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Color Management

Experience consistent color rendition experience from capture to final output.

What is Color Management?

Color Management uses color profiles to provide consistent color renditions from capture to final output.

A color profile, also known as an ICC profile (International Colour Consortium), is a set of data that defines the color characteristics of a specific device.

Have you ever noticed that an image you edited on your computer looks different when viewed on a smartphone or a different app? This inconsistency results from varying color profiles and rendering capabilities of different devices. 

This color discrepancy is also observed when you import objects from Photoshop or Illustrator. This happens because Photoshop and Illustrator allow users to set color profiles. For instance, Photoshop uses sRGB as a default profile. As a result, when you import a Photoshop object in XD or open a Photoshop document in XD, you may notice variations in colors.

With XD 57, Adobe XD allows you to set an sRGB profile for all your documents. This ensures uniform color renditions of your XD file throughout the design, sharing, and exporting stages and enables collaborators to see consistent colors during coediting.

Also, users working on multiple creative cloud tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator, along with XD,  can ensure consistent color renditions by setting up an sRGB color profile for their XD documents.

How to change color profiles in XD?

From now on, in XD, you can choose either Unmanaged, when no color profile is used, or sRGB, a color profile is used. All the new documents will open with sRGB. The existing documents remain as Unmanaged until you change their color profile.

To change the color profile for your XD document, select Edit > Color Profile > sRGB or Unmanaged.

You can switch between Unmanaged and sRGB color profiles anytime, and it is a non-destructive operation.

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