उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

How to add audio to boxes and buttons

You can import an audio file to use with buttons, highlight boxes, click boxes, or text entry boxes. You can use the audio files that are available in the Gallery or record your own audio to associate with these objects. The Gallery folder is in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate Classic <version> (on Windows) and /Applications/Adobe Captivate Classic <version> /Gallery/ (on Mac OS).

You can also use the Library to add an audio file that already exists in the project.

The audio file plays when the object appears. You can also associate Audio with Success, Failure, or Hint captions.

Import an audio file

  1. Insert an object, for example, Click Box or a Button. Select the object.

    Audio option in Property Inspector
    Audio option in Property Inspector

  2. In the Audio section of the Property inspector, click Add Audio. The dialog box displays through which you can import audio.

    Audio object dialog
    Audio object dialog

  3. In the Object Audio dialog box, click Import (F6).

  4. Browse to the audio file you want to add, select the file, and click Open.

  5. To listen to and test the audio file, click the Play icon.

    Play imported audio
    Play imported audio

  6. To change the audio settings such as input devices, quality level, or calibration, click Settings.

    Audio settings
    Audio settings

    For more information on the settings, see Editing audio.

  7. Click the Edit tab to edit the audio file (change volume, add silence, and change length).

    Edit audio
    Edit audio

  8. Click Save and then Close.

Import an audio file from the Library

  1. Insert an object, for example, Click Box or a Button. Select the object.

  2. In the Audio section of the Property inspector, click Add Audio.

  3. In the Object Audio dialog box, click Library.


    To use the Library option, the Adobe Captivate Classic project must contain one or more audio files. If the project has no audio files, the Library option is unavailable.

  4. In the Select Audio From The Library dialog box, select the audio file, and click OK. To use an audio file that does not exist in the library, click Import.

    Audio library
    Audio library

  5. To listen to and test the audio file, click the Play icon.

  6. To change the audio settings such as input devices, quality level, or calibration, click Settings.

  7. Click the Edit tab to edit the audio file (change volume, add silence, and change length).

  8. Click Save and then Close.

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