of the Illustrator app.

  2. If you're the document owner, you can select Settings   icon to control the link access.

From the Creative Cloud (Desktop or Web)

You can also invite collaborators to edit your Illustrator cloud documents from the Creative Cloud desktop and web.

View shared cloud documents


If you're a reviewer who has signed in with an AdobeID, you can request edit access from Even if you don't have an Adobe email ID, you can comment as a Guest.


If you're a designer, you'll get a notification  inside the Sharesheet panel to grant or reject access on the upper-right corner of the Creative Cloud desktop and web.

View shared documents

The invitation for editing a cloud document is auto-accepted. You can open Illustrator on the desktop or iPad to view the shared document.

Shared with you desktop
Shared document on the desktop

Shared with you iPad
Shared document on the iPad

  1. Go to Home screenShared with you to view all your shared documents.

  2. Select the shared document to open and start editing. Your changes are auto-saved on the cloud as you work.


Currently, Illustrator provides asynchronous editing where each collaborator can edit a shared cloud document one at a time. If the shared cloud document is already open on another system, you'll view a dialog in which you can select any of the following options:

  • Select Make a Copy to work on a copy of the shared cloud document.
  • Select OK and reopen the document after the current user completes the changes.

Manage shared cloud documents

Here are a few things to note when you invite collaborators to comment on a document:

  • You can view the names and email addresses of the owner and collaborators in the Invite to edit dialog.
  • If you're the owner of the shared document, you can remove collaborators to stop sharing the cloud document. 
  • You can add comments to a shared document. If you don't have an Adobe email ID, you can comment as a Guest.
  • Collaborators can also choose to leave if they no longer want to contribute.
  • After a collaborator leaves or has been removed, the shared document is removed permanently from the shared document list.
  • Collaborators cannot remove the owner of the shared document.

Select any comment to take you to the relevant area on the Illustrator document.

From the App (Desktop or iPad)

Remove a collaborator

  1. Select File > Invite to Edit (desktop) or   (iPad) in the upper-right corner of the Illustrator menu bar.

  2. Hover over the name of the collaborator and select Remove.

Leave the shared document

  1. Select  File > Invite to Edit (desktop) or   (iPad) in the upper-right corner of the Illustrator app.

  2. Hover over your own name and select Leave.

From the Creative Cloud (Desktop or Web)

You can remove invited collaborators from the shared documents with the Creative Cloud website and desktop.

Illustrator on the web (beta)

You can easily invite collaborators to edit a document with Illustrator on the web (beta). You can share a document, change access settings, view shared documents, and manage comments.

  Explore the beta app
Illustrator on web (beta) is available for testing and feedback. Try it now to experience new features.


The app is available as part of your Illustrator subscription.

Like Illustrator on the iPad, you can simply open a cloud document in Illustrator on the web (beta), select the Share button, and then select Invite people. By default, documents you create with Illustrator on the web (beta) are cloud documents.

View shared documents

The invitation for editing a cloud document is auto-accepted.

To view the shared document for the first time, you must open it from the notification email.

To view the documents later, open Illustrator on the web (beta) home page, go to the Recent section, select the filter   icon, and then select Shared with you.

Pro tips and tricks 

Ensure that the:

  • Recipient's AdobeID emails in the invitation match their Illustrator, Creative Cloud desktop, and Creative Cloud web AdobeID. 
  • The Illustrator document you want to share on your desktop is a cloud document. If the document you want to share is stored on your computer, save it as a cloud document.
  • You're connected to the internet to seamlessly work on shared cloud documents and avoid missing document issues.

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