Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.
- Prenos programov Creative Cloud
- Odpiranje programov Creative Cloud
- Odpiranje delovnega prostora
- Posodobitev programov Creative Cloud
- Spreminjanje jezika programov Creative Cloud
- Odstranitev namiznega programa Creative Cloud
- Odstranitev programov Creative Cloud
- Odpravljanje napak pri nameščanju programov Adobe
- Kako in kdaj uporabiti orodje CC Cleaner Tool
- Programi, ki so na voljo za prenos
- Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
- Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
- Sprememba paketa Adobe
- Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
- Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
- Odpravljanje težav zaradi neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
- Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
- Iskanje podpore za brezplačne in ukinjene izdelke
- Prijava v račun Adobe
- Prijava v račun podjetja ali šole
- Informacije o pogojih naročnine in pravilnikih o vračilih kupnine za Creative Cloud
- Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
- Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
- Ustvarjanje dokumentov v oblaku ali pretvarjanje datotek vanje
- Nastavitev dokumentov v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
- Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
- Deljenje svojega dela z drugimi za komentiranje
- Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Sodelovanje v storitvi Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
- Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
- Sinhroniziranje datotek s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
- Ugotavljanje, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
- Nastavitev možnosti sinhronizacije
- Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
- Prenos sinhroniziranih datotek in vsebine
- Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Razširitev za brskalnik Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
- Nastavitev glede usposabljanja in uporabe za generativno umetno inteligenco s funkcijo Content Credentials
- Povezava računov za pripis zaslug za stvaritve
- Uporabniški vodnik za Creative Cloud
- Uvod v Creative Cloud
Upravljanje računa
- Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
- Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
- Sprememba paketa Adobe
- Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
- Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
- Odpravljanje težav zaradi neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
- Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
- Iskanje podpore za brezplačne in ukinjene izdelke
- Prijava v račun Adobe
- Prijava v račun podjetja ali šole
- Informacije o pogojih naročnine in pravilnikih o vračilih kupnine za Creative Cloud
- Ustvarjalne storitve
Storitve sodelovanja in shranjevanja
- Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
- Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
- Ustvarjanje dokumentov v oblaku ali pretvarjanje datotek vanje
- Nastavitev dokumentov v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
- Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
- Deljenje svojega dela z drugimi za komentiranje
- Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Sodelovanje v storitvi Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
- Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
- Sinhroniziranje datotek s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
- Ugotavljanje, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
- Nastavitev možnosti sinhronizacije
- Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
- Prenos sinhroniziranih datotek in vsebine
- Projekti
- Organiziranje knjižnic
- Programi Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
- Podjetja in skupine
Adobe Content Authenticity
- Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Razširitev za brskalnik Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
- Nastavitev glede usposabljanja in uporabe za generativno umetno inteligenco s funkcijo Content Credentials
- Povezava računov za pripis zaslug za stvaritve
Learn how to update your Creative Cloud apps to the latest version, check for available updates, and more.
Keep your apps updated automatically
The Creative Cloud desktop app auto-update feature helps you update your apps automatically as soon as new versions are released.
If you're installing the Creative Cloud desktop app for the first time, your apps are set to update automatically by default.
In Apps, select the More options icon ( ) next to Installed apps, and then select Manage auto-updates.
If you have not enabled auto-updates, select Enable auto-updates. If you have not enabled auto-updates, select Enable auto-updates. Opomba:If your screen looks different, refer to the instructions for the previous version of the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Do one of the following to set automatic updates:
- All apps: To set automatic updates for all apps, turn on Auto-update.
- Specific apps: To set automatic updates for specific apps, turn on Auto-update, and then set the toggle as needed for each individual app.
Select auto-update to stay current with all Creative Cloud developments. Select auto-update to stay current with all Creative Cloud developments. Previous versions are uninstalled by default, but you can keep them using Advanced options. Learn more about Advanced options.
- All apps: To set automatic updates for all apps, turn on Auto-update.
Select Done.
Once you enable the Auto-update feature, you get the option to retain or remove a specific version of any app.
- Import previous settings and preferences: Retains the previous settings and preferences for the updated apps.
- Remove older versions: Uninstalls the previous versions and saves your hard disk space.
Unable to auto-update?
Following are some reasons why you can't enable auto-update for your apps:
- Using macOS 13 Ventura? If you've turned off the Adobe Creative Cloud login item in your macOS System Settings, you can't update your apps automatically. The Creative Cloud desktop app adds login items to support various features, including auto-update. Learn how we use login items.
- Enterprise or teams customer? If you've received your Adobe plan from a school or organization and if you don't see the above Auto-update option, your admin has turned off auto-updates in your school or organization. If you're an admin in a school or organization, learn how to manage auto-updates for your users.
There can be more reasons why auto-update may not be available. Learn more about some common scenarios.
If you don't want your apps to be automatically updated, you can update them manually with the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Select the Update option displayed next to the app you wish to update.
This will update your desired apps. This will update your desired apps.
Yes, you can schedule your app update for a later time. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app and hover over the Update option for your desired app. Then select Later. You get a confirmation message that your app will be updated when it's no longer in use. Your app also starts showing up in the Scheduled updates section of the Updates screen. The Creative Cloud desktop app will attempt to update your app later when the app isn't running. To view step-by-step detailed instructions, see Schedule Creative Cloud app updates for later.
Note that your app will update only when it is not in use. If it is already in use when the Creative Cloud desktop app attempts to update it, you get the following prompt to close any open programs to continue with the update.
Update all your apps at once
If you want to update all your apps at once, open the Creative Cloud desktop app and select Update all in the upper-right of the Updates section. Save your work and close all Adobe apps before you begin. If Adobe apps are open, you may receive a warning to close them. For more help, see Close conflicting processes or applications.
We don't recommend using the Update all option if you want to retain the older version of the apps.
Check for the latest updates
Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Select the More options icon ( ) next to Installed apps and then select Check for updates.
The Creative Cloud desktop app checks for any available updates for your installed apps. The Creative Cloud desktop app checks for any available updates for your installed apps. -
In the Updates screen, you can see all the apps that need to be updated. Update the apps you want.
Update your Creative Cloud desktop app
When updates are available, the Creative Cloud desktop app is automatically updated. Alternatively, you can install the latest version manually.