- Adobe nagyvállalatok és csapatok számára: Rendszergazdai útmutató
- Telepítés megtervezése
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- Telepítési útmutatók
- A Creative Cloud az oktatás számára alkalmazás telepítése
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- Identitás beállítása | Áttekintés
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- SSO – gyakori kérdések és hibaelhárítás
- Szervezete beállításának kezelése
- Felhasználók kezelése
- Áttekintés
- Adminisztratív szerepkörök
- Felhasználókezelési stratégiák
- Licencek hozzárendelése egy csapatfelhasználóhoz
- Alkalmazáson belüli felhasználókezelés csapatok számára
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- Fejlesztők kezelése
- A meglévő felhasználók áttelepítése az Adobe Admin Console alkalmazásba
- A felhasználókezelés áttelepítése az Adobe Admin Console alkalmazásba
- Áttekintés
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- Termékek és termékprofilok kezelése
- Termékek kezelése
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- Alkalmazások és frissítések telepítése
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- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Hibaelhárítás
- A csapatfiók kezelése
- Megújítások
- Szerződések kezelése
- Jelentések és naplók
- Súgó
To place an order, navigate to Account > Account in the Admin Console.
Purchase Request
Purchase Request allows you to request for a product or license with a promise to pay later. After the purchase request is placed, your users will be informed, via email, when they are granted access to the products you have purchased.
Admin Console gives you the ability to place a Purchase Request for new licenses and products, and make the payment within 60 days. This duration is termed as the Purchase Request compliance window. You can make a payment for the new licenses and products at any time during this compliance window. When the compliance window opens, you start seeing reminder messages in the Admin Console prompting you to make payment for the unpaid licenses.
"You have some unpaid licenses. Place an order with your account manager at <reseller> before <purchase request compliance window end date and time> to avoid interruption of access for your users."
Order placed for all unpaid licenses
If you have placed an order for all the unpaid licenses with your reseller, the following notification displays at the top of the Overview and Product tabs in the Admin Console.
"We have received your order. If you had users that were awaiting access, they have been provisioned."
Also, the summary numbers are updated.
If you do not place an order for the purchase request, following are the scenarios based on where you are in the compliance timeline.
Scenario 1: From the date of Purchase Request until 30 days past
After you place a purchase request, you see a notification at the top of the Overview and Products tabs in the Admin Console. This notification displays until 30 days after you place the purchase request, or until you place an order, whichever completes first. Even if you do not assign users to a few or all the unpaid licenses, you still see the notification.
"You have some unpaid licenses. Place an order with your account manager at <reseller> before <purchase request compliance window end date and time> to avoid interruption of access for your users."
To view or download the list of users that are assigned to the unpaid licenses, click Need Payment in the All Users tab.
You can choose to take one of the following actions:
- Place an order for the unpaid licenses.
- Unassign users from the unpaid licenses.
Scenario 2: After 30 days past the purchase request date
If you do not place the order within 30 days of placing the purchase request, you receive an email that notifies about the payment overdue. The email also contains information about the consequence of deprovisioning the licenses if you fail to place an order in the next 30 days.
Also, a notification displays at the top of the Overview and Products tabs in the Admin Console. This notification displays until 60 days after you place the purchase request, or until you place an order, whichever completes first. Even if you do not assign users to a few or all the unpaid licenses, you still see the notification.
"You have unpaid licenses that are overdue. You can no longer place a request for additional licenses. Current users may lose access if payment is not received by <purchase request compliance window end date and time>. Place order with you account manager at <reseller> today."
If the unpaid licenses are assigned, you can choose to take one of the following actions:
- Place an order for the unpaid licenses.
- Unassign users from the unpaid licenses.
If you do not take either of these steps before the end of the purchase request compliance window, then the unpaid licenses are automatically unassigned.
The users who are unassigned from the product, are the users that have been most recently assigned to this product.
To view the list of users who will be unassigned click Need Payment in the All Users tab.
Unassign users from the products
You can unassign users from a product in the Users tab for that product. For details, see Remove users and user groups from a product.
If you unassign a user who is not a part of the Need Payment list, it makes a license available for the first person listed on the list. Adobe Automatically moves this person from Need Payment list to the newly vacated license. This continues as you keep unassigning users from this product.
After you have managed the license shortfall, the assigned licenses are now the same as the available licenses. And, the need payment indicator is no longer displayed.
Scenario 3: After 60 days past the purchase request date
If you do not place the order within 60 days of placing the purchase request, the unpaid licenses are suspended. And, you cannot place more purchase requests until you place the order with your reseller. At this point, your organization is out of compliance.
You receive an email that notifies about the number of pending licenses that are being suspended. Also, the end user receives an email notifying about the deprovisioning.
The below notification displays at the top of the Overview and Product tabs in the Admin Console.
"Your licenses are expired. Contact your account manager at <reseller> to purchase new licenses."
To view or download the list of users who have lost product access, click No Access in the All Users tab.
If all the unpaid licenses are unassigned, clicking Need Payment gives an empty list. However, you still see the notification on the Overview and Product tabs.
Get back into compliance
To return into compliance, place an order for the outstanding licenses. Users who were in the No Access list will regain access after you place the order.