Last updated on
May 17, 2023
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- Unreal Engine 5
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- Substance Input Image - UE5
- Material Instance Definition - UE5
- Material Template Usage - UE5
- Out-of-the-Box Material Templates
- Tiling Substance - UE5
- Substance 3D Plugin Default Templates
- Substance 3D Assets Library Usage - UE5
- Blueprints - UE5
- Unreal Engine 5 Scripting
- Installing to Source Builds
- Unreal Engine 5 overview
- Unreal Engine 4
- Unreal Engine 4 overview
- Unreal Engine 4 plugin release notes
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Plugin Overview - UE4
- Plugin Settings - UE4
- Substance Input Image - UE4
- Material Instance Definition - UE4
- Tiling Substance - UE4
- Working with Bump Offset (Parallax) - UE4
- Working with Displacement - UE4
- Source in UE4
- Live Link in UE4
- Blueprints - UE4
- Unreal Engine 4 Scripting
- Unreal Engine 4 overview
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- Managing Substance Graphs
- Changing parameters
- Generated Textures (Packing)
- Rendering Color Space
- Using Image Inputs
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- Substance 3D for Unity Scripting
- Scripting in Unity (Deprecated)
- API Overview
- Scripting API
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- Substance in MODO Overview
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- Parameters
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- Working with Normals
- Working with Emissive
- Bump and Displacement
- Working with References
- Animating Substances
- Copy/Duplicate Substance
- Environment and Rendering Setup
- Modo Switch Engine
- Tiling Modo textures
- MODO overview
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- Houdini
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- Substance in Blender Overview
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- Blender overview
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Blueprint(UE5): Substance material parameters
Changing a float parameter:
You will use the Set Input Float node to change a float, color(float4) and Boolean substance parameters.
- Create a variable with a type of "Substance Graph Instance" as a Reference.
*To do this, add a variable in the My Blueprint Tab and give it a name. In the drop down, search for Substance Graph Instance > Object Reference. Drag the variable into the graph and select Get (Variable Name). Set the Substance Graph Instance in the Default Value section of the Details Tab. - Create a Set Input Float Node and set the target as the Substance Graph Instance variable. The Context Sensitive box in the search window may need to be unchecked to see all results.
- On the Set Input Float node, set the Identifier to be the name of the Substance Parameter to change.
* You can find the Identifier name by opening the Substance INST and mouse over the parameter name. The Identifier name will appear in the tooltip popup. - On the Input Float Node, drag out a connection and create a Make Array Node. The Make Array Node will have an index of 0. The index of 0 corresponds to the float value.
- Create an Async or Sync rendering node and connect the execution line from the Set Input Float to the Render Node. Set the Instances to Render to the Substance Graph Instance Variable.
* Async is non-blocking and Sync is blocking.
Boolean parameters
Boolean parameters are changed using Set Input Bool.
Color parameters
Color parameters are changed using the Set Input Color.
Changing a Integer parameter:
Integer parameters work the same as the Set Input Float. You will use the Set Input Integer Node.
You can find the identifier for a parameter in the substance INST. Move your mouse over the parameter and the tooltip will reveal the identifier name. This is the name set in the identifier field of the output in Substance Designer.