Sign into Azure AD with an Admin account.
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- Felhasználók kezelése
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To enable tailored experiences, enhance security, and ensure compliance, admins now can add educator and student tags to users in the Adobe Admin Console for existing Azure syncs and new Azure setups. After you have set up an Azure sync, you can add an attribute mapping to indicate which users are educators and which are students.
In the future, these educator and student tags will allow Adobe to display tailored experiences to educators and students based on their role. For example, educators will be able to set up classrooms of their students and monitor progress on assignments, see lesson plans that are hidden from students, and more. To unlock these future educator-specific developments, please follow the steps below.
- Microsoft Azure AD is set up in your institution.
- A distinct way to Identify Students and Educators (for example, teachers have JobTitle attribute filled out in Azure; students have unique email domain.)
- Microsoft Azure Sync already set up to sync users in the Adobe Admin Console. Learn how to setup Azure sync.
Steps to perform role sync
Navigate to Enterprise Applications under Azure Active Directory.
Select the Adobe Identity Management app where you’ve configured Auto provisioning.
Select Provisioning.
Navigate to Edit Attribute Mapping.
Under the Mapping section, select Provision Azure Active Directory Users.
Then select Add New Mapping.
Apply Role mapping
To enable Adobe Express to provide a tailored experience for Educators and students we need to share role information from Azure AD to Adobe through the process of an attribute mapping.
A Direct Mapping of role from Azure AD to Adobe can only be used if you have an attribute that is Educator or Student for all users.
Expression mapping enables the use of a rule to generate the output of Educator or Student. In the following section we have provided examples with comments for common use cases in education.
A Direct Mapping of role from Azure AD to Adobe can only be used if all synced users in Azure AD have an attribute with a static value of either Educator or Student for all users. For example, if the Azure AD directly to the target attribute.
Select Direct Mapping Type.
Set Source attribute.
Set Target attribute.
Click OK.
Save mapping.
Select Save.
If an attribute such as employeeType is used to identify teachers versus students the following is an example, expression that can be used to set role based on a list of values.
Select Expression Mapping type.
Build Expression.
//The following expression defaults to the Student role and assigns the Educator role when employeeType has a value of Faculty, Staff or Coach. Switch([employeeType], student, <teachers_employeeType>, Educator) Ex: employeeType = [Faculty, Staff, Coach...] Switch([employeeType], Student, Faculty, Educator, Staff, Educator, Coach, Educator)
Use Expression Builder to test attribute mapping.
Set Target attribute.
Click OK.
Save mapping.
Select Save.
If you distinguish role by email domain, an expression can be used to send the Educator role attribute based on And send Student based on
Select Expression Mapping type.
Build Expression.
// Users with an email address on the students domain will be marked as students. Users with email on the teachers domain will be marked as educators. Every other user will not be marked at all Switch(Item(Split([mail], "@"), 2), "", "<students_domain>", "Student", "<teachers_domain>", "Educator") Ex: student_domain = Teacher_domain = Switch(Item(Split([mail], “@”), 2), “”,“”, “Student”, “”, “Educator”)
Use Expression Builder to test attribute mapping.
Set Target attribute.
Click OK.
Save mapping.
Select Save.
If you distinguish role by UPN, an expression can be used to send the Educator role attribute based on And Student based on
Select Expression Mapping type.
Build Expression.
// UPN - Users who have a UPN based on the teachers_domain will be marked as teachers. Every other user will be marked as student Switch(Item(Split([userPrincipalName], "@"), 2), "student", "<teachers_domain>", "teacher") Ex: student_domain = Teacher_domain = Switch(Item(Split([userPrincipalName], "@"), 2),"student", "", "Educator")
Use Expression Builder to test attribute mapping.
Set Target attribute.
Click OK.
Save mapping.
Select Save.
If you distinguish role based on an email prefix, such as an expression can be used to send the Student role attribute if s_ is present and Educator if not.
Select Expression Mapping type.
Build Expression.
// email prefix – Users with an “s_” email prefix will be marked as Student. All other users will be marked as Educator. Ex: Email address = IIF(Left([mail], "2") = "s_", "Student", "Educator")
Use Expression Builder to test attribute mapping.
Set Target attribute.
Click OK.
Save mapping.
Select Save.
Test Role sync
Role sync can be tested by provisioning a user on demand or waiting for changes to begin flowing between Azure AD and Adobe.
Test Role sync via on-demand provisioning
On-demand provision a user in Azure AD
Return to the Adobe Identity Management app.
Select Provision on demand.
Select User and click Provision.
Review Results.
Verify assignment
Sign in to the Admin Console.
In the Users tab, locate provisioned user.
Confirm role assignment.
View User Details.