You can't open the Sync Settings dialog box to import Dreamweaver CC (13.x) settings from Creative Cloud.
You dismissed the Import Sync Settings dialog box that appeared when Dreamweaver CC 2014 was launched for the first time.

Make a backup of the preferences (includes keyboard shortcuts and workspaces) and site settings in both Dreamweaver CC (13.x) and Dreamweaver CC 2014.
Mac OS:
- Preferences: /Users/{user name}/Library/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 Prefs and /Users/{user name}/Library/Application Support/Dreamweaver CC 2014.
- Sites: /Users/{user name}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/14.0. Take a backup of all the folders.
Windows:- C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014
- C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\14.0
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Common\14.0
Log in to creative cloud and navigate to and clean Dreamweaver settings.