Last updated on
Apr 27, 2021
Also applies to ColdFusion
New functions
The following new functions are added:
- ArrayMap
- ArrayReduce
- CanDeSerialize
- CanSerialize
- Deserialize
- DeserializeXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GetSafeHTML
- ImageGetMetadata
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- isSafeHTML
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- ListEach
- ListMap
- ListReduce
- QueryExecute
- QueryGetRow
- Serialize
- SerializeXML
- SpreadSheetAddAutofilter
- SpreadSheetAddPagebreaks
- StructMap
- StructReduce
Changes in functions
The following functions are enhanced:
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheRemove
- Canonicalize
- DeserializeJSON
- DirectoryList
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- FileUploadAll
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- RestInitApplication
- SerializeJSON
- SetProfileString
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetWrite
New tags
The following tags have been added:
Changes in tags
The following tags are enhanced:
- cfexchangecalendar
- cffile action = "uploadAll"
- cfhttp
- cfldap
- cflocation
- cflogin
- cflogout
- cfmail
- cfpdf
- cfspreadsheet
- cfwebsocket
- cfzip
- cfzipparam
Mobile functions
See ColdFusion Mobile Functions
Other changes
For a list of other changes, see New in ColdFusion.