마지막 업데이트 날짜
2021년 4월 29일
DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.
Predefined cookies (these will only be set if a condition is set in a rule that needs to use them):
- _sdsat_landing_page
- _sdsat_session_count
- _sdsat_pages_viewed
- _sdsat_traffic_source
Predefined localStorage settings (again, only set if the client sets them, not set by default):
- sdsat_debug
- sdsat_stagingLibrary
- sdsat_hide_activity
User generated (will be set if a data element or mbox is created that needs them):
- data element: ‘_sdsat_’ + data element name
- mbox: ‘_sdsat_mbox_’ + random value